Main Scenario/Man-Made

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Chapter 32.png
32-1 Traces of Light
32-2 Unsearchable Objects
32-3 The Army of Machine Soldiers
32-4 Second Defeat
32-5 Distance To Target
32-6 Wreckage
32-7 The Brutal Truth
32-8 For the Sake of Peace
32-9 Hero of the North
32-10 Man-Made
Story Fayette.png
"This is the end."
Story Fayette.png
"Never underestimate the country of peace and iridescent clouds. There are many in this country who fight outside the norm."
The giant Machine Soldier shattered into pieces alongside the explosion. A coordinated attack by Queensway and Fayette succeeded in destroying the power unit. This enemy could not have been defeated without the advice of that sniper.
I don't know if the term 'commander' is correct, but as soon as we defeated this giant Machine Soldier, the smaller Machine Soldiers that were reinforcements also ceased to function.
Story Pittsburgh.png
"The small mooks that appeared to escort it also turned into mere iron scraps when we destroyed their leader. That big thing seems to also be the power source for the soldiers."
Story Yoshino.png
"A single mist stone that can power a lot of soldiers, it's a technology that Iris Cloud doesn't have."
Story Yakutsk.png
"If a bunch of those things came out, it would be a big problem. They attract Mist, and they're so strong, they're like the Koutetsu Ningyou."
Story Vivienne.png
"Isn't that Machine Soldier similar to the Koutetsu Ningyou too? Isn't it possible that it's a perfect version?"
Story Yoshino.png
"That's what Yoshino thought at first, but perhaps not."
Story Yoshino.png
"Those Machine Soldiers are much newer than the Koutetsu Ningyou."
Story Vivienne.png
"You mean it's not ancient technology?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Don't know that much. It's not really possible that Iris Cloud could make something like that."
Story Yoshino.png
"In the first place, it's doubtful if it really worked with mist stones. For the sake of the future, it's better to examine those Machine Soldiers carefully."
Story Pittsburgh.png
"No, I don't think we can do that. Look at that one."
Story Vivienne.png
"The Machine Soldiers dissipated into Mist!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"You've got to be kidding me. If this is the source of all this, we're in over our heads."
Story Fayette.png
"It's fine. I'm not worried about it."
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Fayette.png
"The only source of the outbreak was that master unit. Its heart has been completely destroyed. This Mist is like a distraction that the Machine Soldiers generate once we eliminate the entity."
Story Fayette.png
"Look. It disappears cleanly. Not a screw left behind."
Story Pittsburgh.png
"It's a perfect way to eliminate all evidence. It's amazing how well-thought out it is."
Story Queensway.png
"I wonder if these Machine Soldiers were really made by people. I can't believe that people just like us could create such horrible things."
Story Yoshino.png
"People are creatures that make horrible things. It was not monsters that came up with the idea of weapons and arsenals."
Story Yoshino.png
"It's sad. If they have such amazing technology, why don't they use it for something else?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Machines are created by people. Really wonder what kind of machines the people who worked in this factory made."
Story Yoshino.png
"The lone sniper. The many Kougyoukeis who lived here. It was very rude to call them iron dolls, apologies."
Story Fayette.png
Story Fayette.png
"Let's build a cemetery here to mourn the villagers. These are people who decided to live and die here. Let's respect their wishes."
Story Detroit.png
"Yo, Fayette."
Story Fayette.png
"Detroit, why are you here?"
Story Detroit.png
"Don't worry. I'm not alone, I'm with the Out-Siders. I've got a couple of pathetic but reliable 'guards' to get me here."
Story Fayette.png
"I see. That's all right then. You're not hurt anymore?"
Story Detroit.png
"Of course not. If I can come back so soon, you won't give me any 'orders' either."
Story Detroit.png
"Fayette. About that... I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being so selfish."
Story Fayette.png
"No, you know what you're doing. You worked hard. If you'd gone in there without listening to me, you'd have changed your tactics according to the situation. You got out of this alive, and I'm sure the Out-Siders will appreciate what you've done."
Story Detroit.png
"I don't want that. I don't care. All I want is victory."
Story Fayette.png
"Then I don't need anything else. We have won this battle."
Story Detroit.png
"But there were things you couldn't save. You regretted that."
Story Fayette.png
"There's nothing to regret. I know it's a shame, but it happens all the time on the battlefield."
Story Detroit.png
"Yes, it does. It happens all the time."
Story Fayette.png
"Yeah. All the time."
Story Detroit.png
Story Detroit.png
"Hey Fayette, I'm new to the Order and the army and I'm not as smart as you. I don't know as much as you."
Story Detroit.png
"But this mission made me think. I've been by your side, watching you work."
Story Detroit.png
"I want you to train me more, so that I can work with the Out-Siders."
Story Fayette.png
"You can do it. At least that's what I think. Not because you are the daughter of the heroine Michigan, but because you are a good fighter."
Story Fayette.png
"If you don't have what it takes, learn it on the battlefield. Watch how others fight too, not just me."
Story Fayette.png
"But you and I are both train knights in the SSS. Never forget that. Besides, no matter what unit you're in, it doesn't mean you can do all the work you want to do."
Story Detroit.png
"I know. I won't run away from any battle. So let's keep up the good work, Fayette."
Story Fayette.png
"Yes, my pleasure."
Story Blackfriar.png
"My my, you've grown up in the little time since I've seen you."
Story Fayette.png
"Yes, I think so too. She's really grown stronger."
Story Blackfriar.png
"I'm talking about you, Fayette."
Story Fayette.png
Overwhelming Emotions.jpg
"Yes. You. I was complimenting you, Fayette."
"You did the best in this operation. That's how I see it. I don't care what other people believe or think of you. This is my own personal opinion."
"Detroit and Pittsburgh were very good. I think that's what made me do well."
"And Queensway, too."
"I'm sorry I put you in roles you didn't like. I'm sure you've had a few jobs that weren't to your liking."
"No. It's nothing. I don't choose my jobs."
"Good answer. That's what you're all about, Fayette. I'm proud to say that I made the best choice in letting you take over the field. Please continue to fight to the end as a member of the Out-Siders, and as a Train Knight in the SSS."
"Of course. All for victory."
"For victory."
The tragedy that struck the northern village of St. Iris,
ended with the worst possible outcome - No survivors.
It was not Phantom Mist that turned the inhabitants of the village into machines, but the light emitted from the Steel Tree. Now that we know this, we must investigate the mutation of the Giant Tree. That aggressive Machine Soldiers are not a problem that can be overlooked. Once they have been defeated, it doesn't mean they won't appear again...
The fact that we don't know where they came from, when they were created, or anything about them, will be a major factor in their future movements.
The source of the Phantom Mist was that big Machine Soldier. However, other aspects remain unclear. The empty northern villages were shrouded in a thick Phantom Mist, making it difficult to investigate again.
What effect will the St. Iris Giant Tree, Poisoned by the otherworlds, have on this world in the future...?
Chapter 33.png
33-1 Valentz Ice Walls
33-2 Sister's Judgement
33-3 Fort IV
33-4 Yakutsk Missing
33-5 Warrior of the North
33-6 Inside the "Wall"
33-7 The Giant Lift
33-8 The World North of Valentz
33-9 "The Steel Gate"
33-10 The Otherworldly Individual