Event Scenario/Every Harz Child's Dream

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Harz and the Dreaming Nightmare Banner.png
R-1 Dream Halloween in Harz
R-2 Every Harz Child's Dream
R-3 The Halloween Incident
R-4 What Lies Beneath Harz
R-5 The Mage of Darkness
R-6 The Name Is Nightmare
R-7 Everyone Was Afraid of Me
R-8 Dark Magic Is Not Evil
R-9 Magic Warrior Quedlin
R-10 Dreams Abound in Harz
Harz was very crowded with tourists from neighbouring towns during Halloween.
We got separated from Shanghai, but Wernigerode drew a portrait of Quedlinburg in the air so that she could recognise us from a distance. This was indeed the power of Dream Magic.
Thanks to this, we were able to reunite with Shanghai. But she had one Harz girl with her.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Are you lost by any chance?"
Story Young Mary.png
Harz Girl
"I am not lost. It was this big sis over here who was lost and crying."
Story Shanghai.png
"I, I'm not crying!"
Story Young Mary.png
Harz Girl
"You were crying in the middle of the street, asking where everyone was. That's why I called out to you."
Story Shanghai.png
"That, that's... right, it's my play practice. You know, acting in a crowd without being shy!"
Story Wernigerode.png
"Oh, Miss Shanghai, I didn't know you have to perform in a--"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Wernigerode, please don't explain any more than that..."
Story Wernigerode.png
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Maybe one day she will be on stage, but not now."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"And anyway, thank you for bringing Shanghai along. Here, happy Halloween♪"
Story Young Mary.png
Harz Girl
"Dream candy! Really? Thank you, sis~!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"You're welcome. I hope you get lots more candy after this."
Story Wernigerode.png
"Do I go round collecting candy or do I go round to watch shows? That's what the children of Harz have to worry about."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I'm definitely an entertainment person. I can't see everything I want to see, even if I want to."
Story Wernigerode.png
"I didn't get as much candy as everyone else because my priority was the Dream Magic show. But I still got more than I could eat for the time being."
Story Young Mary.png
Harz Girl
"I looked forward to the Dream Magic show so much too! Because this year I heard Wernigerode is going to be there!"
Story Wernigerode.png
"My, you're looking forward to it. Thank you♪"
Story Young Mary.png
Harz Girl
"I thought you looked like... is it really you, Wernigerode?"
Story Wernigerode.png
"Yes, that's me."
Wernigerode smiled and the girl hid behind Shanghai, looking surprised.
Story Shanghai.png
"What's the matter, suddenly, are you afraid of Wernigerode?"
Story Young Mary.png
Harz Girl
"No, I'm surprised to see Wernigerode all of a sudden, that's all..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Wernigerode is an admired figure among Harz children. She's said to be a descendant of the Seven Great Magi who are said to have lived on Mount Brocken, the source of magic in the Harz Highlands."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"And at her age, she has shown that she is one of the best of all time, standing on the highest stage of Harz. Wernigerode is now the most famous mage of Harz."
Story Shanghai.png
"Wernigerode, you're one Hell of a girl...!"
Story Wernigerode.png
"Oh, no, of course not. I owe it all to the town of Harz and my professors."
Story Wernigerode.png
"Gosh Quedlinburg, I don't like it when you praise me so high."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I'm not just stating a fact. Look, you have fan boys and girls watching you, so you should be proud of yourself."
Story Wernigerode.png
"...I know. I have to be proud as a mage of Harz."
Story Wernigerode.png
"I promise to give you a wonderful performance. So come and watch me, little girl."
Story Young Mary.png
Harz Girl
Story Wernigerode.png
"Don't be so nervous. I'm nothing special in any way."
Story Young Mary.png
Harz Girl
"Not that. I actually wanted to finish my own version of Dream Magic before today and go offstage later to have Wernigerode watch it. But I didn't do it well, so..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I see. You wanted to meet with Wernigerode after you finished it."
Story Young Mary.png
Harz Girl
"Yes. So, you know, I couldn't finish it today, so I shouldn't have met Wernigerode..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"That's great of you. You're so hard on yourself."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"But you know what, there is no such thing as not being allowed to meet her, and more importantly, not being able to cast Dream Magic is nothing to be ashamed of at all."
Story Young Mary.png
Harz Girl
"Why am I the only one in my class who can't make my own Dream Magic?"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"That's nothing to be ashamed of at all. I'm a Harz too, but I'm only good at offensive magic and nothing about Dream Magic whatsoever."
Story Young Mary.png
Harz Girl
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Yes. I have my own ideas, but they don't work very weeell."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"But I'm not going to give up♪"
Story Wernigerode.png
"Your hard-working nature is recognised by all magi in Harz."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I can't do it at all, but there are so many things I want to do with Dream Magic."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"So you too can take your time to complete it from now on. Don't worry, if you were born a Harz and you like Harz, there's nothing to be shy about."
Story Young Mary.png
Harz Girl
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Hey, if you want, you can come with us to Wernigerode's performance and have a look around on Halloween."
Story Young Mary.png
Harz Girl
Story Young Mary.png
Harz Girl
"...But I still can't show Wernigerode, I'm too embarassed!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Ah, wait!"
Story Shanghai.png
"Hmm? Should we go after her?"
Story Wernigerode.png
"No, let's not. I don't doubt that she knows how it feels to not be able to draw the Dream Magic she wants."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"...I agree. The first time I faced a wall, I'm worried, no matter who tells me it's going to be okay."
Wernigerode and Quedlinburg choose not to follow, suppressing their desire to approach the girl.
She has decided that she will meet Wernigerode only after she has completed her own dream magic, so bringing the girl back would result in her suffering even more.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Good luck... I'll do my best too."
Quedlinburg muttered quietly to the crowd as the girl disappeared.
Harz and the Dreaming Nightmare Banner.png
R-1 Dream Halloween in Harz
R-2 Every Harz Child's Dream
R-3 The Halloween Incident
R-4 What Lies Beneath Harz
R-5 The Mage of Darkness
R-6 The Name Is Nightmare
R-7 Everyone Was Afraid of Me
R-8 Dark Magic Is Not Evil
R-9 Magic Warrior Quedlin
R-10 Dreams Abound in Harz