Event Scenario/Dream Halloween in Harz

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Harz and the Dreaming Nightmare Banner.png
R-1 Dream Halloween in Harz
R-2 Every Harz Child's Dream
R-3 The Halloween Incident
R-4 What Lies Beneath Harz
R-5 The Mage of Darkness
R-6 The Name Is Nightmare
R-7 Everyone Was Afraid of Me
R-8 Dark Magic Is Not Evil
R-9 Magic Warrior Quedlin
R-10 Dreams Abound in Harz
Happy Halloween!
Greetings exchanged here and there in the streets, just for now. It's Halloween time again this year.
After our mission in Eisengrad, the Special Steel Squad is now visiting a place called Harz. This is the hometown of Quedlinburg, Wernigerode and Goslar.
Story Shanghai.png
"Happy Halloween! Happy Halloween too, uncles and aunts!"
Story Shanghai.png
"This town of Harz is amazing. Everyone is dressed up, adults and children alike. And they gave me so much candy just for saying hello!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Harz is a town full of dreams. Everyone always wants to make someone happy. I'm sure you'll get more dream candy than you can hold after a round around town."
Story Shanghai.png
"You can get that much? I've heard rumours about this town since I was little, but it really is a dream town...!"
Story Wernigerode.png
"Well, this is just the beginning of what you think is a really dreamy town - have you ever seen Dream Magic, Shanghai?"
Story Shanghai.png
"Not at all! But I know a bit about it from reading about it, it's magic only in Harz and it's magic that delivers dreams, right?"
Story Wernigerode.png
"Yes. You're not wrong. It's nothing like the magic that is commonly known. I'm sure you'll be delighted."
Story Shanghai.png
"I can't stop being excited when you say it like that - you can use it, can't you, Wernigerode? Please, let me have it!"
Story Wernigerode.png
"I'd want to - but I'm going to perform in the Dream Magic Show later and I want to surprise you, Shanghai, so until then it's a secret."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Only a handful of Harz magi get to perform in the Halloween Dream Magic Show. The tickets sell out quickly every year because you get to see Dream Magic at its best!"
Story Shanghai.png
"Is Wernigerode going to be on such an amazing stage?"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Yes, Wernigerode is one of the stars of Harz. So, Shanghai, let's cheer for her together later♪"
Story Shanghai.png
Story Wernigerode.png
"There are many other magi in Harz besides me. Dream Magic is very different from one person to another, and each one has his or her own wonderful dream to show us. Let's have a look around the town until the show starts."
Story Wernigerode.png
"Quedlinburg, would you still like me to show you around Halloween Street?"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I won't miss that for the world. Afterwards, I would like to see the Dream Magic spell-artist in the square and enjoy the magic puppet show before going to the venue."
Story Wernigerode.png
"Quedlinburg's pretty greedy with her main courses."
Story Quedlinburg.png
'It's Halloween in Harz after all. It would be a waste if we didn't visit as much as possible. I used to get so frustrated every year when I couldn't make it all the way round."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"But how lucky I am to be back in Harz just in time for Halloween. The atmosphere, it's great."
Story Wernigerode.png
"Yes, my heart has been pounding ever since I came back to Harz. I'm going to have a lot of fun today, and I'm going to entertain you all to the fullest."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Alright. Well, Miss Shanghai, we're off to Halloween Street for a bit of Dream Magic."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"...Eh? Where did Miss Shanghai went off to?"
'Shanghai would have gone to see the accessory stalls over there, but I don't see her...
Story Wernigerode.png
"Don't mean to tell me she lost her way? That's really not good, that is."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"It's so crowded, once we get separated it's hard to rejoin again. What should we do...?"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Should we wait here?"
Story Wernigerode.png
If Shanghai thinks the same thing, we won't be able to meet up with each other at all. Then Conductor should stay here..."
Story Wernigerode.png
"Ah, that's right. I've got a great idea."
As soon as she muttered this, Wernigerode unleashes her magical powers.
A huge, glowing portrait is created above Quedlinburg's head. Perhaps this is also Dream Magic.
Story Wernigerode.png
"Eheheh, it's impromptu, but don't you think I did a good job drawing Quedlinburg's face?"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Well, you're good, but I've never done such a dignified expression. I think a more joyful expression would be more like me."
Story Wernigerode.png
"O-Oh, really? Then a smile like this?"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Yes, yes. Then stick out my tongue. Yes, it looks good. This way Shanghai will know it's me."
Story Wernigerode.png
"Alright, now to write a message in a speech bubble next to this portrait of Quedlinburg."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Ah, it's like a comic, it's fun♪ I'm sure Shanghai will be able to find us.".
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Miss Shanghai, over here~~"
Whenever Quedlinburg leapt up and down, the large portrait above her head also wiggled comically.
Story Shanghai.png
"Uwaaaaah! Where did everybody goooo!? Where is, where is Shanghai aaaaaaat~~!"
Story Shanghai.png
"Ugh, where is everyone..."
Story Young Mary.png
Harz Girl
"Have you lost someone, big sis? Do you want me to help and look together?"
Story Shanghai.png
"You really want to stay with Shanghai...? Thank you so much~~!"
Story Shanghai.png
"Well, my companion is a girl called Quedlinburg..."
Story Shanghai.png
"Ah, that portrait is Quedlinburg! I did it, I finally found her!"
Story Wernigerode.png
"Oh, it seems to have had an immediate effect."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Miss Shanghai!"
Story Shanghai.png
Story Wernigerode.png
"Welcome back, Miss Shanghai."
Story Shanghai.png
"I enjoyed everything I saw and then I realised everyone was gone. If it wasn't for the portrait you drew in the air, I would have been in danger..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Wernigerode drew it for me instantly. It's another piece of Dream Magic."
Story Shanghai.png
"Ooooh, this is dream magic. What useful and fun magic!"
Story Wernigerode.png
"Hmmhmm, I'm glad you enjoyed it."
Story Wernigerode.png
"...By the way, Shanghai. Who is that girl that's holding your hand?"
At Wernigerode's response, a little girl peeked out from behind Shanghai.
Harz and the Dreaming Nightmare Banner.png
R-1 Dream Halloween in Harz
R-2 Every Harz Child's Dream
R-3 The Halloween Incident
R-4 What Lies Beneath Harz
R-5 The Mage of Darkness
R-6 The Name Is Nightmare
R-7 Everyone Was Afraid of Me
R-8 Dark Magic Is Not Evil
R-9 Magic Warrior Quedlin
R-10 Dreams Abound in Harz