Main Scenario/Connected Bonds

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Chapter 5.png
5-1 Where Warmth is Afar
5-2 The Crevice
5-3 Connected Bonds
5-4 Mysteries of the Old Castle
5-5 The Bullet That Crushes Demons
5-6 Rock Bottom
5-7 Her Nightmare
5-8 The Girls' Pride
5-9 Deep in the Blizzard
5-10 Bless and Curse
We had a train accident... Once I understood and sorted out the situation, I fell into a deep depression.
I fail as the Conductor. I cannot blame anyone else, it wasn't caused by monsters or anything external.
Why didn't I check the tracks more carefully? Why didn't I realise earlier that the tracks were broken? At least if I had immediately recognised the danger and braked as hard as I could--
Story Yakutsk.png
"Conductor. Give me your hand."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Just do it. Here, let me tightly grip your hand."
Story Yakutsk.png
"You might think this is out of the norm of me. But this way you can calm down. You can put off feeling sorry for yourself and feeling depressed later, get a grip."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Right now, we of the SSS are in an unprecedented time of crisis. That's why we need ya... pull yourself together, Conductor."
Story Yakutsk.png
"My little sister, Bestyakh, you know, she's always been timid since she was a little girl... After we hear ghost stories or other scary things, I would give her a tight grip like this. That calmed her down and she'll feel like everything's fine."
I see... so Yakutsk's sister doesn't like being scared either.
Story Yakutsk.png
"What do you mean 'either'? I'm not scared of any... HYEEEEEEEEEEK!?"
Wh-What's wrong?
Story Yakutsk.png
Ah.... The ice must have melted and dripped on you.
Story Yakutsk.png
"I-I see. We're here apparently, the bottom of the crevice where the train slid down after all."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I can't believe there's this huge, abandoned structure standing here... It looks like a very old building, and I'm surprised it's still standing and not crushed by the snow."
Story Yakutsk.png
"So above us - there's snow falling from the ground and it melted and dripped down as water. I see... Thank goodness this is not haunted or anything."
Yakutsk, you are not a fan of ghosts after all? I had a feeling about that on you... You know, the last time we were all telling ghost stories, you started pulling the covers over your head and pretending to be asleep before anyone else did.
Story Yakutsk.png
"No-no! An Eisengradian soldier has nothing to be afraid! Back then, I was just simply really tired from training and stuff, and I just got sleepy...!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Wh-What's more! I was checking this area alone before I met up with you, Conductor!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"I didn't even encounter anyone else other than Conductor, but I did figure out where we were!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"As I said before. This is a mysterious building... built at the bottom of a huge crevice. It's like a castle or a mansion."
Story Yakutsk.png
"A long time ago, the royalty and aristocracy in Eisengrad built these castles like these all over the place."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Most of them have been abandoned since the threat of the Phantom Mist became more severe."
Story Yakutsk.png
"If you ask that Fussen about these, she might have an idea who the original owner of this building was. She has a vast amount of knowledge that most people won't find useful in life."
It's like she's very cultured. I've heard that Fussen has a great knowledge of art and history.
Story Yakutsk.png
"She must have a lot of free time, surprising for ruler... Anyway, we seem to be in the basement of this mysterious building."
In the basement...?
Story Yakutsk.png
"Yes. When the train fell through the crevice, ya smashed through, flew out of the windscreen in the cab and--"
Story Yakutsk.png
"I was closest to you and dragged you back with my whip when I noticed... I think it made me lose control of myself and I got slammed into the floor or the wall of this building."
Story Yakutsk.png
"So the impact made a hole in the floor and sent us straight down to this basement. I was also knocked out for a while, how pathetic."
I see... You saved me, thanks Yakutsk.
Story Yakutsk.png
"...Mmm. This is my duty, you don't have to thank me for that."
Story Yakutsk.png
"More importantly, apparently you, Conductor, seem to have a fuzzy memory before and after the accident. Just before we fell through the crevice - we followed yer orders to abandon the train and evacuate out the window."
Story Yakutsk.png
"You said that our lives were more important than the train... Do ya seriously know the value of that train - THE Mist Train? You know that it's the only one of its kind, the very hope of this world?"
I know. I'm finally remembering. Of course I know the value of this train, so after all of you have evacuated -- I tried everything I could to stop the train.
Story Yakutsk.png
"You're the only one left on the train, ya know. How stupid of you, there's no point in us surviving."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I've told you many times. It is our mission as Train Knights to protect you."
I know that too. But if I were put in the same situation again, I would still make the same decision.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Bozhe... Well, that's fine. It's because you're 'that kind of guy' that we want to protect ya with our lives."
Story Yakutsk.png
"But. If you can, please don't do it again."
I know. I won't make this mistake again. Luckily we both survived, so we're happy with the outcome.
Story Yakutsk.png
"It's an afterthought. I still do not know of anyone else's fate but you and I... I'm worried about their safety, although I trust that everyone in the SSS will be okay."
Yes, I know. Now that we've had a well-deserved break, let's get on with finding everyone else. You said you checked the area, Yakutsk, do you have any idea where everyone else is?
Story Yakutsk.png
"Probably up there. As far as I can tell, the building doesn't extend any further underground. I had a quick look around the basement, but there was no one there except you, Conductor - and I didn't see anyone else."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Meaning everyone must be on the upper floors. Maybe the train is that way too."
It could also be possible that the evacuation was completed in time and they didn't fall through the crevice, but stayed on the ground. Either way, they're all above us.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Yes, see that staircase over there? Let's use those and climb up, being careful of your footing."
We should also watch out for monsters. You're practically the only one who can fight, Yakutsk, and I'm relying on you.
So what are these monsters roaming around here...? I've never seen their appearances before, though. Are those monsters typical in Eisengrad?
Story Yakutsk.png
"Nah, I've never seen ones like these either. They look something like the monsters from old picture books, though..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I wonder how those monsters have survived so far in a castle at the bottom of such a crevice?"
I don't know. Inside the Phantom Mist, anything is possible.
Story Yakutsk.png
"I suppose. And speaking of, this basement is starting to fill up with Phantom Mist, Conductor. I think we might run out of oxygen, so let's get to the upper floors as soon as possible."
Chapter 5.png
5-1 Where Warmth is Afar
5-2 The Crevice
5-3 Connected Bonds
5-4 Mysteries of the Old Castle
5-5 The Bullet That Crushes Demons
5-6 Rock Bottom
5-7 Her Nightmare
5-8 The Girls' Pride
5-9 Deep in the Blizzard
5-10 Bless and Curse