Main Scenario/Bless and Curse

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Chapter 5.png
5-1 Where Warmth is Afar
5-2 The Crevice
5-3 Connected Bonds
5-4 Mysteries of the Old Castle
5-5 The Bullet That Crushes Demons
5-6 Rock Bottom
5-7 Her Nightmare
5-8 The Girls' Pride
5-9 Deep in the Blizzard
5-10 Bless and Curse
Then... After considerable difficulty, we've succeeded in defeating the huge monster at the end of a fierce battle. The monster was controlled by Fussen as per her plan, a railway line was laid - and we escaped to the surface.
At the same time, dawn greets the night, and under brilliant sunshine -- Everyone rejoiced at the victory, the successful escape, and the reunion.
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa, it was a really bad time!"
Story Vivienne.png
"Yeah... This time we didn't do anything from the beginning to the end, so stressful. I went to bed and woke up and it was all over - plus I had the worst nightmare during that time."
The girls who were rescued from inside the body of the defeated monster kept complaining about it. Apparently, the monster had a habit of capturing small spiders under its control, or those that wandered into its body - the old castle, by means of threads it had stretched out itself.
In addition, the threads would invade their cranial nerves and give them nightmares. The nightmares were so bad that it was disgusting just to imagine being endlessly shown what each of them dreaded the most.
The nightmares break the hearts and minds of their captives, disabling their conscious and unconscious self-defence functions and squeezing the life force out of them endlessly.
All of this is speculation, assembled by the erudite Fussen from her knowledge of literature, which she had stored away within the depths of her memory...
It is fortunate that no one lost their lives or their minds - For the time being, everyone who was captured by such a terrifying monster was able to reunite safely.
Story Putra.png
"Hmmhmm, I work out! Both in mind and body!"
Story Putra.png
"Well, it's not entirely without damage, but... I'm sure I'll be feeling depressed for a while."
Story Putra.png
"I had a very gruesome nightmare... I was being chased around endlessly by some bloody uncle, and there were cut body parts everywhere I went. Bleh, I don't want to remember it."
Story Vivienne.png
"You sure can't deal with grotesque stuff, Putra. I feel the same way~ All my good friends around me were brainwashed into some kind of dubious religion, and we were forced to go through some creepy rituals together."
Story Yoshino.png
"Ooooh~ you two can't handle criminal stuff, Yoshino was locked up in a tight box for a long time... Cried and screamed and there was no response, it was scary."
Story Vivienne.png
"Ugh, that sounds hard too... I don't like a series of gross or creepy things, but 'nothing at all' is another kind of scary thing."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yeah, it was like despair no matter how hard you try... What about Queensway, what's scary for Queensway? Can't really imagine it, how very curious."
Story Putra.png
"Mm-hm! You should say it, Queensway~ you should confess~!"
Story Queensway.png
"Why are you doing that, seaweed? In my case usually, I don't like slimy creatures... Like Yoshino, I was trapped in a box, but there were countless snakes, frogs and worms in it--"
Story Vivienne.png
"Uwaaagh, that might not be possible for me either! Sorry, let's not talk about this! We should be talking about other fun things instead, oui oui♪"
Story Paddington.png
"Um - I haven't announced the contents of my dream yet, may I!?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Huh, you're eager to announce it, Paddington, you're such a confusing little girl sometimes...? Oh for goodness sake, let's just forget all about it and pretend dogs had bit us!"
Story Queensway.png
"Yes... We've already had an accident that interrupted our original mission, talk about getting kicked while down. If it hadn't been for our compatriots from Eisengrad, I don't know what would have happened now."
Story Fussen.png
"Hmmhmm. It is the duty of the nobility to be charitable to the foolish peasants once in a while, praise me more♪"
Story Murmansk.png
"Hehehe, I'm glad I was able to [Help] you all...♪"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Hmm. Yes, I'm really glad we were able to save everyone."
