Event Scenario/Fictitious Hero

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The Course of Justice Banner.png
T-1 Fictitious Hero
T-2 Public Relations Department Mishaps
T-3 Irreconcilable Ideals
T-4 The Enemy of the Enemy
T-5 Begin Tracking
T-6 The Hero's Identity
T-7 Lone Struggle
T-8 Her Tactics
T-9 Vanishing Dream
T-10 The Side of Justice
Sensenmann, the Ally of Justice, the undisputed superhero of Eisengrad.
Of course, she is a fictional heroine. A special effects hero, like a certain Rider or Something Man.
Today, I was sent on a mission to the location where the Ally of Justice Sensenmann film was being shot.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Welcome! We have been looking forward to your visit, Your Excellency the Conductor♪"
Story Leipzig.png
"Your long journey is most appreciated, Your Excellency! Salute~!"
The two women who were waiting for me were military personnel sent to the Special Steel Squad from a section of the Eisengrad Central Army - the 'Public Relations Department'.
The Public Relations Department is apparently a special department in Eisengrad's home country that is responsible for charitable activities and publicity.
It's said that the 'Ally of Justice Sensenmann' was created, produced and popularised by these women.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Hmhmm. We are naturally ready to welcome you - Please, kindly make yourself at home♪"
The woman who was smiling glamorously is Karlsruhe. She is the head of the public relations department, a shrewd businesswoman and an insidious conspirator.
She is largely responsible for the sudden popularity of the Ally of Justice Sensenmann films.
Story Leipzig.png
"Your Excellency! Please leave your baggage and other belongings with me, my self will carry them for you!"
Leipzig, who spoke earnestly while standing very rigid and unfazed, is a member of the Public Relations Department, and also the as the Ally of Justice Sensenmann herself.
She is the lead actress who wears the costume and act as the female protagonist Sensenmann during film shoots, like this one.
Ally of Justice Sensenmann is famous for its spectacular action sequences, which she always performs herself, without the use of stunt doubles.
Both are excellent soldiers and dependable comrades in the Special Steel Squad.
This time, at their own request, and also under orders from the upper echelons of the Special Steel Squad, I have come to bring in materials needed for the filming of the movie. My mission is to use the train to deliver the materials, akin to a supply mission.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Hmhmm, you are very helpful. Because of the threat of the Phantom Mist, it costs a lot of money to transport materials."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"We don't have much of a budget for this film, so we're going to be in the red just from these expenses alone."
I see. On that note, it's free and safe if I transport it by train.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"It won't be free, ja? It needs to be powered and so on. Above all, it would be a global loss for Your Excellency, one who carries the fate of the world on your shoulders, to have to do such chores like this."
No worries. I've just had some free time between missions, and we're all in the same Special Steel Squad - We help each other whenever either is in trouble.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Ohoo, did you hear that, Leipzig, such merciful and noble words!"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Every line that comes out of your mouth is a quote, and if you leave it to me, I will record them, publish them and turn them into bestsellers-"
Story Leipzig.png
Story Karlsruhe.png
"...Leipzig? Something wrong, why are you looking the other way? Why don't you join the conversation once in a while, ja? You're standing there like a rod forever if I leave you alone."
Story Leipzig.png
"Huh... My humble self is afraid I am not very good at conversations, Offizier."
Story Leipzig.png
"More importantly. I thought there was something strange and noisy going on earlier - Look, it's an emergency."
Undead Soldier
Undead Soldier
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Oya? What's that? Actors in special make-up for the shoot? - Surely that's not them, ja?"
Story Leipzig.png
"Ja. They're a long way away, but the smell of death is wafting up here... I would say they are dangerous monsters."
Story Leipzig.png
"Offizier! Your Excellency is also fine, permission to intercept! If they are monsters, it is dangerous to leave them alone!"
I-I don't know about this, but I give you permission! I didn't bring any forces this time because I thought we were just carrying materials, so you're our only hope!
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Hmmm~. I don't really like real battles, but I can't help it, ja?"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Let's get rid of those dummkopfs who are destroying the film set♪"
The Course of Justice Banner.png
T-1 Fictitious Hero
T-2 Public Relations Department Mishaps
T-3 Irreconcilable Ideals
T-4 The Enemy of the Enemy
T-5 Begin Tracking
T-6 The Hero's Identity
T-7 Lone Struggle
T-8 Her Tactics
T-9 Vanishing Dream
T-10 The Side of Justice