Event Scenario/Public Relations Department Mishaps

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The Course of Justice Banner.png
T-1 Fictitious Hero
T-2 Public Relations Department Mishaps
T-3 Irreconcilable Ideals
T-4 The Enemy of the Enemy
T-5 Begin Tracking
T-6 The Hero's Identity
T-7 Lone Struggle
T-8 Her Tactics
T-9 Vanishing Dream
T-10 The Side of Justice
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Now now, let me caress you gently with my whip! It is fortunate for you to die at my hands, and you'll depart with a smile on your face♪"
Undead Soldier
Story Leipzig.png
Undead Soldier
Story Karlsruhe.png
"......Leipzig, can you stop fighting in silence? It's subtly creepy, why don't you call out the name of your special moves like the Ally of Justice?"
Story Leipzig.png
"Rather, I think Offizier talks too much. Not only does it disrupt the attention of surrounding allies, there are also concerns that it will attract the attention of enemies in the distance on our whereabouts and etcetera -"
It's fine, it's fine... What matters is the result, thanks to you girls, we've eliminated the immediate enemy for now. First of all, let's rejoice together in our result.
Story Leipzig.png
"Hah! As you wish, Your Excellency! We have confirmed the annihilation of hostile presence, and will suspend combat operations while maintaining a state of readiness!"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Hmmm~... Why are you such a killer machine? It's hard to produce you as a beloved character, like at all, you know?"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Putting that aside. Your Excellency, there is something that I would like to bring to your attention now."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"In reality, there have been all sorts of bizarre phenomena on the set of this film. This is the first time that such monsters have even appeared, yet -"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Before we know it, the filming equipment is broken, and the staff and performers are getting sick one after another... In fact there are rumours spreading on the site that there's some kind of curse or that it's haunted, something like that."
Story Leipzig.png
"Yes. My humble self has heard that rumour as well. It seems that all the co-stars are feeling uneasy. However, as the officer in duty, I am trained not to be upset by anything, so this is fine."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"In times like this, it's better to lie, exclaim 'It's scary~!', then hugging a gentleman would be more favourable, no?"
Story Leipzig.png
"Why do I need to hug...? Would not this action impede each other's movements and create a disadvantage in battle?"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Ah, yes... whatever. I'd rather that you do something about this unexplained phenomenon. I have to say that it will be difficult to continue filming the movie if things continue as they are."
Story Leipzig.png
"Mhm. The safety of the staff is our top priority, but we do not want to stop filming... There are a lot of people, especially back home, who are looking forward to the film."
Story Leipzig.png
"For the sake of their smiles, my humble self is determined to fight with all my might. I just do not know what to do, so I hope you two honourable superiors will grasp the situation and give me the right instructions."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"You really have to think for yourself sometimes... Hmmm~, what should I do?"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"First of all, I guess we should gather information, Should we interview people who have been affected by the strange phenomenon?"
Yeah, that's a good place to start. I'll do my best to help you, and if necessary, we'll contact the SSS HQ and ask them to send reinforcements.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Hmmm~... I think we can handle it on our own for now though, ja?"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"I have a bad feeling about this. Let's be very cautious and cooperate together to get to the bottom of this."
The Course of Justice Banner.png
T-1 Fictitious Hero
T-2 Public Relations Department Mishaps
T-3 Irreconcilable Ideals
T-4 The Enemy of the Enemy
T-5 Begin Tracking
T-6 The Hero's Identity
T-7 Lone Struggle
T-8 Her Tactics
T-9 Vanishing Dream
T-10 The Side of Justice