Main Scenario/Deep in the Blizzard

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Chapter 5.png
5-1 Where Warmth is Afar
5-2 The Crevice
5-3 Connected Bonds
5-4 Mysteries of the Old Castle
5-5 The Bullet That Crushes Demons
5-6 Rock Bottom
5-7 Her Nightmare
5-8 The Girls' Pride
5-9 Deep in the Blizzard
5-10 Bless and Curse
At the end of the passage - I was hit by a blizzard when I opened the big door.
It is outdoors. No, it was originally a space like a castle courtyard... The place was covered with heavy snowfall typical of Eisengrad, a world of silver.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Woaah? I've been living inside the warm SSS base for a long while now, I'd forgotten - Snow is nasty in Eisengrad after all! The visibility is so bad, I can't see anything!"
Story Murmansk.png
"I'm used to it, so I'll be fine. Sis, [Conductor] too -- will you two hold my [Hand]? I'll [Guide] you all♪"
No, I want you to keep your weapon at the ready. I feel an even more, wrong - incomparably thicker magical power than before. This is no mere blizzard, it's like a massive Phantom Mist vortex.
Story Murmansk.png
"Yeah... I can feel the [Presence] of [Monsters] everywhere. It's like they're [Hiding] in the [Shadows] created by the snow, or in the snow."
Story Murmansk.png
"Nu-uh... It's a [Strange] feeling. It's like the snow itself is a [Monster], rather than the [Monster] is [Hiding] in the snow..."
Story Fussen.png
"Hmhmm. Quite an insight, klein Murmansk is not only adorable, but also an excellent hunter and soldier... She is very different from all those 'honour students' who only talk the talk."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Fussen!? I completely forgot that you were with us on this mission - where have you been all this time?"
Story Fussen.png
"Oh dear, you're terrible... I don't want you to love me, but at the very least I don't want you to forget that I existed."
Story Murmansk.png
"Eheheh. I [Remembered] you, Miss [Fussen]♪"
Story Fussen.png
"Mhm, klein Murmansk is a good girl, c'mere c'mere - I'll give you a BIG hug♪"
Story Murmansk.png
"Umm~... [Fussen], I don't know what's going on with you but I'm [Scared], [No], I don't want this. You don't just [Hug] me, you also rub my [Cheeks] and [Touch] me here and there."
Story Fussen.png
"Sigh, this is disconcerting. It's regrettable if you think I'm harassing you, I simply admire masterpieces with a pure heart...♪"
Let me explain, Fussen is a collector of all kinds of art, and at the same time, she has a bizarre obsession with little girls for some reason.
She is a selfish and difficult person to deal with, but she is motivated when accompanied with young-looking girls. This is also one of the reasons why Murmansk has been asked to accompany us on this mission.
Story Fussen.png
"Mhm. I commend you, Conductor, for paying tribute to me, your lady and master. I would like all the other snobs to follow your example - Klein Yakutsk is in this mission, whom I have had my eye on for some time, thus I am willing to work with you seriously."
Story Yakutsk.png
"You... Don't tell me, the reason you've been 'messing around' with me so much is because--"
Story Fussen.png
"My. I didn't notice because of the snowstorm, but apparently my Yakutsk is here too. Come here, come here, I'll give you a cuddle♪"
Story Fussen.png
"As the successor of the "Ancient Great Blood", I am resistant to the cold and can maintain my body temperature even in this environment. For others, it's a hell of ice and snow, but for me, it's no different from an elegant afternoon tea party."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Ah of course, I felt like a lot of weight is taken off my shoulders surely... I feel like an idiot for sticking up against you - you weren't being mean to me because you didn't like me, you were just loving and enjoying my reaction?"
Story Fussen.png
"Mhm. I have no choice but to describe you as an idiot if a simpleton like you can't even sense that you're loved. But it's okay to be an idiot, my klein Yakutsk, the fact that you're a bit out of character is also adorable...♪"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Silence, shut up, and let me complain, Fussen. If you're that energetic, why don't ya search and rescue everyone else? Can't you work for once instead of bossing around just because you're an aristocrat?"
Story Fussen.png
"I did do my work though. I don't know what happened to you, but you seem to have learned to see some sense in things - are your eyes still blind?"
Story Fussen.png
"Feast your eyes. For I've been guarding this Mist Train here for a long time."
I followed Fussen's gaze ーー whild leds us to the huge train sitting behind her. The Mist Train, the only train in the world, the hope of this world, it's almost somewhat nostalgic to see it now.
Without a proper inspection, it is impossible to say for sure, but from what I can see, there are no major damages. There are only a few broken windowsーー
Aside from that, a miraculous absence of damage, considering that the train fell from a considerable height. Perhaps the plentiful snow cover lessened the impact of the fall.
It seemed that Fussen was also able to prevent attacks of monsters that were springing up all over the place. If so, she really was working hard ーー I'd like to give her a medal.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Thank goddess. The Mist Train is safe."
Yakutsk had a gentle expression on her face, as if she were looking at her own child, and gently caressed the train. At the same time, she looks at Fussen a little more respectfully, and gave her a light, Eisengrad-style salute.
Story Yakutsk.png
"I commend your hard work, Fussen."
Story Fussen.png
"Big deal. It was an easy job ーー I just sat back, enjoyed my tea gracefully and disposed of the filthy monsters that come my way. Besides ーー just because the train is safe doesn't mean everything else is solved."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Right. We have to join up with everyone else as soon as possible and get out of here."
Story Fussen.png
"Mhm. I am concerned about the safety of the others, but that's not the most important issue. This is the bottom of a huge crevice - naturally there are no tracks running through it."
