Event Scenario/Everyone Was Afraid of Me

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Harz and the Dreaming Nightmare Banner.png
R-1 Dream Halloween in Harz
R-2 Every Harz Child's Dream
R-3 The Halloween Incident
R-4 What Lies Beneath Harz
R-5 The Mage of Darkness
R-6 The Name Is Nightmare
R-7 Everyone Was Afraid of Me
R-8 Dark Magic Is Not Evil
R-9 Magic Warrior Quedlin
R-10 Dreams Abound in Harz
Goslar, Quedlinburg, Wernigerode and Shanghai. The battle engaged by the Eisengrad's proud magic specialists was so overwhelming that the academy's teachers couldn't help but watch.
But Nightmare, too, she was able to fight on equal footing against all four of them despite being alone. As might be expected of an incorporeal thought entity.
Story Nightmare.png
"Damn, I can't believe there are people in Harz who are so used to fighting...!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Miss Nightmare's the one who's quite amazing all by yourself, though."
Story Nightmare.png
"Well, yeah. I think I'm pretty good at dark magic..."
Story Nightmare.png
"W-What are you doing praising the person you're fighting!? Is this a trap to catch me off guard? It's a trap, isn't it? Damn it, I'm not easily tricked!"
Story Goslar.png
"Oh dear, she punched a hole in the ceiling."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Ah, wait, Miss Nightmare!"
Story Shanghai.png
"Of course we're going after her, right?"
Story Goslar.png
"Of course. We can't just let her walk out of the academy like this."
Goslar and the others ran out of the room, leaving the teachers discussing how to fix the hole in the ceiling.
To protect Halloween, we must catch up with Nightmare.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"We're definitely going to get her to listen to us."
We chased Nightmare and ended up on the roof of the academy. Of course, there is no escape on the roof.
I don't think Nightmare was trying to escape anywhere, maybe she just wanted to come to this place where she could have a panoramic view of Harz.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Huff, huff. I've caught up with you, Nightmare!"
Story Nightmare.png
"Why are you chasing after me? I've never met anyone who cares about me. You're a strange girl."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Really? Aren't we both Harz magi, both dark magi?"
Quedlinburg spoke as a matter of course, and Nightmare was no longer 'lying'.
Story Nightmare.png
"...Hmph, looks like Harz's Halloween hasn't changed then and now."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"That's right. It's still the same great festival that many people have always loved."
Story Wernigerode.png
"The traditional Dream Candy has always been a favourite of people too."
Story Nightmare.png
"Yes. It really hasn't changed."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I knew you liked Halloween, Nightmare."
Story Nightmare.png
Story Nightmare.png
"Yes, I loved it. I even wanted to use Dream Magic. But as a dark mage, I couldn't."
Story Nightmare.png
"But I didn't want to give up on that, so I thought about it. I couldn't use Dream Magic, but I thought that if it was Halloween, I could somehow entertain everyone with dark magic. However, the result was no good."
Story Nightmare.png
"I tried to make my dark magic just like Dream Magic, but people were so scared of it, I couldn't entertain them. That's when I finally realised. I was evil because I made everyone cry."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"That's not true. Because you were trying to entertain people, weren't you, Nightmare?"
Story Nightmare.png
"But the fact is, I became the object of people's fear. I'm nothing but evil, an existence that can only make everyone cry like that."
Story Nightmare.png
"But then what is Harz who makes me cry? Isn't that what we should call evil as well? If that's the case, Harz, and Halloween, should just all go away."
Story Wernigerode.png
"That's a leap too far. There's definitely a way for us to accept each other."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Yes, there is. At least now we can accept you."
Story Nightmare.png
"Yes... But I can't think about that now. I just want to... des... destroy..."
Story Goslar.png
"Wait, something's wrong. Everyone needs to get away from Nightmare."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Nightmare? What is wrong with you?"
Story Goslar.png
"Thought entities are often the product of unfulfilled emotions about this world before birth. In such cases, the emotions are most likely to dominate the thought entity."
Story Wernigerode.png
"If the thought entity is born out of strong hatred, then hatred tends to dominate."
Story Shanghai.png
"After all the trouble we went through to get her to talk to Quedlinburg?"
Story Goslar.png
"It's an unshakeable fact that Nightmare is an thought entity born out of hatred. It's also inevitable that it will be dominated by hatred for some reason or another."
Story Shanghai.png
"So what should we do about it?"
Story Goslar.png
Story Quedlinburg.png
"It's very simple, Shanghai. Just keep calling out to her again - no, just keep calling out to her as many times as we can until you reach her."
Story Goslar.png
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I understand a little bit how Nightmare feels. Because when I realised that I didn't have any Dream Magic talent either, I almost hated Harz, even though I love Harz."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"But I have you, Professor Goslar, and you were there for me. That's why I was able to get back on my feet."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"But I'm sure Nightmare didn't have anyone like that. Then I had to encourage her."
Story Wernigerode.png
"Be careful everyone, Nightmare is about to make her move."
Story Nightmare.png
"Ugh, Harz is... Dream Magic is...".
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Nightmare. We had a good conversation earlier, and I'm going to make you listen to me this time."
Quedlinburg muttered emphatically to Nightmare, who has lost her reason. Then, clothed in a will that refuses to give up, she faced Nightmare.
Harz and the Dreaming Nightmare Banner.png
R-1 Dream Halloween in Harz
R-2 Every Harz Child's Dream
R-3 The Halloween Incident
R-4 What Lies Beneath Harz
R-5 The Mage of Darkness
R-6 The Name Is Nightmare
R-7 Everyone Was Afraid of Me
R-8 Dark Magic Is Not Evil
R-9 Magic Warrior Quedlin
R-10 Dreams Abound in Harz