Event Scenario/The Monster of Jealousy

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Valentine's Day is Canceled Banner.png
R-1 True Heroine's Arrogance
R-2 Cutting Through the Chaos
R-3 A Girl Named Columbia
R-4 Suspicious Chocolate
R-5 Self-Righteousness and Exclusivity
R-6 Ruins of Sweet Dreams
R-7 The Source of Lust
R-8 A Nice Reward
R-9 The Monster of Jealousy
R-10 Authentic Love
Afterwards... I was forcefully providing a lot of Iron Injections for the horny ladies, and after somewhat satisfying them, I was eventually rescued by Blanche, who seemed to can't seem to take it anymore after my repeated pleading.
Story Blanche.png
"There, there. You did your best, Conductor."
Girls scary... Girls' libido scary...
Story Blanche.png
"Mhm. Don't be so frightened, it's okay. They're all just weird from the after-effects of the strange chocolate, but they're really nice and sweet girls."
Yeah, Blanche is the only one on my side. I feel safe when I'm with Blanche, I'm so happy to be with you--
Story Blanche.png
"Heh. It's not just me, we all love you, Conductor. Relax ya~, Girls are not scary~... There there♪"
Story Columbia.png
"This is no time to be relaxing and flirting with each other."
While I was having Blanche heal the wounds in my heart, Columbia grumbled, looking around frustratingly. She smacked Anzio and rest with her sword sheath, as they were about to doze off in contentment, literally knocking them awake, before hinting with her head to indicate towards the floor of the abandoned factory.
Story Columbia.png
"Look. Look at where the remains of the enemy we just defeated - This huge, visceral, monstrous creature has somehow vanished."
Story Carthage.png
"Hmm...? Huh, what's worrying about that? Mist Monsters usually fizzle out without a trace when their lives expire, don't they?"
Story Part-Dieu.png
"That's whatever, you know, I suppose we deserve this to come to our senses - but can you not hit me over the head every single time, what if we become retarded from that?"
Story Anzio.png
"Ugh, such unreasonable violence. But it keeps on going like this, that pain is going to be more and more pleasant."
The girls who were horny also came to their senses eventually and look around curiously. In fact, the remains of the monstrous creature that had somehow exploded earlier should have dirtied the floor everywhere - Yet now it's clean.
Then again this place is ruined, so 'clean' may not be the right word. Weeds are thriving vigorously, and dust and rubbish over the years have accumulated on the floor. However, there are no monster remains to be seen anywhere.
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Also, some of these employees(?) with empty-looking eyes have also lost consciousness and collapsed... So I thought the anomaly was solved and the case should have been over."
Part-Dieu also doubtfully inspected the people in work clothes on the floor saying this. She crouched down on the spot and listened, hushing us with a finger to her lips.
Story Part-Dieu.png
"What's that strange sound coming from under the floor...?"
Story Carthage.png
"Yes. It's like an active volcano, on the verge of erupting--"
Just as Carthage with good hearing nodded in agreement, the entire abandoned factory shook violently. What was that, an earthquake? Or are the ruins about to collapse because of the fighting...?
Story Columbia.png
"No, is this...?"
Columbia drew her sword as she quickly retreated, and issued an flamboyant order.
Story Columbia.png
"Everyone on alert! There's 'something' coming out from under the floor! Bloody Hell, looks like we're not quite done with this one yet--"
Monstrous Creature
Columbia frowned and pointed her sword at the thing through the quivering floor - The monstrous creature we had just defeated reemerged!
Story Columbia.png
"--We're careless. I thought I had defeated it, but guess I was wrong."
Story Columbia.png
"Likely the creature simply shattered and scattered. The parts liquefied, escaped through a crack in the floor to the basement, where it regrouped - and revived."
Story Carthage.png
"I see. That's a very clear explanation, I'm convinced."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Here's the question, how the Hell can we really defeat that thing then? If it reassembles and resurrects after being shattered into pieces - To be honest, there's nothing we can do about it then!"
Story Columbia.png
"No, there's still a way to defeat it. If I use my 'trump card', and accurately stab the enemy's core while adjusting my own power--"
Just as Columbia said this with a determined expression, the revived monster creature suddenly surged its entire body and unexpectedly spoke human language--
Monstrous Creature
'hATe haTE HatE, Envy――'
Story Anzio.png
"Hyeeeh!? Wha-wha-wha-what is that monster mumbling!?"
Monstrous Creature
"I aM nOT a mOnSteR!"
The creature roared angrily, its cries full of grudge, in response to Anzio's screams. A myriad of human faces - or something like that emerged from its surface. They were dripping muddy brown goo as if they were shedding tears, and the parts that looked like mouths were opening and closing meaninglessly.
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Woah, something even more disgusting!?"
Monstrous Creature
'don't caLL me grOOooooss'
The creature writhed, more tears(?) streaming down its body.
Monstrous Creature
'wHaT's WRONG WITh MEeEEe, whaT'S NOT TO YoUR LIKIiiIING? Why arE OthER Guys SO poPulaaAAAR, WHY CAN't i Get chocoLAte EVen thOuGh IT's VaLentINE's DAAaAAy?'
Story Carthage.png
"Hmm. Isn't that because you're a monster? I'm not familiar with Balentayn, but isn't this an event for human, or supposedly humanoid species?"
Monstrous Creature
'UUuUUragH! I KNEw IIiiit, i'm NOT coNSIdERED hUmAAaAan!'
Monstrous Creature
'WhY am I DisGuSTiiiIINg? evEN IF i'M creePY, SmElLy, DIRTY, anD I'M nOT gooD At TALking, i'M sTILL HUmAAaaAN!'
Monstrous Creature
'I'm a huMAN MAn, whaT's The dIfFEREncE WitH OtHer meeeEEN!? WHy Can't i gEt ChOcolateeEee, i WAnT TO bE populAR TOOooOo! '
Valentine's Day is Canceled Banner.png
R-1 True Heroine's Arrogance
R-2 Cutting Through the Chaos
R-3 A Girl Named Columbia
R-4 Suspicious Chocolate
R-5 Self-Righteousness and Exclusivity
R-6 Ruins of Sweet Dreams
R-7 The Source of Lust
R-8 A Nice Reward
R-9 The Monster of Jealousy
R-10 Authentic Love