Event Scenario/The Mirror's Grudge

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Kiri no Sekai no Otome no Sahou Banner.png
T-1 The Mirror of Moon and Mist
T-2 Two Strangers
T-3 Exploring the Snow Country
T-4 Lady Luna... Right?
T-5 The Gathering of Maidens
T-6 Power of the Mirror
T-7 Failure and Change of Mood
T-8 Aim to Win the Contest
T-9 The Mirror's Grudge
T-10 Wishes Are Intentions
The day of the fashion contest.
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"Is that... really the right way to do it?"
Story Luna Sakurakouji.png
"The materials have been burnt down, if we can't make new costumes, this is the only way."
Story Minato Yanagase.png
"Nice idea, mhm!"
Story Risona Okura.png
"Yes, this is a revelation."
Risona's inspiration was for Asahi to take part in the contest. More specifically, 'Asahi Kokura in a maid's outfit'.
Story Luna Sakurakouji.png
"The maid uniform that Asahi is wearing was designed by Yachiyo Yamabuki, the head maid of our mansion. In other words, it is an 'original'. As the designer, she is not here, but you should be able to participate without any problems."
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"I wonder if that's really okay..."
It's true that there are a few things that are a bit tricky, but this is also so that Asahi and the rest of you can return to your original world. It's the only way to get the mirror of the moon. I guess.
Story Risona Okura.png
"I heard that there will be an appeal time in the contest, so if you show off your maidishness to your fullest extent, I'm sure we'll win."
Story Minato Yanagase.png
"Oh yeah, if you're Yuucho, you can do... No, if you're Asahi, you can do it!"
Story Paddington.png
"Good luck, we're rooting for you!"
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"Everyone... I understand, I'll do my best."
And finally the contest began.
Contest Moderator
"Now, it's time for our last contestant, Miss Kokura Asahi, please go ahead and get going!"
The audience roared. Asahi stepped out from backstage and onto the stage.
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"Master, please let me know if there is anything I can be of your service."
He roleplayed the perfect maid to the audience and the judges.
"Oh, how graceful and elegant."
"Hmmm, you're are a very graceful maid, I personally want you in my house..."
Story Luna Sakurakouji.png
"Oi, someone get rid of that judge."
After Asahi's appeal time ended, it's time for the results to be announced.
Contest Moderator
"The winner is... Kokura Asahi, who showed off her beautiful maid appearance!"
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"No way, I really won!?"
Story Risona Okura.png
"That's my brother after all. As his sister, I have mixed feelings about whether to be proud of him or not."
Story Minato Yanagase.png
"Ahaha, you gotta be honest about that."
Risona's quick wit and Asahi's hard work paid off.
Story Luna Sakurakouji.png
"I should also thank Yachiyo, even though she's not here."
On stage, Asahi is handed the mirror of the moon, the winner's prize. At the same time, something unusual happened. The mirror of the moon in Asahi's hand suddenly began to glow.
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"This, this is...!"
Mysterious Voice
"Return... return... my other half..."
A mysterious enemy wearing a girl's academy uniform appeared on stage, sounding vengeful. Not good... Queensway, Yakutsk, evacuate the audience!
Story Queensway.png
Story Yakutsk.png
"Roger that!"
Mysterious Enemy
"Give me back my half..."
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"Your other half... What are you on about...?"
Suddenly, an image flowed into our heads. And we instantly understood... No, we were made to understand.
Story Risona Okura.png
"So that mysterious enemy... is an incarnation of the mirror of the moon."
Story Minato Yanagase.png
"The reason why she wears our girl's academy uniform is because it imitated our appearance as it materialised..."
Story Luna Sakurakouji.png
"And so its half body is... This?"
Luna took out the mirror of the mist. The mirror of the moon was seeking its half-body, the mirror of the mist. It is probably the reason why Asahi's friends could not return to their original world.
In order to get back the mirror of the mist, its other half, the mirror of the moon had bound them to Iris Cloud.
The mirror of the moon, which had fulfilled various wishes in the past, had accumulated negative power. Many of the wishes people made were to settle a grudge against someone else, and these grudges had accumulated.
Story Paddington.png
"So that Mist Monster is the materialisation of all those grudges...."
As I guessed sometime ago, the two mirrors were originally from this side of the world. But something went wrong and they were transferred to Asahi and his friend's world.
Story Putra.png
"The mirrors were on that side, and they were building up the power to return to Iris Cloud..."
Story Vivienne.png
"And that power was filled..."
Story Yoshino.png
"It happened around when Asahi and his friends came to see the mirror."
The mirror of the moon returned to Iris Cloud with the mirror of the mist. But the impact of the transfer separated them, and--
Story Luna Sakurakouji.png
"We got the mirror of the mist."
Mirror of the Moon
"Yes, give it back... Give it back... Give it back... GIVE IT BAAAAAACK!"
Story Risona Okura.png
"Luna-chomu, let's quickly return the mirror of the mist."
Story Luna Sakurakouji.png
"That's right..."
Mirror of the Moon
Story Minato Yanagase.png
"Why are you attacking me!? We said we'll give it back already!"
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"Risona, Master Luna! Please run away!"
Is it a bad grudge or something that's gone out of control? Anyway, we have no choice but to intercept it here!
Kiri no Sekai no Otome no Sahou Banner.png
T-1 The Mirror of Moon and Mist
T-2 Two Strangers
T-3 Exploring the Snow Country
T-4 Lady Luna... Right?
T-5 The Gathering of Maidens
T-6 Power of the Mirror
T-7 Failure and Change of Mood
T-8 Aim to Win the Contest
T-9 The Mirror's Grudge
T-10 Wishes Are Intentions