Story Queensway.png
"? Has your mood sort of changed a bit? - Miss Yakutsk?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Really? Are you still half-asleep, Queensway...? I'm always myself♪"
Story Queensway.png
"Hmmm~? But normally you'd be just like Miss Fussen there, declaring - 'Of course, for I'm the Great Yakutsk♪' or some other grandstanding, right?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"What, are you trying to say that... I'm just like her? Say that again, and we won't be friends anymore, Queensway!"
Story Queensway.png
"Heheh. I'm just making light of it because I trust you won't break up with me on something like this."
Story Queensway.png
"Once again. Thank you... Miss Yakutsk. For saving us from our nightmares."
Story Yakutsk.png
"H-Hmph! You're so teary, isn't it natural to help friends after all?"
Story Putra.png
"FRIENDS! You finally called us that! I've been waiting for you to say that for a long time, Yakutsk~ Thank you, love you! Kiss, kiss♪"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Woii, you're not my friend yet! If ya want to be called my friend, then don't do anything I don't like! You need to step it up a notch, you're so clingy and bothersome!"
Story Murmansk.png
"Hmm. The [Permafrost] will melt someday too, sis... Nice huh♪"
Story Murmansk.png
Story Fussen.png
"? What's wrong, klein Murmansk?"
Story Murmansk.png
"Nu-uh... Maybe it was just my [Imagination]. I've been [Nervous] for a long time, so I think my alertness is [Heightened]."
Story Murmansk.png
(I wonder what it is... It's something much scarier and more powerful than that horrid [Spider Monster]...)
Story Murmansk.png
(Was it staring at us? I guess it's just my [Imagination] - everything's been [Resolved] now and there's no need to be [Afraid] of anything, right?)
Story Murmansk.png
(The [Nightmare] is over, right?)
Story Bestyakh.png
Story Resistance.png
"That was a waste of time. We rushed over when we sensed a huge amount of magic - but it seems that what was at the bottom of that crevice was merely a monster that has existed for a long time."
Story Resistance.png
"It was a powerful being, but it was no Steel Seeker. It seems that the SSS attacked it and almost neutralised it, so there is no need for us to go to the trouble of devoting our forces to deal with it."
Story Bestyakh.png
"No. Let's take care of them properly. Vermin must be destroyed... Yes?"
Story Resistance.png
"Sigh... If that is your order, we will obey. For the future of this world."
Story Bestyakh.png
"The future is irrelevant. Rather, it's about the past - once upon a time, I didn't like insects and various other things, only because I was scared of them... 'That person' once got rid of the insects away from me."
Story Bestyakh.png
"That favour, that memory, is worth repaying in full - even if it drains the strength of the Resistance. Don't you agree?"
Story Resistance.png
"No... Um, I'm not sure, to be honest."
Story Bestyakh.png
"I bet... Hmhm, hmmhmmhmm♪ but I'm glad, she's surrounded by her beloved friends - she's smiling happily."
Story Bestyakh.png
"Just seeing dearest sister like that, this time, was not a wasted trip."
Story Resistance.png
"I'm glad you are satisfied, Lady Bestyakh."
The mysterious girl called Bestyakh didn't respond in return... She continued to look endearingly at Yakutsk, who was smiling happily by the train.
Story Bestyakh.png
"Mhmhm. You should be laughing happily now, dearest sister."
Story Bestyakh.png
"Only by cruelly taking away that smile, that happiness from you - that I will have my revenge."
With that soliloquy, she disappeared into the blizzard.
Chapter 6.png
6-1 Intruders Early in the Morning
6-2 The Name's Doggan Gang!
6-3 Covering Fire
6-4 Aristocrat and Soldier
6-5 Special Steel Squad in Jeopardy
6-6 The Faceless Woman
6-7 The Steel Giant
6-8 Genius Little Inventor
6-9 Spawn of Malice
6-10 Heresy and Decency