Event Scenario/Magic Warrior Quedlin

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Harz and the Dreaming Nightmare Banner.png
R-1 Dream Halloween in Harz
R-2 Every Harz Child's Dream
R-3 The Halloween Incident
R-4 What Lies Beneath Harz
R-5 The Mage of Darkness
R-6 The Name Is Nightmare
R-7 Everyone Was Afraid of Me
R-8 Dark Magic Is Not Evil
R-9 Magic Warrior Quedlin
R-10 Dreams Abound in Harz
The Halloween Dream Magic Show took place right next to the Harz Academy of Magic. The show was a great success again this year, with tickets sold out immediately, and the packed auditorium was filled to the brim with excitement.
Then suddenly, people fell from the sky and--
The venue, which had been filled with loud cheers, instantly fell silent.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Ouch ouch ouch..."
Story Shanghai.png
"I thought I was going to die~~"
Story Goslar.png
"Looks like everyone's okay, Nightmare's losing some of her powers, but she's still okay."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Thank goodness..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Huh? What is this place..."
Academy Professor
"Hold up, what's this all about, you lot!?"
Quedlinburg was not quite sure what was going on, but when the professor offstage questioned her, she realised where she was.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Could this possibly be the stage for the Halloween Magic Show!?"
Story Goslar.png
"Excuse me, maam. There has been an incident in the academy and the response has caused this. I will take all responsibility."
Academy Professor
"Wait, that pumpkin-headed silhouette, isn't she a dark mage from the dungeons? This is a serious situation...!"
Story Goslar.png
"No, this child's harmless now..."
The professors who noticed Nightmare were incredulous when told that she was harmless, and they gathered around themselves to begin discussing the situation.
Meanwhile, the audience remained silent and began whispering to each other about what was going on, focusing on Quedlinburg and the rest of us who had dropped onto the stage.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Aaah, this is the Dream Magic show, but the the air of excitement is making my head blank..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"What should we do, we'll feel bad for Wernigerode if we have to cancel the show..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Hmm? That was--"
Quedlinburg recognised a familiar face within the murmur of the audience. It was the girl we had met in town who is a fan of Wernigerode.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"You've come to see Wernigerode's dream magic. This can't be cancelled, we have to pick up Miss Nightmare and pull her back immediately..."
Academy Professor
"So, Professor Goslar, the show is cancelled. No matter how harmless you say the dark mage has become, you never know what might happen."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Oh, no, it's too much to be cancelled!"
Academy Professor
"I understand how you feel... but we have to think about the audience. The show will have to be rescheduled for another date."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Wernigerode has to leave Harz tomorrow. If the show is postponed, that girl won't be able to perform anymore. Besides, there are children who are looking forward to Wernigerode's show."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"So please don't cancel it, because Miss Nightmare really isn't dangerous anymore!"
Quedlinburg is determined to keep the show going. The audience starts to talk amongst themselves that the show is cancelled, probably because they can hear her.
Story Quedlinburg.png
Please, I want that girl who is worried that she can't do her Dream Magic to be cheered up by Wernigerode's show. Please don't do anything to cloud that child's eyes..."
Quedlinburg kept her head down desperately. But the teacher in charge of running the show just shook her head quietly.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"We can't, today is supposed to be Halloween when everyone can be happy..."
Quedlinburg looked fearfully at the audience. She saw the girl who yearned for Wernigerode begin to understand the situation and her eyes became teary.
The moment she saw this, Quedlinburg reflexively moved.
Academy Professor
"Hey Quedlinburg, what do you think you're doing!?"
Quedlinburg shoke off the professor's restraint and stood in the middle of the stage. She took a deep breath as if he was ready, and shouted as loud as she could to the audience.
Story Quedlinburg.png
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Let me explain. 'Quedlin the Magical Warrior' is a Harz warrior who loves love, justice and magic! To protect the people, she will continue to fight evil today!"
Academy Professor
"What recklessness is that girl to jump in on the stage of the traditional Dream Magic Show? Well, I must stop her...!"
Story Goslar.png
"Wait a minute, give Quedlinburg a little more time."
Academy Professor
"What are you talking about, Professor Goslar? I understand why you don't want to cancel it, but the girl doesn't know Dream Magic."
Story Goslar.png
"Of course, she knows that and yet she's still jumping in."
Academy Professor
"You don't seriously think she's going to put on a show with dark magic, do you? It's hard to create the spectacle of Dream Magic with magic that wasn't created to be flashy to people. If we don't stop her, that girl might get hurt, you know?"
