Event Scenario/The Mirror of Moon and Mist

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Kiri no Sekai no Otome no Sahou Banner.png
T-1 The Mirror of Moon and Mist
T-2 Two Strangers
T-3 Exploring the Snow Country
T-4 Lady Luna... Right?
T-5 The Gathering of Maidens
T-6 Power of the Mirror
T-7 Failure and Change of Mood
T-8 Aim to Win the Contest
T-9 The Mirror's Grudge
T-10 Wishes Are Intentions
Forgive me.
To the Okura family, the Sakurakouji family, and everyone who has been so close to me. It seems that my life ends here--
This was not the time to be thinking about what I should write on my death note. In the first place, there was no way I could leave a death note under these circumstances.
Even if I could, there would be no guarantee that it would reach anyone. So before that, I can't just die here--
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"Risona, get behind me!"
Story Risona Okura.png
"What is this place? And what is this monster...? For real, I think this is a dream."
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"I'm sorry, but I don't think this is a dream."
That's why I can't die. My sister, Risona... The only person who can protect her from the monster in front of us is me, right here, right now.
So, how on earth did I get into this situation? This all started with that - Train Fashion Show.
Story Luna Sakurakouji.png
"Hmm, so this is the Train Fashion Show?"
Story Risona Okura.png
"It is a show held on a train... Labelled exactly as it says on the tin."
Story Minato Yanagase.png
"Ahaha, isn't it easy to understand? As they say, simple is beeest~ sorta."
The train fashion show was held on a scrapped train. The decorated train car is used as a runway and models parade through it in a spectacular show.
Top designers from the industry took part, and it was so popular that the tickets are sold out very quickly--
Story Risona Okura.png
"Luna-chomu knows the organiser of the show."
Story Luna Sakurakouji.png
"Ah. I didn't remember that, but apparently we are acquainted with each other. I was invited as a VIP."
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"Lady Luna, I don't know if I would call that acquainted."
However, since we are students at Filia Girl's Academy, a fashion school, this is a very good place to study about fashion shows. For that reason, we have gratefully accepted the invitation to participate.
Story Minato Yanagase.png
"Hmm, would've been great if Ursule and Mizuho could come too."
Story Luna Sakurakouji.png
"I heard they both have things to do at home. I guess it can't be helped."
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"Dearest ladies, I heard that there are various items on display in the compartment over there."
Story Risona Okura.png
"Sounds interesting, let's go there."
Story Minato Yanagase.png
"Oh, lookie here, there's beautiful mirrors on display."
In the centre of the compartment were two mirrors in a glass showcase. One was a crescent-shaped mirror with decorated with gold, and the other was a cloud-shaped mirror decorated with silver.
Story Risona Okura.png
"It's kind of a mysterious-looking mirror."
Story Luna Sakurakouji.png
"What what...? Hmm, a mirror of the moon and a mirror of the mist."
The silver mirror seemed to represent mist, not clouds. The front of the showcase were explanations about the two mirrors.
Story Luna Sakurakouji.png
"The mirror of the mist is said to 'give power to the maiden who wishes in the thick mist'."
Story Minato Yanagase.png
"Uhm, the mirror of the moon says... 'On the night of the full moon, when a maiden makes a wish on the mirror of the moon, it will come true'."
Story Risona Okura.png
"Heh, a mirror that makes wishes come true, that would sure raise a hell lot of eyebrows."
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"Come to think of it, I think tonight is a full moon..."
Suddenly remembered, I turned my eyes to the train window. The moon, shining brightly, was clearly visible in the sky.
Story Minato Yanagase.png
"Oho, so you wanna make a wish in the mirror or something?"
Story Luna Sakurakouji.png
"Oh, come on, this is all just superstition obviously."
Story Minato Yanagase.png
"I know, but I reckon' I should just go with the flow here."
Story Risona Okura.png
"A wish, I see... I want to go isekai and be an unrivalled- nah..."
As if in response to Risona's words, the mirror of the moon emitted a bright light.
Story Risona Okura.png
"WEEEEEEEAH, wa, wait, I'm just joking about that part!"
Story Minato Yanagase.png
"No no no no, nay nay, o'nay."
Story Luna Sakurakouji.png
"Hey, did you hear something?"
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"I hear it too. But I don't know what it is... It's as if it's echoing directly in my head."
Voice in head
"...I'm sick of fulfilling your human desires."
Voice in head
"But, you wished to go to an otherworld."
Story Risona Okura.png
"Eh, no, that was a bit of a joke..., or really, what's going on, what's this voice...?"
Voice in head
"I've been waiting for that wish for a long time. So, I'll grant your wish to make it happen--"
Immediately after the voice told us this, a dazzling light flooded out from the mirror of the moon. And the four of us were enveloped by the light--
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"Oh, no... Lady Luna, Risona, Minato!?"
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"What in the world is happening... ugh, the glare--"
I found myself with Risona in this strange meadow. We were trying to find Luna and Minato, who were nowhere to be seen, when suddenly these monsters appeared.
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"Risona, I'll attract their attention, then you can run away."
Story Risona Okura.png
"It's impossible, I'm not leaving you."
The monster was closing in.
(It's no use, I have to make up my mind--)
"Conductor, please cover me!"
As I grit my teeth and awaited the monster's blow, I suddenly heard a woman's voice.
Immediately afterwards, a strange light flew towards the monsters. As if by magic, one of the monsters was obliterated.
Story Asahi Kokura.png
"T-that was...".
Story Risona Okura.png
I looked towards where the light flew. Two women are there. They were in otherworldly-looking gear, their weapons at the ready, and immediately closed the gap between them and the monsters.
Behind them was a man who appears to be their commander. Next to him was a girl assisting him.
The commander instructed the two women what to do.
Story Queensway.png
Story Vivienne.png
"Oui, orders received!"
The two women confronted the monster in spectacular fashion.
Kiri no Sekai no Otome no Sahou Banner.png
T-1 The Mirror of Moon and Mist
T-2 Two Strangers
T-3 Exploring the Snow Country
T-4 Lady Luna... Right?
T-5 The Gathering of Maidens
T-6 Power of the Mirror
T-7 Failure and Change of Mood
T-8 Aim to Win the Contest
T-9 The Mirror's Grudge
T-10 Wishes Are Intentions