Main Scenario/The Girls' Pride

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Chapter 5.png
5-1 Where Warmth is Afar
5-2 The Crevice
5-3 Connected Bonds
5-4 Mysteries of the Old Castle
5-5 The Bullet That Crushes Demons
5-6 Rock Bottom
5-7 Her Nightmare
5-8 The Girls' Pride
5-9 Deep in the Blizzard
5-10 Bless and Curse
After that... Deciding that this was no time to rest, we continued our search of the spooky old castle through the night.
Before that, Yakutsk was given an Iron Injection, which completely removed the effects of the monstrous threads that were controlling her. She regained her vitality and was ferociously enthusiastic.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Come on, come on♪ Now, Murmansk, let's round them up!"
Story Murmansk.png
"Yah, sis!"
Yakutsk cracked her whip to control the myriad of spider-like monsters that sprung up and manipulated their positions as she pleases, while evading their attacks or blasting them away. As just as she planned, the monsters all lined up in a vertical line in the corridor--
Story Murmansk.png
"I'll pierce them!"
A single high-powered bullet from Murmansk's sniper rifle penetrated through the crowd — and they disintegrated!
Story Monster.png
Story Yakutsk.png
"Well done, good job! You're as good as me, Murmansk! Good girl♪"
Story Murmansk.png
"Ehehe. That's because sis [Prepped] it for me, so it's this [Easy]! But I'm happy you [Praised] me...♪"
Like two good sisters, they dashed along, frolicking and in a frenzy. All I had to do is follow from behind, amused by the smiling scene - it's a piece of cake.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Hey, Conductor should give some praises too! Look at how I am, I'm all back on track♪"
Ah, good, good. I'm relieved, Yakutsk, great great.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Gah, stop treating me like a child! I'm not a child, even though I can't grow taller anymore!"
My bad. Yoshino is just as small as you, but she's happy when I praise her like this.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Well, she's, you know... pure. Speaking of, I wonder if Yoshino and the rest are safe. We've only been apart for a day and it seems like we haven't seen each other for a long time."
We've been doing missions together every day for a long time now. We've shared time together, like a family.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Mhm. That's why I'm sad to see we're apart. I'd like to join with them as soon as possible -"
Story Yakutsk.png
"But where are they? I think we've searched the pretty much the entire ground floor, but I still can't find them...?"
Story Murmansk.png
"Hmmm ....... Maybe it's just this [Way]. Monsters appear every time you go through this [Place]. It feels like they are protecting it."
Story Yakutsk.png
"You can tell that just by looking at their movements?"
Story Murmansk.png
"Yes. I'm a [Hunter], so I'm [Good] at sensing the movements of [Prey]... hehehe♪"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Yeah, that's great, Murmansk — you're always helpful."
Story Murmansk.png
"Nu-uh. You're the one who's amazing. If it was just me, I wouldn't know what to do, I would have just [Wandered] around and got lost."
Story Murmansk.png
"But. You give me [Guidance] so I can move forward, sis. I'm not [Useful] alone - it's you [Helping] me useful."
Story Murmansk.png
"You are an amazing person, sis. And, you're kinder than I thought - so much kinder♪"
Murmansk seems to have taken a liking to Yakutsk and lovingly leaned-in towards her, rubbing her cheek against hers. Yakutsk wasn't too happy about it, though she's beaming.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Gosh. It's hard to move, don't stick to me."
Story Murmansk.png
"Eheh. I'm sorry, sis... But I'm so happy."
Story Murmansk.png
"I'm glad you're a [Kind Person]. I was a bit [Scared], actually... I've heard so many horrible [Gossip] about you in [Eisengrad]."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Oh, really? I was being gossiped?"
Story Murmansk.png
"Yes. Of course, you are our [Representative]. Everyone was paying [Attention] and [Gossiping] about all sorts of things."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Hmm... I'm the type of person who doesn't care about that sort of thing and I had no idea. I'm who I am, no matter what anyone says."
Story Murmansk.png
"Yeah. But- I think that's why they're scared of you. They said that [Yakutsk] is a [Serious girl] who is only interested in [Grades]."
Story Murmansk.png
"One who doesn't need [Friends], only useful like a [Weapon] - As [Cold] as [Permafrost]."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I see... Well, you could say that. In fact, I wanted to be exactly like a good weapon that does its job perfectly."
Story Murmansk.png
"Is that so?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"...Yes. I don't need friends, I don't need to fit in, all it does is giving me all pain and no gain. The only requirement of a soldier is to achieve what is required of her. I'm just a girl who's fine being permafrost."
Story Yakutsk.png
"At least that's what I thought... I just had a dream about my sister and it reminded me of something important. No, thanks to you guys, I was able to find the feelings that I had sealed deep within my permafrost."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I, you know, wanted to protect. The people I love, my family. I didn't want to be a weapon to be controlled by someone else - I wanted to be a good soldier with a noble and strong will, to destroy foreign enemies and protect my country."
Story Yakutsk.png
"But no. I wanted to be her big sister, the big sister of her dreams."
Story Murmansk.png
"That girl... Is her name [Bestyakh]?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Yes. When the Phantom Mist releases her and we meet again one day - I'll be the best, that I can be proud of myself, unwavering and not disillusioned."
Story Yakutsk.png
"But. You two found out, I seem to be a piece of crap sometimes... Please, help me then. No, I'd be happy if we could support each other."
Story Murmansk.png
"Yeah. Of course, sis."
Story Murmansk.png
"I'm not [Afraid] of you any more. You're a kind, caring, and very loving friend... I'd like to say hello to you too."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Thanks. To be honest, when I first saw you, I was so scared that I screamed... But I'm not scared anymore, I'm sorry I said you were a ghost then."
Story Murmansk.png
"Nah. I can't help it, [Babushka] said it too... People are often [Afraid] of things they don't [Know] well."
Story Murmansk.png
"But. That's why -- we don't have to be afraid of each other anymore."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Yes. At least I already know that you're my important friend... I know it now."
Story Yakutsk.png
"You are not a monster either, you are a strong and kind human being. You are much more pure, righteous and respectful -- Than those who think without doubt that they are human."
Story Murmansk.png
"...Thank you, sis♪"
Both of you. Sorry to interrupt your friendship stuff, but brace yourselves. I can feel the presence of countless monsters approaching us from deep inside here -- Also, I think I can feel the magic of all our old SSS members.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Heh, Murmansk's guess was right on the money. We can finally join up - and I'll introduce you to everyone then, Murmansk."
Story Murmansk.png
"Yes! I'm [Happy] that I'm going to have a lot of friends♪"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Me too, I feel the same way. The people who gossiped about me would be surprised to know that I, who was like absolute zero ice - have made so many friends that I love."
You're going to make more and more friends... But just brace yourself, Yakutsk, everyone else could be manipulated just like you were earlier.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Hmph. Who are you talking to, Conductor? I am always the calm and perfect soldier. I never let my guard down in the middle of a mission. At the very least, I will overcome my fears and move on, from now on - forever."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I am the representative of the military might of Eisengrad, the most ultimate soldier of all, the Great Yakutsk♪"
Chapter 5.png
5-1 Where Warmth is Afar
5-2 The Crevice
5-3 Connected Bonds
5-4 Mysteries of the Old Castle
5-5 The Bullet That Crushes Demons
5-6 Rock Bottom
5-7 Her Nightmare
5-8 The Girls' Pride
5-9 Deep in the Blizzard
5-10 Bless and Curse