Main Scenario/The Army of Machine Soldiers

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Chapter 32.png
32-1 Traces of Light
32-2 Unsearchable Objects
32-3 The Army of Machine Soldiers
32-4 Second Defeat
32-5 Distance To Target
32-6 Wreckage
32-7 The Brutal Truth
32-8 For the Sake of Peace
32-9 Hero of the North
32-10 Man-Made
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Well now, time to start up some real business. I'll have to do our best not to drag everyone down."
Pittsburgh called out from her perch at the top of the hill. She is not an Out-Sider, but has known Fayette for a long time. She is a mechanic who is responsible for the maintenance of Fayette's guns.
She has a deep knowledge of all kinds of metalware, not just weapons, and she is often in charge of the maintenance of the Mist Train. She is also recognised by Yoshino as a St. Irish 'Kougyoukei'.
Story Pittsburgh.png
"I was supposed to stay on the Mist Train, but the Out-Siders decided to change their operations, so I had no choice but to join them. I couldn't keep up with the Out-Siders."
Story Fayette.png
"You could have just stuck with them you know."
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Don't be silly. I wouldn't have been able to keep up with them."
Story Pittsburgh.png
"As for the Machine Soldiers, there is an ongoing investigation by the main Out-Siders unit. But they haven't been sighted since, so we can never be too careful. We'll never know where we might encounter them, so we should be prepared. If we have to fight those things, it's going to be pretty tough."
Story Queensway.png
"Huh? Miss Pittsburgh, do you know what the Machine Soldiers are like?"
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Course I do. I'm the one who scouted the legion of Machine Soldiers."
Story Queensway.png
"You were in charge of reconnaissance for the Out-Siders, Miss Pittsburgh? That must be extraordinary..."
Story Fayette.png
"Pittsburgh has a very good eye. She's from the north and knows the geography of the area. That's why she was accompanying the Out-Siders on my instructions."
Story Yoshino.png
"Pittsburgh. The woman who knows a lot about weapons and machinery. A St. Iris Kougyoukei whom Yoshino also acquires."
(Original:Yoshinoもいちもつ置いているSt. Irisの『こうぎょうけい』, Yoshino said いちもつ, 'Ichimotsu' meaning acquire, belong to.
Story Putra.png
"'Admires'. not acquires."
(Original:『一目』ね。いちもく. Putra's correction. 'Ichimoku' meaning admire, eye to eye.
Story Queensway.png
"I see. By the way, wasn't Miss Pittsburgh from the northern industrial zones?"
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Oh yes, I am. I know a bit about this village. I've never heard of an army of Machine Soldiers, though."
Story Detroit.png
"Pittsburgh, what were these legions of Machine Soldiers doing there? Were they attacking civilians?"
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Fortunately I didn't see anything like that. What I saw was a bunch of Machine Soldiers marching along with the Mist Monsters. And then they were all gone in a flash."
Story Detroit.png
"What the?"
Story Queensway.png
"Are you saying that the Machine Soldiers were cooperating with the Mist Monsters?"
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Less so working together, more so not interfering with each other. I don't think they're neither enemies nor allies to each other."
Story Fayette.png
"However, it would be worse if they joined forces attacking humans. If the Mist Monsters and the Machine Soldiers were to fight together, we'd be in a world of hurt."
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Yeah. So things are not as good as we thought. The Out-Siders initially expected the Mist Monsters and the Machine Soldiers to crush each other, but changed their strategy in a hurry and went to find out where the Machine Soldiers headed off to."
Story Queensway.png
"Just when we thought the well-organised Mist Monsters had appeared, we now have well-organised Machine Soldiers..."
Story Yoshino.png
"Machine Soldiers and Monsters aren't fighting. But Yoshino and the others might be attacked by both."
Story Putra.png
"It's tough if we have to deal with them both at the same time."
Story Yakutsk.png
"The question is whether we, the SSS, should retreat or attack."
Story Detroit.png
"If the Out-Siders are moving too, then we should be join in on it too. It's easier to do because the enemy's attention will be split by double threats."
Story Fayette.png
"Detroit, are you listening to what I said earlier? Said that the Out-Siders are moving to divert any danger to the SSS? It's all to protect the Mist Train and Conductor."
Story Detroit.png
"Then why don't we just put Conductor and the Mist Train back? Me, Fayette and Pittsburgh are going to find this army of Machine Soldiers. They could be the source of the outbreak."