Right. As the Conductor, I can drive the train, but basically it can only be ran on the tracks.
In the meantime, it's possible to use materials and other things to lay makeshift tracks ーー but not enough to run the train steadily over the crevice and to the ground. Escape may not be possible.
Story Murmansk.png
"Oh no... We've just survived. Are we just going to have to stay here and [Shiver] forever?"
Story Fussen.png
"Aaw, don't look at me with a face like that. A child looks better with a smile on her face than with any make-up or jewelry."
Story Fussen.png
"There are steps we can take. I don't want to do it because it's too much of a hassle ーー but we can build a scaffold and someone can get above ground and call for help. At the same time, we can get materials and other things unloaded and lay the tracks, and then we can all get out on the train."
Story Fussen.png
"It's still a bit slow, though. Of course, even if we work quickly, it will take an enormous amount of time, and we won't be able to get there in time for our original mission - the Triumphal Return ceremony."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I'm also wondering about that Triumphal Return ceremony, because we don't even know what it's about... Though now is not the time to talk about that."
Story Fussen.png
"Mhm. If you only look at what's far away and neglect what's under your feet, you'll trip. First of all, we have to overcome the crisis that is here and now ーー though it's still a hassle."
Story Fussen.png
"Look. It seems that the enemy has realized that it's useless no matter how many small fry they forced upon us, and they've moved to crush us ーー with their full strength."
Story Yakutsk.png
"The enemy... HWAAH!"
Prompted by Fussen again, Yakutsk's turned her gaze - or rather, everything around her was beginning to change. The eerie old castle, which we had been endlessly wandering inside until a few moments ago, was distorting and warping like clay, changing its shape.
The old castle melted, unravelled into threads, then gathered together to form a disastrous 'thing'. ーー It was a gigantic spider the same size as the building.
Story Monster.png
Giant Spider
Story Fussen.png
"As expected. I had thought that a monster had disguised itself as a castle, or that it was a fake. As far as I know, there are no records of any castle of that style in Eisengrad."
Story Fussen.png
"It's a fake that resembles one. But my sense of aesthetics cannot be fooled. Such an abominable monster would dare imitate a castle, the great feat of mankind ーー It pains me that it would imitate a work of beauty."
Story Fussen.png
"You are an abominable, defective forger. You are an eyesore ーー All of you knaves, destroy that obnoxious monster now."
Story Murmansk.png
"No, even if you tell me to [Do it]..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"What are we even supposed to do? The enemy is too huge ーー it's impossible to defeat it with just this many people, isn't it?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Of course, if that's our mission... If Conductor orders me, I'll do it."
Story Fussen.png
"Mhm. Even if Conductor doesn't order you to do it, I, the everlasting ruler, will. Do it."
Story Fussen.png
"The monster that haunted that castle has probably controlled other people ーー and if we rescue them, we will slowly increase our strength and make this easier."
Story Fussen.png
"Besides. Unlike you knaves, I have a clever brain stuck in my skull, and I've come up with a bright idea."
Story Yakutsk.png
"...... What's the bright idea?"
Story Fussen.png
"Mhm. We don't have to destroy the big bugger, we just have to weaken it. At least take away its consciousness so that I can control it against its will with my 'Monster Domination' ability."
Fussen is a descendant of the royalty and nobility of Eisengrad. The Ancient Great blood that runs in her veins allows her to control and manipulate all kinds of monsters to her wishes.
Story Fussen.png
"Monsters these days are heavily polluted by Phantom Mist, so they're difficult to control unless they are weakened. I can't even force them to obey me forever ーー but if I can dominate that monster temporarily..."
Story Fussen.png
"I can use that monster's ability to transform itself into a castle and have it transform itself into a railway line instead that leads to the surface."
So, in addition to neutralising the enemy, it is also possible to establish an escape method? That's an excellent plan, Fussen ーー Let's adopt it.
Story Fussen.png
"Fool, your praise is too arrogant. You should be hailing me from below, not above, and repeat thrice, 'As expected of you, the wise, the beautiful, the Great Lady Fussen.'"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Enough of that, if you've decided on a strategy, then get on with it! And apparently the enemy isn't going to wait around for us!"
Giant Spider
Yakutsk swung her whip and knocked away the monster's threads that had been extending towards us. However, the monster is seemingly able to transform at will, spawned more from all over its body, and released them at random!
Story Murmansk.png
"Sir [Conductor], get back! [Fussen], protect [Conductor] and the [Train] ーー I can't [Defend] all of them by myself!"
Murmansk shouted sharply, and bullets scattered from her sniper rifle. Fired shells and arrows were closing in on us ーー but they were shot clean through and scattered.
Story Fussen.png
"Heheh. I would normally reprimand people to not give me orders like that, but since it's my klein Murmansk giving the orders, I have no choice ーー Here, Conductor, I'll protect you and you can shiver like a newborn fawn behind my back♪"
I don't know if she's saying it appropriately, but truthfully ーー I'm just going to get in everyone's way if I'm standing in the line of fire. I'm going to leave this to all the trusting and loving Train Knights and move backwards.
Right now we are at rock bottom, figuratively and literally. However ーー with them together, we can crawl back up again and again, and move towards a brighter future.
Chapter 5.png
5-1 Where Warmth is Afar
5-2 The Crevice
5-3 Connected Bonds
5-4 Mysteries of the Old Castle
5-5 The Bullet That Crushes Demons
5-6 Rock Bottom
5-7 Her Nightmare
5-8 The Girls' Pride
5-9 Deep in the Blizzard
5-10 Bless and Curse