Story Goslar.png
"Indeed you are right, professor. But Quedlinburg was prepared for that and still took off. Don't worry, I'm sure she'll put a smile on the audience's face."
Goslar assures her and stood in front of the professor who tried to stop her.
Story Goslar.png
"Only Quedlinburg acted in that stale atmosphere. Nobody else could do anything about it."
Story Goslar.png
"So please, teacher, have faith in our students, who are so true to their dreams."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"The smell of evil is wafting through the town today... Evildoer, show yourselvf!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Hah! That thing in the sky - I've found you, hiding in the clouds in the sky, plotting evil! But I won't let you!"
Quedlinburg shot at some clouds in the sky with dark magic.
The audience, many of whom may be seeing it for the first time, gasped at the power of the dark rays of light piercing through the Harz sky.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Alright, I got the audience amazed at me!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Ggh, the evildoer dodged me just in time. But I won't let 'em get away again! How about THIIIIIIS!"
Quedlinburg adjusted her magic and this time a dark spell appeared just above the audience.
The net of darkness that was created spread out to envelop the entire audience, who shrugged their shoulders and shouted in admiration.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"All right, I won't let you get away with this! You evildoer, you're up against the Magical Warrior Quedlin!"
Including the reaction of the audience, the improvised performance had so far gone better than expected.
This was not only because dark magic looked fresh, but also because Quedlinburg remembered the Dream Magic shows she had seen and tried to keep as close to them as possible.
But here was the problem - There was only one Quedlinburg on stage, and no one to play the bad guy.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Kuhkuhkuh. Magic Warrior Quedlin, you are a fool to think you have won."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I have never been defeated by a bad guy! You too, be prepared!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Fool, even you, who are supposedly invincible, are as good as a baby's hand when I trap you!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"What, a trap!? Aahhh--!"
Yes, Quedlinburg's answer was to play two roles. After all, it was the only way.
Acting the villain, she thrusts dark magic upwards like a spear from under her own feet. She then immediately changed her performance to 'Quedlin' and rolled on the floor as it blew up.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"It's cowardly of you to attack me from behind, you evil doer. Tch, I'm not strong enough...!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Huff, huff, it's hard to play two roles...!"
The audience are all following Quedlinburg with their eyes. However, the excitement that had been present earlier had started to diminish here.
This is because the audience has become accustomed to seeing dark magic, and the performance is inevitably smaller when one person plays two roles.
With Dream Magic, one person can create a show using the whole space, and depending on your imagination, you can create as many new effects as you like. However, dark magic is not designed for shows, so there are limits to the variations that can be presented.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Look, what's the matter, if you don't fight back, I'm coming at you!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Gah, another spear from the floor...!
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Not working, even if I wanted to do something else, I can only do the same thing without any variation. On the other hand, I can't use strong magic because it's too dangerous, what should I do...!"
Quedlinburg struggled to wrap her head around the idea of playing two roles. But with no time to calm down and think, no good ideas came to mind.
Only her impatience grew stronger and stronger, and she could only repeat the same magical trick.
And finally, she ran out of dialogue, and she had to start over in a hurry -
The audience was now completely silent.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"What's the matter, is it over, Magical Warrior Quedlin?"
Quedlinburg managed to say the villain's line, but could no longer utter the next line.
She couldn't, she wanted to run away. She couldn't stand these stares, this air. What's the point in continuing to perform a show that no one wants to see? She was not qualified to be on the Dream Magic stage after all. Such a fool for jumping out of the stage.
Quedlinburg was letting out all the weakness in her heart. How easy it would be to get off the stage right here and now. How relieved she would be if she could just crawl under the duvet.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"If I get off the stage now, I won't be a Mage of Harz anymore."
The Mage of Harz exists to entertain. Of course, sometimes they make mistakes. But in front of an audience, they never run away.
Above all, this is something she started. So even if she was discouraged or annoyed, she must keep going until the end. She has to keep pushing on, believing that there is a great turnaround at the end of this performance.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Yes, Quedlin the Magical Warrior has never been defeated... Okay, next, a line from Quedlin."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"'Is it over?' There's always one answer to that! I never give up! No matter how many times I fall, I always get up again and again!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Take this, my ultimate, QUEDLIN BEAAAAAAAAM~~!"
The same magic is shot into the sky as the first one. This time, however, the multiple strands have been combined into one. This is how she manage to get by with just a little bit of improvisation. Believing that, by the end of the performance, the audience will be pleased.
However, none of the audience reacted any more. On the contrary, more and more people seem to be getting out of their seats.