Story Fayette.png
"Detroit, you need really think over a bit more."
Story Detroit.png
"I'm thinking. I'm suggesting it to protect Conductor and the SSS."
Story Fayette.png
"Not that. My point is can you do it with just three people?"
Story Pittsburgh.png
"I don't mean to be a spoilsport but... I hope your next line isn't 'The number of machine soldiers was mistaken', okay? I'm positive I saw them. And it's certain that it's company-sized."
Story Detroit.png
"The enemy doesn't know we're here, right? Then isn't this our chance? Perhaps we can launch a surprise attack."
Story Fayette.png
"You have a good idea, but this place isn't suitable. If we're going to use the factory as our base of operations, we first need to know what's going on inside. If we're going to move forward, we need to secure the factory first. Surprise is not a possible option."
Story Detroit.png
"I understand what you're saying, but aren't you being a bit too cautious? You can't just leave it to the Out-Siders."
Story Fayette.png
"It's just too dubious that Detroit went on a reconnaissance mission and found bugger all. I'd rather feel safer if you were attacked by the enemy and had to retreat. That's the kind of place I thought it was."
Story Detroit.png
"So you're saying that's why we're retreating? Even though Pittsburgh came along too?"
Story Fayette.png
"I haven't decided to retreat. I'm saying we're going to discuss that with Sir Conductor with that in consideration. I'm the operations leader here."
Story Detroit.png
"Queensway, you should say something too. This is our chance to clear the Mist, you know?"
Story Queensway.png
Story Fayette.png
"You don't have to say anything, Queensway, I'm challenging Detroit's proposal here."
Story Fayette.png
"Detroit, this situation is not our 'chance'. We need more time and information to find out. We may even be in a pinch, contrary to your expectations."
Story Detroit.png
"So you're just going to fall back with the entire SSS, and you think you can clear the Mist with just the Out-Siders? Is there anyone else serious about troop formations have the innate ability to identify the source of outbreaks?"
Story Fayette.png
"None. Only you have that ability."
Story Detroit.png
"That's why we'll have to go to..."
Story Fayette.png
"But they are all more capable than you, Detroit. Let me make that clear."
Story Detroit.png
"What? That's not funny, Fayette."
Story Fayette.png
"I'm not trying to be funny. I've been telling you from the very beginning. I'm serious and so are the Out-Siders. We're playing to win."
Story Fayette.png
"If we're going to go, we should all go, and we should go carefully, keeping a clear path of retreat. If you want, there's a chance they've already made the first mo--"
Fayette and Detroit, who were face to face, realised something and immediately ducked down from where they are.
The next split-second, a huge object passed by where they had been standing at a tremendous speed.
Story Yakutsk.png
"What was that!?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Iron-like scent. Is that the Machine Soldier Pittsburgh was talking about?"
Story Pittsburgh.png
"No... this one's bigger than the ones I saw."
Story Queensway.png
"Are you two okay!?"
Story Fayette.png
"We're fine, how about you, Detroit?"
Story Detroit.png
"One piece here. It tried to strike me, but I dodged."
Story Detroit.png
"Not what I expected. It's not swarming in a group."
Story Fayette.png
"From the way it fights, doesn't seem to be built for group actions. Especially so for mindless machines."
Story Detroit.png
"Meaning it's the head of those bunch of things? Outrageous capabilities. It's good with magic too. Similar to us Train Knights. I don't even think Pittsburgh can retreat unnoticed by this thing."
Story Pittsburgh.png
"That's not what I saw. This is an individual unit that wasn't in the residential zone. Maybe it's their commander."
Story Detroit.png
"If that's the commander of the Machine Soldiers, then isn't it possible that it's the source of the Phantom Mist? If it attacks us alone, I can do it alone."
Story Fayette.png
"...Sadly, it doesn't seem to work that way."
"Everyone in formation. Prioritize defence. Protect Conductor!"
Story Fayette.png
"The enemy has threatening magical powers. Don't think they're just small fry."
A sudden surprise attack by the Machine Soldiers' commander. Immediately afterwards, several Machine Soldiers suddenly appeared out of thin air to surround us.
Chapter 32.png
32-1 Traces of Light
32-2 Unsearchable Objects
32-3 The Army of Machine Soldiers
32-4 Second Defeat
32-5 Distance To Target
32-6 Wreckage
32-7 The Brutal Truth
32-8 For the Sake of Peace
32-9 Hero of the North
32-10 Man-Made