Main Scenario/Hero of the North

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Chapter 32.png
32-1 Traces of Light
32-2 Unsearchable Objects
32-3 The Army of Machine Soldiers
32-4 Second Defeat
32-5 Distance To Target
32-6 Wreckage
32-7 The Brutal Truth
32-8 For the Sake of Peace
32-9 Hero of the North
32-10 Man-Made
Story Fayette.png
"Is everyone okay?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Putra and I are fine, and Queensway is right next door."
Story Yoshino.png
"Mini moms are problem nashi. Yoshino is taking care of Shashou."
Story Fayette.png
"What about Pittsburgh?"
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Cheers. It didn't hit me. Well, I don't think they were going to hit us anyway either."
Story Fayette.png
"It didn't want to hit us?"
Story Pittsburgh.png
"It was a warning shot. I don't know what kind of wind's blowing."
Story Queensway.png
"I'm sure it have something to say. To us."
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Something to say, huh?"
Story Pittsburgh.png
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Vivienne, can you see the top right window, where the broken pillar is stuck in? I want you to flash your light there."
Story Vivienne.png
In the darkness, Pittsburgh located the sniper's position and tells her to light up there.
Vivienne magically alighted up where Pittsburgh told her to.
The sniper, owner of the voice, then revealed himself.
Story Vivienne.png
"I see you."
Story Putra.png
"That's the sniper..."
It wasn't a man holding a gun above our heads. It wasn't a monster or those machine soldiers.
--A mechanical doll without a power source. I've never seen one alive before.
Story Fayette.png
"He's a survivor of this village, Queensway, thank goodness. A survivor."
Story Queensway.png
"But his body is already...".
Story Fayette.png
"His body may be a machine, but the soul lives on. Can't you feel it? His thoughts, his beliefs."
Story Queensway.png
"Miss Fayette..."
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
"Who are you people! Where did you come from! Are you the ones who dropped that bomb! Or are you the bad guys who control the Machine Soldiers!"
Story Queensway.png
"We are the SSS of the Allied Forces. We are here to save this village. We are here to help you."
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
"I don't believe that! You used unknown weapons! You are cowards who took the lives of your allies before they could fight!"
Story Queensway.png
"No! We didn't do that!"
Story Fayette.png
"Wait, Queensway. Don't provoke him. He can understand you. You'll blow it."
Story Queensway.png
"I apologize..."
Story Fayette.png
"Let me handle this. I'm used to that sort of thing."
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
"Cowards! Why do you attack the weakest first? If you want to start a war, declare war on the Order or the army! We just want to live free!"
Story Fayette.png
"Oh, yeah, you are very angry."
Story Fayette.png
"Well, I don't blame you. Everyone here is your family. No wonder you're so angry you've lost yourself."
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
"Yes! Everyone here is family! We are brothers! The first family to sow the seeds and draw the water to this land!"
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
"Why have you attacked our village!? This is our home! We built the mill here with our own hands, not with the Knights! We have nothing against anyone! We are people that has done justice!"
Story Fayette.png
"I know you when I see you. You are a brave warrior. You're a northerner, and you don't give up on your friends."
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
"What do you know about the North!?"
Story Fayette.png
"I do. I'm a northerner myself, and I know a lot of people in Michigan's 'town'."
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
"You know Michigan!? Announce yourself!"
Story Fayette.png
"I'm an Out-Sider of the Order of St. Iris. I'm in charge of the northern danger zone. My name is Fayette."
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
"The Out-Siders..."
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
"The Out-Siders have come to our aid..."
Story Fayette.png
"Yes, we are. A lot of our friends are here too, including Michigan's daughter, who risked her life to protect this place."
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
"Ah, aaaah..."
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
"At last, at last, the Out-Siders, proud desert warriors."
Story Fayette.png
"Sorry we're late. We'll take care of the rest."
Story Fayette.png
"The sniper from the uncharted village. You have defended this place well all by yourself. You've done a great job. I'm sure your fallen brethren here saw how you fought."
When Fayette confided that she is an Out-Sider, the sniper put down his gun and knelt down on the spot.
It shows how much trust the Out-Siders have in northern St. Iris. In this region, which is almost a lawless zone with no Order strongholds, the Out-Siders often operate in secret.
A place where heroes are never celebrated in the open. That is the northern part of St. Iris. A region with few Order strongholds.
There are so many unrecorded incidents here.
Story Fayette.png
"I know you're a survivor of this village. But not those Machine Soldiers, right? Do you know where did they come from? Do you have any idea what they want?"
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
"I don't know. They came out of nowhere with that light. They didn't attack us."
Story Fayette.png
"That's because the light turned them into machines. They are clearly murder weapons designed to attack humans."
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
"They're made of parts we don't know about. You have to aim at the red glow of the power unit to destroy them..."
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Mechanical Sniper
While Fayette was getting information from the sniper, the sniper sensed something and suddenly jumped out of the window.
It seemed as if he had leapt to attack Fayette to our eyes, but he had no weapon in his hands. He had no intention to attack at all.
But as soon as the sniper jumped at Fayette, we saw his mechanical body shatter into pieces, and we understood what he was trying to do.
The village's one and only volunteer army. The brave sniper had taken his stand to save Fayette.
The next thing Fayette knew, that Machine Soldier was standing right in front of her.
Shredded mechanical parts are all around her.
ーーThe remains of that sniper.
Story Fayette.png
"...Oi, you're kidding."
Story Fayette.png
"Answer me. You're a machine right? You can talk with one head, can't you!?"
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Fayette, enough. The boy is killed."
Story Fayette.png
Story Fayette.png
"You did a good job."
Story Fayette.png
"You thought no one would come. You thought you'd be alone for eternity."
Story Fayette.png
"No, you're not alone. There are still a lot of souls wandering around here."
Story Fayette.png
"Don't worry. I'll take care of this for you."
Story Fayette.png
Story Queensway.png
Story Fayette.png
"Partner up with me. We'll work around it so that it can expose its chest's power unit."
Story Queensway.png
"Affirmative, sir!"
Story Pittsburgh.png
"Fayette, there's enemy reinforcements. Lots of little ones coming out. We're surrounded."
Story Fayette.png
"I'll leave the small bastards to you. Keep them out of my way."
Story Pittsburgh.png
"I know. I won't let them get in your way. We're going to win this thing."
Story Fayette.png
"Of course. That's why I'm here."
Story Fayette.png
"Let's play games, you clunky robot. I'm going to make you sorry you ever let me get serious!"
Chapter 32.png
32-1 Traces of Light
32-2 Unsearchable Objects
32-3 The Army of Machine Soldiers
32-4 Second Defeat
32-5 Distance To Target
32-6 Wreckage
32-7 The Brutal Truth
32-8 For the Sake of Peace
32-9 Hero of the North
32-10 Man-Made