Main Scenario/Mysteries of the Old Castle

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Chapter 5.png
5-1 Where Warmth is Afar
5-2 The Crevice
5-3 Connected Bonds
5-4 Mysteries of the Old Castle
5-5 The Bullet That Crushes Demons
5-6 Rock Bottom
5-7 Her Nightmare
5-8 The Girls' Pride
5-9 Deep in the Blizzard
5-10 Bless and Curse
Somehow, I walked around holding Yakutsk's hand the whole time.
Her main weapon is the whip. Having one hand occupied makes it difficult for her to respond when unexpectedly attacked by the enemy--
Story Yakutsk.png
I can feel her fingertips trembling. She is still scared. She's a stout, reliable and excellent soldier, but everyone has their weaknesses.
Besides. In this mysterious old castle -- it is a dark and eerie place, filled with Phantom Mist and even monsters roaming about. Anyone would be afraid, not just Yakutsk.
Story Yakutsk.png
"We'll climb the stairs in front of us. Be careful not to lose your footing, Conductor."
Yakutsk said nothing about her still holding hands, and continued to act briskly.
With her leading the way, we climbed up the old, crumbling stairs.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Ugh, there's something slimy on the stairs... Maybe there's dust or snow there, be careful not to slip down."
I think she's afraid when the surroundings are so silent, she's talking more than usual.
Story Yakutsk.png
"I think you, Conductor, can detect the flow of magic contained within Phantom Mist. Can you pinpoint where the train and the other members of the SSS are?"
I think I can get a rough idea of the direction. But the Phantom Mist is too thick, it's messing with my senses, it's like I'm intoxicated... so don't expect too much from me.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Hmm. Very will. Still, you can at least get an idea of where we're going."
Sorry I can't be of more help, Yakutsk.
Story Yakutsk.png
"No... You're more useful than you think of yourself, Conductor."
Yakutsk held her hand on me harder as she said this. Then, suddenly.
Story Yakutsk.png
A black shadow passed right through us - Something like that.
Story Yakutsk.png
"D-did you see that, Conductor? A-Am I just seeing things?"
No, I saw something pass by the edge of my vision. Let's be on guard, it could be another monster.
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Yakutsk.png
"No... The foothold isn't good here, let's get up the stairs as quickly as possible. We can't fight a battle while worrying about our footing, it's a job of a competent soldier to reposition themselves on the environment to their advantage and--"
Suddenly, someone whispered in our ears.
"Are you a soldier too? Me too, you know...?"
Simultaneously. A vague... translucent girl's figure appears immediately up close.
"We're the same, aren't we? We're [Allies], I'm so happy... heheheh♪"
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Yakutsk.png
Chapter 5.png
5-1 Where Warmth is Afar
5-2 The Crevice
5-3 Connected Bonds
5-4 Mysteries of the Old Castle
5-5 The Bullet That Crushes Demons
5-6 Rock Bottom
5-7 Her Nightmare
5-8 The Girls' Pride
5-9 Deep in the Blizzard
5-10 Bless and Curse