Main Scenario/Distance To Target

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Chapter 32.png
32-1 Traces of Light
32-2 Unsearchable Objects
32-3 The Army of Machine Soldiers
32-4 Second Defeat
32-5 Distance To Target
32-6 Wreckage
32-7 The Brutal Truth
32-8 For the Sake of Peace
32-9 Hero of the North
32-10 Man-Made
Story Yoshino.png
"There are no enemies in the area. The Phantom Mist outbreak seems to be manageable at the moment."
Story Putra.png
"It doesn't look like the escaped enemies are coming back either."
Story Vivienne.png
"Has anyone been injured? Especially Fayette and Detroit, you two okay?"
Story Fayette.png
"I'm fine."
Story Detroit.png
"I'm fine too. This is nothing."
Story Fayette.png
Story Detroit.png
"Oh, man. If I could have taken half a step further, I could have smashed it."
Story Detroit.png
"So? What are we going to do? How many people are going to the factory? It's not just about how many, it's also about who you pick."
Detroit, don't go ahead with this on your own. Remember, I have the final say on the operation.
Story Detroit.png
"I got it already. I'll go along with your decision."
In conclusion, Do not choose to leave this scene yourself. It is true that Out-Siders are keeping an eye on us in the vicinity of the Mist Train, but I do not want to see any significant drop in frontline strength.
Of the residential areas, the most dangerous is the group of dwellings just past the factory. There is a route that does not go through the factory, but just as Fayette said, there are no barriers there and we will be at a disadvantage in the event of a surprise attack like the one we just had.
Story Putra.png
"Isn't it easier for us to get into an ambush if we enter a messy indoor area?"
Story Fayette.png
"Not if the enemy can disappear at will. The enemy didn't just pop out of the shadows, did they?"
Besides, if the battle goes on for too long, we should consider spending the night here. If the factory is not as affected by Mist, there is no reason not to use it as our base. We can move forward to the factory and see if we can be safe there. Our first goal is to make sure of that.
Story Fayette.png
"No objections."
Story Detroit.png
"Neither do I. That's fine."
Story Fayette.png
"As soon as we get past the factory, we'll be in the residential zone. We want to be able to search for any inhabitants while keeping an eye out for Machine Soldiers. The minimum requirement for this is to secure the base. If we can get there together, that's the best way to do it."
Story Fayette.png
"Except Detroit, just ya."
Story Detroit.png
Story Fayette.png
"You are to go back to the Train, regroup with the Out-Siders and get your wounds healed. After that, you will follow Out-Siders high command and see what happens."
Story Detroit.png
"Don't give me that load of bull. How could you? What are you going to do without me?"
Story Fayette.png
"Who's the one that's joking? Ya think I don't know what's happened to you?"
Story Detroit.png
Story Putra.png
"What? What do you mean?"
Story Fayette.png
"Look at what she's hiding under her arm."
Story Queensway.png
"Miss Detroit, that wound is serious!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"What, are ya actually going to carry on with your mission with a wound like that!?"
Story Detroit.png
"This is not a big wound. I don't need medical attention, it's a waste of time."
Story Fayette.png
"Detroit, are you actually fucking serious?"
Story Detroit.png
Story Fayette.png
"Would you take your compatriots and men with you if they had similar injuries? Are you going to tell your compatriots and men that they don't need medical treatment in this remote, northern battlefield where night is soon to fall?"
Story Detroit.png
"I wouldn't..."
Story Fayette.png
"You're right. At least you can't heal those wounds on your own."
Story Fayette.png
"Hang in there Detroit, this village is one of the most important ones you've tried to protect. If there are any survivors, there's not a moment to lose. I understand your impatience."
Story Fayette.png
"But that impatience doesn't yield good results and it doesn't make much sense. As of right now, wherever you are in St. Iris, the Steel Tree's light may hit you next, and it is safe to say that there are no safe places in St. Iris."
Story Fayette.png
"We have to get the job done, one by one, and I need your help to do that. Don't think of your life as something that belongs only to you."
Story Queensway.png
"Miss Fayette..."
Story Fayette.png
"Do as I say. You decided to obey me when I talk this way."
Story Detroit.png
Story Detroit.png
"Affirmative, I'll comply. To Conductor, too, is that clear?"
Of course. If you couldn't comply here, I wasn't going to let you participate in the operation anymore.
Story Fayette.png
"The Out-Siders are running odd hours. They'll pick you up if you head back a bit."
Story Fayette.png
"Come back here properly. We'll fight on the same battlefield again."
Story Detroit.png
"....That's right. I'll be right back."
Story Detroit.png
"I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you guys. I'm sorry for everything."
Story Vivienne.png
"You didn't do anything to us to make you apologise. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have won the battle against the Mistism cult."
Story Putra.png
"Yes, if it wasn't for you Detroit, we probably would have all turned back here."
Story Detroit.png
Story Fayette.png
"Don't worry. I'll hold on to what's inside you that keeps burning in your heart for you instead, ."
