Event Scenario/The Hero's Identity

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The Course of Justice Banner.png
T-1 Fictitious Hero
T-2 Public Relations Department Mishaps
T-3 Irreconcilable Ideals
T-4 The Enemy of the Enemy
T-5 Begin Tracking
T-6 The Hero's Identity
T-7 Lone Struggle
T-8 Her Tactics
T-9 Vanishing Dream
T-10 The Side of Justice
An hour later - Using a tracking device, we arrived at a large, underground communal cemetery. This place had been abandoned for many years and was in a state of decay, giving it an eerie atmosphere.
Not to mention--
Story Leipzig.png
"Ugh... This place is filled with unusually dense Phantom Mist, it is difficult to breathe."
Story Leipzig.png
"I would not be surprised if anything undesired happens. Your Excellency, please do not leave our side."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Almost! Leipzig - You would've get full marks had you casually held His Excellency's hand while saying that♪"
Story Leipzig.png
"? Would that not make it harder to walk...? There is a large number of stirring monsters here that can are detected as well, we should maintain a state of alertness!"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"...My apologies, Your Excellency. My child is a naivling who doesn't understand what's moe."
Story Leipzig.png
"What is moe...? Is that an objective of our mission, Offizier?"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Sigh, what should I I do...? Anyway, Your Excellency, my reasoning is as I've told you along the way."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"That fully-armoured monster that attacked us earlier.... It was quite likely the Ally of Justice, Sensenmann the First."
Story Leipzig.png
"It could be said as the original Ally of Justice Sensenmann then. We have only created a fictional Ally of Justice, inspired by the tales of his existence."
Ally of Justice Sensenmann... I'm uninformed and don't know much about it, but isn't he the famous historical figure in the country of Eisengrad?
Story Karlsruhe.png
"More like, he's a legendary figure, who even his existence is debatable. His era was more than a hundred years ago - Officially he's just a criminal, so there are no proper records."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"However, it seems that he was much admired by the common people. The military hated him like a snake, ja - He often attacked the officials and military personnel of the time who had misgoverned."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"It seems that he defeated the officials who were hated by the people in secret, recovered the unreasonable taxes forcefully taken from them, and redistributed it back to the common people. He was a so-called 'heroic outlaw'."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"We're just taking the legends of the Eisengrad's beloved heroic outlaw and turning it into a modern special effects show."
Story Leipzig.png
"Yes. My humble self have heard that the military had a lot of trouble getting the project through because they don't like him."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Ja. But the Ally of Justice Sensenmann is a fictional character from an old story, and no one in the military today has seen or heard of what happened back then."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Naturally, they didn't look at what we did in a good light, but I did my best to twist the project through. Negotiation is my speciality after all ja♪"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Anyway. The "Zenzenman of Justice" is a popular heroic outlaw among the masses... Our special effects programme was widely accepted by the Eisengrad public."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"However, I guess some of them don't like it ja -"
Story Leipzig.png
"......? Did not you already convinced the military who didn't like Ally of Justice Sensenmann?"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Yes, the current military. However, as for the military of long ago, when the Ally of Justice Sensenmann the First was around-"
Undead Soldier
Story Leipzig.png
"--Monster sighted! My self will take the lead and the two of you will order from the rear!"
G-got it! If you're in a tight spot, I'll cover you with Iron Injection and the like, just let me know, that's why I'm with you!
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Aha aha, Your Excellency, how bold of you♪ Then again, it seems that even a pat on the head is still Iron Injection, ja?"
Undead Soldier
"Sensenmann! You criminal, Sensenmann! What justice, you are a criminal...!"
Story Leipzig.png
"...Those monsters are also speaking some kind of human language too!?"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Ja. Perhaps they are the living dead, revived by the Phantom Mist. If they have vocal organs and some of their brains left, they can at least speak."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"From the way they are dressed, they are probably the remains of former military personnel. There are many military personnel buried in this cemetery."
Story Leipzig.png
"Yes. My self has heard that this area was the scene of a fierce battle back when Eisengrad was threatened by the Phantom Mist."
Story Leipzig.png
"At that time, the army was forced to deal with a difficult retreat, and the corpses could only be given a simple burial--"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Yes. The Phantom Mist must have entered and reanimated the corpses of these nameless soldiers who died with such regret. We have seen many similar cases all over the world."
Meaning they're military zombies. If they used to be human, it can be harder for humans like us to fight.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Aha, My Excellency, how kind of you♪"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"However, a dead human body is considered only a weight of material. And such objects were only forced to move by the Phantom Mist..."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Rather, in order to protect the dignity of our great predecessors, I think we should stop those here."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."
Story Leipzig.png
"Yes. And this time, make sure that they rest in peace."
Story Leipzig.png
"Our great predecessors! We are soldiers from the Eisengrad Central Army, Public Relations Department! We have no grudge against you, but we will defeat you because of our duty!"
Story Leipzig.png
"Halt! Into positions! Attention! At least let us hope that you will meet a proud end, like Eisengradian soldiers!"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Yes. Let us end this, our hero...♪"
Story Leipzig.png
"Affirmative, Offizier! Begin engage and destroy the target!"
Story Leipzig.png
The Course of Justice Banner.png
T-1 Fictitious Hero
T-2 Public Relations Department Mishaps
T-3 Irreconcilable Ideals
T-4 The Enemy of the Enemy
T-5 Begin Tracking
T-6 The Hero's Identity
T-7 Lone Struggle
T-8 Her Tactics
T-9 Vanishing Dream
T-10 The Side of Justice