Event Scenario/Her Tactics

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The Course of Justice Banner.png
T-1 Fictitious Hero
T-2 Public Relations Department Mishaps
T-3 Irreconcilable Ideals
T-4 The Enemy of the Enemy
T-5 Begin Tracking
T-6 The Hero's Identity
T-7 Lone Struggle
T-8 Her Tactics
T-9 Vanishing Dream
T-10 The Side of Justice
Story Karlsruhe.png
"......Leipzig, you'd better hurry up. As expected, it is tedious and inefficient to deal with two types of enemies at the same time."
Story Leipzig.png
"Ja! Will hurry! But what do you mean by two types of enemies...?"
Leipzig fired quickly as desired and shot the last standing zombie soldier. At the same time, countless cracks ran through the walls of the underground crypt - And it collapsed with a roar.
Story Leipzig.png
"Mm? Was this the result of the explosion by a separate unit earlier? No, it's not possible that Offizier have not calculated the possibility of collapses caused by the use of bombs underground, and--"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Ah... Damn, if only it had been obliterated by the explosion. No, of course, I have a strategy that would have been in our interests no matter the result - All this is within my calculations."
Sensenmann the First
Immediately after Karlsruhe said that, a familiar monster jumped out from behind the collapsed wall.
It's that bizarre being that even the two members of the Public Relations Department, who had so painlessly annihilated the zombie soldiers, had a hard time with. The hero of the past, the heroic bandit - Sensenmann the First!
Sensenmann the First
"They, were... They were my sworn enemies, though they had different aspirations, they were still soldiers who fought for justice and peace. Yet you dare spit on them and taunt them!?"
After looking around at the no longer moving zombie soldiers scattered around him, Sensenmann the First snapped. Seems like the separate unit had detonated a bomb at where he is as well, as the armour covering his entire body was shattered here and there.
He is probably a living corpse like the soldiers... Yet his eyes shine more than those of the living, with colours of unusual fury, as if greedy in search of prey to slaughter.
Sensenmann the First
"You fiends! The snobs who wriggle about there like lowly bats! You are not fit to be on the 'side of justice', monsters and beasts who have no sense of reason or propriety!"
Sensenmann the First
"You have deceived my name! You have apered, disgraced, scorned and mocked my life spent in justice! Know that your sins are heavier than the permafrost of Northern Eisengrad, and they can never be wiped out even with your lives!"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Ahaha. I'm so sorry, are you claiming copyright infringement on Ally of Justice Sensenmann or something? But you've been public domain for a long time now...♪"
Story Leipzig.png
"Mhm. So he attacked the film crew and destroyed the equipment - Is that why that happened? It would certainly make him uncomfortable if his life was mocked and made into a film for entertainment."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Huuh~? Even though I made the life of a randalierer who went on a rampage out of sheer narcissism into the star protagonist of entertainment that everyone loves? I'd rather he should thank me for that, ja?"
Sensenmann the First
"Stop singing, you clown...! You will be brought to justice!"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"--Oh no no. Your Excellency, look out! Evasive actions!"
At that moment, somewhat unnaturally abruptly — Karlsruhe called out to me. Her expression is uncharacteristically impatient.
Sensenmann the First
"Ngh!? You're one of them!?"
Rather guided by the voice, Sensenmann the First discovered where I am.
Unfortunately, he is in the immediate vicinity of the shadows where I was hiding... Sensenmann the First has superhuman agility, and would immediately be in front of me in a single breath.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Ah, run away, Your Excellency! If Your Excellency is taken out here, we are finished!"
Screaming, Karlsruhe lengthened out her whip again and descended to the ground, with Leipzig still clinging to her. But they won't make it in time — No matter how much she tried, it's probably quicker for the enemy to run up and finish me off.
Is it all over? No, I can't give up until the end.
I'm the only one who can move the Mist Train - Even if it's against the Ally of Justice who once saved so many people, I can't lose. I can't die. Never.
Sensenmann the First
"So you are the master of those falsifiers!? Rest assured, I'll send them later to Hell after I'm done with you!"
Bellowed, Sensenmann the First dashed at me fiercely. I, too, braced myself to intercept with my gun at the ready--
Immediatley, there was a huge explosion.
Sensenmann the First
Sensenmann the First's entire body is enveloped in flames. Likely he stepped on a state-of-the-art mine that bursts into crimson flames - Its intense heat melted even the strongest of bodies and steel, no matter how well-trained and strong they are.
The Course of Justice Banner.png
T-1 Fictitious Hero
T-2 Public Relations Department Mishaps
T-3 Irreconcilable Ideals
T-4 The Enemy of the Enemy
T-5 Begin Tracking
T-6 The Hero's Identity
T-7 Lone Struggle
T-8 Her Tactics
T-9 Vanishing Dream
T-10 The Side of Justice