Story Detroit.png
"Yes, please."
Story Detroit.png
"Don't let that fire go out at all costs. I'll come back for it later."
Story Fayette.png
"I will not put it out, and I won't allow anything to put it out. Fine with you?"
Story Detroit.png
"...Yeah, very well."
Detroit was seriously wounded in battle and had to leave the front line. While it was inevitable that Detroit had to leave the front line due to her injuries, the fact that she was gone left the Train Knights present with two words in their minds: anxiety.
Detroit, a skilled fighter, fought with all her might and suffered grave injuries. Additionally, Detroit has the very rare ability to discern the source of an outbreak immediately. It's only thanks to her that it was possible to conduct the mission with a small number of people, and everyone understood that the difficulty of this operation had jumped dramatically.
The situation got tougher. We don't know what's going to happen next. Perhaps because of this uncertainty, the Train Knights' expressions were grimer than when they arrived here.
--All of them except for one person.
Story Fayette.png
"Let's get back on track, everyone. This much is to be expected. We can still do it. We can fight. We're all still alive."
Story Queensway.png
"We're all still alive..."
Story Fayette.png
"Yes, we are. No one's pushing up daisies yet."
Story Yakutsk.png
"It's not hopeless yet. Let's be firm. The factory is already right under our eyes and noses."
Story Pittsburgh.png
Story Fayette.png
"What's up Pittsburgh?"
Story Pittsburgh.png
"...I sensed someone watching us."
Story Fayette.png
"From where?"
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Over at the factory. Over there, around the collapsed building..."
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Yeah... That's truly a 'nice place'."
Story Fayette.png
"Everybody take cover now."
Story Putra.png
"Take cover..."
Story Fayette.png
"Anything. Rubble, rocks, whatever, just keep your heads down and hide."
Fayette instructed everyone to stay low and look for nearby cover. Was there anything at the entrance to the factory, in the collapsed building?
Story Pittsburgh.png
"No doubt. There's someone in there. I wish it's just a lookout, but it could be a sniper, Fayette, get ready over here."
Story Fayette.png
"Yeah, whenever you're ready. How many people are we dealing with?"
Fayette hid behind a wreckage of a collapsed building, holding her gun up and questioned Pittsburgh at her back, who is looking ahead.
Story Pittsburgh.png
"I don't know. But not many."
Story Fayette.png
"We're at a huge disadvantage in terms of position. I'd like to get a bit closer to the factory if possible."
Story Pittsburgh.png
"True, it's a bit tough with your gun. Let's move forward little by little, taking cover in the rubble."
Pittsburgh raises her right hand, timing the signal to advance.
Story Pittsburgh.png
Story Pittsburgh.png
But Pittsburgh's right hand quickly dropped back.
And there's a large tail that was sticking out from behind the rubble nearby. She grabbed Yoshino's tail and quickly pulled her back.
Story Yakutsk.png
It was a gun shot. The enemy had spotted Yoshino's tail sticking out of the rubble and opened fire.
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Are you alright? Little fox?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Tail and body are fine. Fur is still good, as usual."
Pittsburgh held Yoshino in her arms, her ears twitching and her tail twirling. She was apparently unharmed.
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Fayette, can you get a shot?"
Story Fayette.png
"No, it's too far away. And it's already moved. It won't be in the same place."
Story Pittsburgh.png
"We're moving too. The enemy has our exact position. I'm moving forward. Vivienne, check for blind spots."
Story Vivienne.png
Story Fayette.png
"When there's a cloud of dust, we'll all spread out and move forward. We'll move forward, taking cover behind the collapsed buildings."
A sniper from a distance. Perhaps due to tactical blindness, no second rounds were fired before we moved to the building in front of us.
However this made it even more difficult to secure the factory.
Story Fayette.png
"Was it that same big bugger who shot at us? I don't think sniping with a gun would suit it."
Story Pittsburgh.png
"That's indeed not the case. If its got long-range capabilities, it has got to do better than that. It's both terrible at sniping and fighting. Mayhaps the mooks on watch are shooting to stall for time."
Story Pittsburgh.png
"What I was more interested in... was the gun used by the enemy."
Story Fayette.png
Story Pittsburgh.png
"The sniper rifle they used was St. Irish made. It's a very antiquated model. Nobody uses that gun model these days. Heck, you could take it to a pawn shop and get some big bucks."
Story Fayette.png
"That model would be below the specs of those Machine Soldiers. Are they just using random crap they picked up at the factory or is there some other reason..."
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Let's get closer. If the enemy's objective is to stall for time, it's not a good idea to continue this stalemate."
Chapter 32.png
32-1 Traces of Light
32-2 Unsearchable Objects
32-3 The Army of Machine Soldiers
32-4 Second Defeat
32-5 Distance To Target
32-6 Wreckage
32-7 The Brutal Truth
32-8 For the Sake of Peace
32-9 Hero of the North
32-10 Man-Made