Quedlinburg turned away, not wanting to think about it, but it is probably a more painful sight to behold.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I'm sorry I could only stage something like this. But please allow me to finish."
The audience is still here. Even that little girl is watching us. That's why she will never give up--
Suddenly Shanghai shouted. A shiver runs down my spine next.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"What, dark magic!?"
Quedlinburg narrowly avoided the dark magic that suddenly flew towards her.
Story Nightmare.png
"Tch. You dodged it well."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Miss Nightmare? I thought we were getting on so well, why did you--"
Story Nightmare.png
'I don't remember being buddy-buddy with you. Because I am Nightmare, the evilest of evils who has risen from the underworld. There is no place where we can be together, Magic Warrior Quedlin!"
Quedlinburg could not hid her surprise. For a moment, she thought the Nightmare had been caught up in hatred again, but this was not the case.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Miss Nightmare, you just said 'Quedlin the Magical Warrior'..."
Story Nightmare.png
"This is the Dream Magic stage, is it not? I want to excite the audience, at least for my final time."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Miss Nightmare...!"
She never thought that Nightmare would take on the role of a villain himself and participate in the performance of 'Magic Warrior Quedlin'.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Thank you very much, if it wasn't for Nightmare, all the audience would have left...!"
Story Nightmare.png
"No, it's me who should thank you. It's because of you that I was able to be on stage at my last of the last performance and not give up."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"...Last of the last?"
Story Nightmare.png
"I, don't have any strength left, I'm going to disappear soon."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Oh no, we're just getting to know each other...!"
Story Nightmare.png
"I used too much of my powers in the short time since I woke up. But I don't regret it. For I have met you."
Story Nightmare.png
"Hey, I have a suggestion, why don't we two seriously fight like we did before? That way, I'm sure that 'Magic Warrior Quedlin' will win the hearts and minds of our audience."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Surely our magic would be more powerful that way but..."
Quedlinburg could not shake her head. Because a real fight, no matter what the outcome of the battle was, would mean Nightmare's death.
Either she would be defeated by magic, or she would run out of power from using too much magic.
Story Nightmare.png
"Now, let's get on with it. Hurry up or the audience will get angry and leave."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I know, but..."
Quedlinburg hesitated. Then Shanghai entered stage left.
Story Shanghai.png
"Quedlinburg... Nightmare said she wanted to please the audience at her end. If we don't do it soon, we won't even be able to fulfil that wish."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I see, if I'm undecided, then Miss Nightmare, the audience, and of course that girl, nobody can smile..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I understand. Miss Nightmare, I-- I'll fight you with all my might."
Story Nightmare.png
"Yes, thank you."
Story Wernigerode.png
"Then you'll all have to dress accordingly."
Story Quedlinburg.png
Story Wernigerode.png
"Geez, I'm surprised to find you all in such a mess when I finally got to you."
Story Wernigerode.png
"Well, I'll be brief because we're running out of time, but I'm going to use my Dream Magic to colour everyone's costumes and the stage. All you have to do is fight as hard as you can. That's all you have to do, and make sure the audience goes wild."
Story Shanghai.png
"Oh, we're all going to fight. Good, let's do this!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Thank you for everything, Wernigerode."
Story Wernigerode.png
"Don't mention it. Here we go."
Story Wernigerode.png
"Aaaah, I can't believe the Halloween ghosts have made Quedlin's world so awkward! But we've already given out candy, so things will be back to normal!"
Wernigerode uttered a line that she had improvised, and then used her Dream Magic to change everyone's costumes into Warriors of Light or Warriors of Darkness, further decorating the stage with a mysterious glow.
The audience cheered when they saw the myriad of sparkles.
Story Nightmare.png
"AHAHAHAHA! Now that I am clad in the power of darkness, this world is mine!"
Nightmare's laughter, befitting a villain, echoed through the audience. In response, Quedlinburg leaps to the centre of the stage and strikes a pose.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I won't let that happen! Where there is darkness, there is light! With love, justice and magic, I will keep the peace, and that is the name of--"
Story Quedlinburg.png
Harz and the Dreaming Nightmare Banner.png
R-1 Dream Halloween in Harz
R-2 Every Harz Child's Dream
R-3 The Halloween Incident
R-4 What Lies Beneath Harz
R-5 The Mage of Darkness
R-6 The Name Is Nightmare
R-7 Everyone Was Afraid of Me
R-8 Dark Magic Is Not Evil
R-9 Magic Warrior Quedlin
R-10 Dreams Abound in Harz