Event Scenario/Dark Magic Is Not Evil

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Harz and the Dreaming Nightmare Banner.png
R-1 Dream Halloween in Harz
R-2 Every Harz Child's Dream
R-3 The Halloween Incident
R-4 What Lies Beneath Harz
R-5 The Mage of Darkness
R-6 The Name Is Nightmare
R-7 Everyone Was Afraid of Me
R-8 Dark Magic Is Not Evil
R-9 Magic Warrior Quedlin
R-10 Dreams Abound in Harz
Nightmare spoke of her past, when she could not use Dream Magic and frightened people with her dark magic. She hated Harz, but spoke of her longing for Dream Magic.
Hearing this, Quedlinburg desperately appealed to her that it was not too late. However, Nightmare, a thought entity born out of hatred, was once again trapped by hatred.
Quedlinburg never gave up on Nightmare -
And now. The battle was coming to an end.
Story Nightmare.png
"Aaaargh, all I, all I can do is scare people in the end! See, I can only use such dangerous dark magic!"
Story Wernigerode.png
"She's bewildered and is firing dark magic randomly. This makes it dangerous to even approach her."
Story Quedlinburg.png
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Eurgh, I'll just wing it!"
Story Shanghai.png
"Wa, wait, Quedlinburg!"
Quedlinburg darted headlong into Nightmare, overpowering Shanghai's attempts to stop her.
Then, with tremendous concentration, she manipulated her dark magic to cancel out all of Nightmare's magic that was firing at her.
Story Shanghai.png
"Wow, she even counterfires out attacks from her blind spots!"
Story Wernigerode.png
"I knew that girl's strong when she's prepared to do this, but I didn't expect her to be this strong...!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I've got you. I won't let you go again, Miss Nightmare!"
Quedlinburg dived into her bosom and embraced the quite delirious Nightmare, she was taken aback and stopped her rampage.
Story Nightmare.png
"Wha... You...!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Thank goodness, you seem to have come to your senses."
Story Nightmare.png
"To still come through me despite an attack like that... Do you have fear at all...!?"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Yes, there is, it was very scary. But if I didn't do this, Nightmare wouldn't listen to me."
Quedlinburg smiled, took a deep breath, and looked at Nightmare with a serious gaze.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"It's okay, Nightmare. Dark magic is not evil."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"It's true that dark magic looks scary and colours are eerie, and it looks like it's used by evil people, but it all depends on how you use it."
Story Nightmare.png
"Even if what you say may be true... with my dark magic I could only scare people."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"You shouldn't give up. Because you didn't want to stand out with your dark magic, did you? You only wanted to make everyone happy, didn't you?"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Then you can. It can't be Dream Magic, but there are ways to please everyone, even dark magic. Because I have been able to dispel the Phantom Mist thanks to dark magic."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"And I'm still not going to give up on Dream Magic either."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Well, I still can't do anything about it and sometimes I hate myself for my lack of talent... but I still believe that one day I can do it."
Story Nightmare.png
"...You are a strong girl. I'm not sure I could ever feel that way."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"What are you talking about, Nightmare, you've been wearing a pumpkin on your head for years. It's proof that you want to entertain everyone on Halloween."
Story Nightmare.png
Story Nightmare.png
"Yes... I'm scared of everyone, so I wear a pumpkin to tell them I'm not scared, I'm going to have fun..."
Story Nightmare.png
"And yet I somehow gave up and hated Harz. I decided that dark magic was evil and ran away from it. Because once I escaped, I didn't have to worry about it anymore."
Story Nightmare.png
"Aah, it was me who was wrong, I was weak..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"It can't be helped. It's really hard not being able to use Dream Magic in Harz..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"But you can make up for it now. Just as they did me and Professor Goslar, I'm sure the teachers will welcome you, Nightmare."
Story Goslar.png
"I think you have what it takes to be a teacher at the Harz Academy of Magic. Don't worry about being a thought entity. You will be rather fantastic and very popular."
Story Nightmare.png
"The two of you..."
Story Nightmare.png
"Thank you. That's all you need to know."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"What's wrong? There's no need to be shy--"
Nightmare shook Quedlinburg's body as she muttered. Nightmare then fell backwards, as if that was the last of her strength.
She fell from the edge of the rooftop, beyond which there is nothing to support her body. Even if she's a thought entity, she might not be safe if she fell to the ground as long as she materialized and fought.
Story Quedlinburg.png
Quedlinburg reflexively jumped on Nightmare as she threw herself into the air.
In order to rescue Quedlinburg, this time Shanghai and I also dashed out--
Story Shanghai.png
"Give me your hand, Quedlinburg - AAARGH!"
The two of us couldn't hold on and also fell together.
As we were falling, our eyes met Wernigerode, who was staring at us from the rooftops. Her face stunned, she froze with her hand outstretched towards us.
I felt sorry that I couldn't save everyone and that I had given Wernigerode such a face.
And then. Goslar slipped past Wernigerode and also fell towards us.
"Professor Goslar!"
Goslar calmly deployed her barrier magic and, in order to somehow get to us within range, she kicked the academy building wall further and accelerated the speed of her fall at once.
Story Goslar.png
"Don't be scared. I won't let any of my students, my colleagues, Conductor, or any of my potential future colleagues die!"
Goslar closed her distance to us and her barrier magic enveloped everyone just short of the ground.
And the next moment, on the ground--
We had landed on the stage of the Dream Magic Show.
Harz and the Dreaming Nightmare Banner.png
R-1 Dream Halloween in Harz
R-2 Every Harz Child's Dream
R-3 The Halloween Incident
R-4 What Lies Beneath Harz
R-5 The Mage of Darkness
R-6 The Name Is Nightmare
R-7 Everyone Was Afraid of Me
R-8 Dark Magic Is Not Evil
R-9 Magic Warrior Quedlin
R-10 Dreams Abound in Harz