Event Scenario/Irreconcilable Ideals

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The Course of Justice Banner.png
T-1 Fictitious Hero
T-2 Public Relations Department Mishaps
T-3 Irreconcilable Ideals
T-4 The Enemy of the Enemy
T-5 Begin Tracking
T-6 The Hero's Identity
T-7 Lone Struggle
T-8 Her Tactics
T-9 Vanishing Dream
T-10 The Side of Justice
Thus began the investigation into the bizarre phenomena that were taking place on the film set.
At the same time, the original mission of transporting in materials was completed as planned. There was a possibility that the filming of the movie might be cancelled in view of the danger, but now that the monsters had been repelled and safety had been secured, it was a good time to unload.
The girls in the public relations department are excellent soldiers, I trust that they will be able to solve this mysterious incident.
While I was unloading materials from the train, I invited them to make sure that the goods are in order as requested.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Eins, zwei, drei... Yes, all the materials are there, including the ones we ordered additionally. Very excellent job, Your Excellency♪"
If you're going to praise me, you should praise the contractors who quickly gathered the necessary materials instead. All I did is simply driving the train and brought them here.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"How humble. You are the only person in the world who can move that Train. Your work is immeasurable in value, and I can't praise you enough even if I had to say a million words♪"
You're praising me way too much... However, about these 'additional materials' you ordered, what're all those for?
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Hmhmm. There's a possibility that we won't use it, but let's hope it won't be all for naught♪"
Story Leipzig.png
"You two! Sincerest apologies for interrupting your chat!"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"What's the matter, Leipzig? I was just having a love chat with His Excellency too~♪"
Story Leipzig.png
"Hah! I apologise for my lack of politeness! But it seems that monsters have appeared again... look over there!"
......! That's a hell of a lot of magic! It's nothing compared to those monsters we just saw!
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Mhmhmhmm~, is this the appearance of the monster boss? No, is this...?"
Story Leipzig.png
Wh-what's going on? Do you both know about that monster by any chance?
Story Leipzig.png
"No, is that...? But how can this be? Impossible-"
"...here? What... just...?"
That monster is uttering something!
Story Leipzig.png
"Your Excellency! Evacuate to our rear! That monster looks like no ordinary threat, but my humble self will protect you at all costs!"
"--What is justice?"
Story Leipzig.png
(......! This monster is quick! I'm already on full alert, but he got right in front of me instantly!?)
"What are you two fighting for?"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"...Asking us questions without even saying your name, aren't you quite impolite, ja?"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"However, if you want a debate, I'm pretty open to it. Exactly, I am also a lawyer, ja?"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Justice is law-abiding. Obeying the law is justice, breaking the law is evil."
Story Leipzig.png
"Then my humble self will give another answer to your question. If you ask me, 'why do we fight?', I can only answer, 'Because that is my duty'."
Karlsruhe was born into a family of judges, and Leipzig was trained as a gifted soldier from an early age... Their replies are very typical of the two of them.
The questioner, however, was suddenly in a deadly mood when he heard their answers. His already powerful magic power amplified, and vindictive fury was leaked whenever he spoke.
"Indeed. Indeed, indeed... I understand you very well, strangers."
"You are not fit to be on the side of justice!"
With a roar of fury, the strange monster engaged us with ferocious force!
The Course of Justice Banner.png
T-1 Fictitious Hero
T-2 Public Relations Department Mishaps
T-3 Irreconcilable Ideals
T-4 The Enemy of the Enemy
T-5 Begin Tracking
T-6 The Hero's Identity
T-7 Lone Struggle
T-8 Her Tactics
T-9 Vanishing Dream
T-10 The Side of Justice