Main Scenario/Echoes Below the Depths

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Chapter 9.png
9-1 Secret Trial Under the Hot Sun
9-2 Express Train
9-3 The Imprisoned Princess
9-4 Undersea Corridor
9-5 Echoes Below the Depths
9-6 Rescue
9-7 Whirlpool of Doubts
9-8 Pagan Ritual
9-9 Toe the Line
9-10 Catch of the Day
Story Yakutsk.png
Having shaken off the gillmen's pursuit through Naypyidaw's great magic, we finally stepped into the Underwater Temple, our destination.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Amazing... The underwater corridor earlier was a sight that could have been made into a tourist attraction, but the Underwater Temple is even more beautiful than that ―― beyond all reason."
Story Yakutsk.png
"It's like being inside a jewel box with colourful fish and corals decorating the translucent walls."
Story Queensway.png
"Yeah, it's overwhelming... I wonder how such fragile-looking construction materials are able to withstand the water pressure here, as the water must be quite deep. It's also strange that the air is rather cleaner than on the ground, even though it's an enclosed space underwater."
Story Putra.png
"Mhm, it's magical, gorgeous and beautiful! It makes me so excited! It's amaaaazing~☆!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Aiyeh, yer a local. Why are ya reacting as if you've never seen it before, Putra?"
Story Putra.png
"Eeeh~, beautiful things are beautiful no matter how many times you see them! Besides, this is a centre of government ―― ordinary people like me wouldn't normally be able to get in even if we wanted to, you know?"
It's certainly an impressive sight, but please keep your voice down. Remember that this is a dangerous area, apparently occupied by hostile forces.
Story Putra.png
"Yee-aah. But you know, it's kind of quieter and more peaceful than I thought it would be. It's not popular... I heard that there are always a lot of bureaucrats working in the underwater temples, with a lot of people coming and going."
Story Queensway.png
"Hmm. The bureaucrats and others are probably threatened with weapons or something ―― they're all in one place somewhere and under house arrest."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Yeah, that's what I would do if I were the main suspect. Civilians are being held and locked up somewhere, and the enemy wouldn't want everyone to be able to move around as they please."
Story Putra.png
"Hey, hey, come here y'all! You can see a big shark through the translucent wall, threat levels maximum!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"OH COME ON! Don't move around when I just told you that! That act would be advantageous to hostiles! The people of the Underwater Temple are being held hostage, so don't be too rash!"
Story Queensway.png
"Miss Yakutsk, you're a bit loud too. Ssshh... It's quiet here and the sound reverberates, so be careful, Sir Conductor just warned us."
Story Putra.png
"Ahaha~ you're mad! Watch how others' behave and learn okay? Yakky-tan♪"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Who-whose fault do you think it――"
Story Yakutsk.png
"......!? Was that, a scream? Where did that come from?"
Story Putra.png
"I mean, I think I heard something familiar! Maybe it was someone we know? Perhaps the voice came from over there, I'm going to go and check it out!"
Story Queensway.png
"Aaah, don't go off on your own, Miss Putra! Mr. Naypyidaw hasn't joined us yet, and we never know what might happen, so be careful!"
"Nu-uh! If we're too careful, we might not make it in time!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Queensway! Wait here, and when Naypyidaw arrives, come after me! I'll come to Putra's aid, I can handle any situation!"
Story Queensway.png
"Ah, yes! It would be a disaster if we get separated in enemy territory, someone needs to stay here and wait for Mr. Naypyidaw!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"I wonder what Naypyidaw is doing too, he hasn't caught up with us at all...? After using such great magic, is he actually exhausted and slowed down?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Whatever, I'll go then! Really already, Putra always makes me go through all the trouble all the time...!"
Story Queensway.png
"Heheh. But Miss Yakutsk, you look like you just can't leave Miss Putra alone after all...♪"
Story Yakutsk.png
"It's because, if someone screams for help, we should run over to them as soon as possible, even if it's just for a second! It's because that girl's action itself is just! Wait ―― no, she's just a little too reckless!"
Yakutsk chased after Putra while shouting half-heartedly. Queensway was left standing alone, her hand on the hilt of her sword, ready for battle, pacing impatiently on the spot.
Chapter 9.png
9-1 Secret Trial Under the Hot Sun
9-2 Express Train
9-3 The Imprisoned Princess
9-4 Undersea Corridor
9-5 Echoes Below the Depths
9-6 Rescue
9-7 Whirlpool of Doubts
9-8 Pagan Ritual
9-9 Toe the Line
9-10 Catch of the Day