Main Scenario/Bourse Missing

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Chapter 8.png
8-1 The Fairy Forest
8-2 Bourse Missing
8-3 View From the Trees
8-4 The Fairy King
8-5 Is Everything the Mist?
8-6 The Dark Bloods
8-7 The Fairy Spring
8-8 It Came From the West
8-9 La Sorcière Sans Retour
8-10 The Guardian of Brocéliande
To defend the eastern flank of Brocéliande, the SSS was engaged in defeating the Mist Monster away from the eastern defence line defended by the Verforet Gendarmerie.
On the early morning of the second day, I was knocked awake by Vivienne and Putra, who were out on patrol.
Story Vivienne.png
"Conductor! We're in trouble!"
The sun had only just come up, what on earth is going on? Don't tell me that the perimeter has been breached?
Story Vivienne.png
"No, the enemy numbers are still not that great. But it's Bourse... Bourse!"
Story Putra.png
"The rest of you too! Come on, wake up wake up!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Mmh... Bourse what? I haven't slept that much since my last patrol round..."
"Fwha, Yakky-tan, tail. Let go of the tail for now."
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Yakutsk.png
"Anyway...? What happened?"
Story Vivienne.png
"I found this on the road to Val Sans Retour, Bourse left a message. It was clearly attached to a tree."
Vivienne, it looks like you're holding a stationary with a pretty floral-print. It has many heart marks on it. Looks like a love letter...
Story Vivienne.png
"I wish it was a love letter..."
Story Bourse.png
"Chère petite Vivi. By the time petite Vivi is reading this letter, le Bourse will be a forest fairy."
Story Bourse.png
"Le Bourse is going to Val Sans Retour on behalf of petite Vivi. It's not a violation of orders. That's because le Bourse is still off working hours."
Story Bourse.png
"That's why, ma petite Vivi..."
Story Bourse.png
"Please come and pick me up when it's time to work, because le Bourse is an indoor person."
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Vivienne.png
"What am I going to do?! I can't believe that girl did this! I always thought Bourse was an indoor person. When I told her to play outside, she would build a huge dollhouse outside and go inside it..."
Story Putra.png
"Let's calm down, kay? You know? I don't think the main point is whether she's an indoor person or not right now."
Story Yoshino.png
"Isn't a giant dollhouse already a regular house?"
Story Vivienne.png
"But I'm sure Bourse has entered Val Sans Retour. She must have left this place yesterday and headed straight there."
Story Putra.png
"Wait. Isn't that really bad? Doesn't that mean that Bourse spent the night in Val Sans Retour?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Worried if something happened or not. Surely she's hungry and waiting for us."
It can't be helped. Let's all go and pick up Bourse. But if we find Bourse in one piece, the first thing we do is give her a lecture. As I'm sure you all know, this is not the way to do it. Just because you're off duty doesn't mean you are allowed to do anything you like.
Story Vivienne.png
"Of course. I didn't want this kind of outcome either."
Story Queensway.png
"Everybody, I have seen signs of enemies on the way to Val Sans Retour. I don't see any source of Phantom Mist outbreak."
Story Vivienne.png
"They must have broken through the western defences, it is possible that Bourse is surrounded."
Story Queensway.png
"No sign of them coming towards us yet. They have remained stationary for a long time. Let's take the initiative here and get Miss Bourse as quickly as possible."
Okay, let's head towards Val Sans Retour. We will prioritise the search for Bourse, while destroying any enemies we encounter. Vivienne, you're in charge of leading us the way.
Story Vivienne.png
"On it! I'll take the shortest route! Make sure everyone follows me properly!"
Chapter 8.png
8-1 The Fairy Forest
8-2 Bourse Missing
8-3 View From the Trees
8-4 The Fairy King
8-5 Is Everything the Mist?
8-6 The Dark Bloods
8-7 The Fairy Spring
8-8 It Came From the West
8-9 La Sorcière Sans Retour
8-10 The Guardian of Brocéliande