Main Scenario/Catch of the Day

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Chapter 9.png
9-1 Secret Trial Under the Hot Sun
9-2 Express Train
9-3 The Imprisoned Princess
9-4 Undersea Corridor
9-5 Echoes Below the Depths
9-6 Rescue
9-7 Whirlpool of Doubts
9-8 Pagan Ritual
9-9 Toe the Line
9-10 Catch of the Day
After that... The summoned Evil God was also successfully defeated. After cleaving all the gillmen, Queensway and the others joined the fight and it was an easy clean-up.
As expected with everyone working together, the Underwater Temple officials and everyone else who had been detained and placed under house arrest in various places were also rescued in promptly.
Fortunately, not a single person was killed or seriously injured ―― On the contrary they asked questions like, 'Are we done with the evacuation drill already?', typical Flamarinian attitude.
The rest of the gillmen who had persistently roamed the Underwater Temple were also subdued and imprisoned together in the Coral Cage. Congratulations, an incident resolved―― That's what it felt like.
Story Acapulco.png
"Hmhmm. Apparently, I need to explain more no."
The younger of the political sisters was also rescued unharmed ―― Acapulco smiled as she accepted a drink from Naypyidaw, who stood by her side like a butler. Graceful, dainty... formidable-looking politician.
Story Acapulco.png
"In reality, there has been an increase in disturbing bureaucratic activity recently in the Underwater Temple no. The current vacillation is basically a deliberate attempt to flush those people out no."
Story Acapulco.png
"I planned it, arranged it and ordered Naypyidaw etc. to carry it out no. In short, I am the mastermind behind this incident no ―― You can complain all you want, but I will provide you with answers after a thorough examination no."
Acapulco relaxed as she took a sip, enjoying her tropical juice. Incidentally, the clean-up of the Underwater Temple fiasco was left to the contractor she had hired beforehand, and we are resting our exhausted bones near the train that's left parked on the beach.
As the commander, I am responsible for this serious conversation, I allowed Putra and the others to play freely, as they've played a big role this time. At the moment, they are all camped out on the docks fishing.
Story Putra.png
"FIIII~SH! See, see, it's easy, isn't it? Everyone must be hungry after a lot of work today and we need to catch more food!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"How are ya still so energetic, Putra... Sometimes I envy ya, it's nice, you're such a brainiac."
Story Putra.png
"MHM! Ahaha, it's always sunny in Flamarine......☆"
Story Queensway.png
"Eww. So sorry. I may not be able to fish. These fish bait, these worms... what do you call them? I can't look directly at these worm-like things, I definitely am not going to touch those."
Story Putra.png
"Eeehh~, cheer up Queensway, these worms are wiggly and gross and sometimes bite, but they're not poisonous or anything, so you're safe and sound! No need to be afraid of them being squishy!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Heh. Sometimes you have that well-cared, or rather a young lady side to you ―― Queensway."
Story Queensway.png
"Uuugh. How embarrassing... I only had a little outburst at the end this time, and I've got plenty of energy - but these squirmy squishy things, no waaay!"
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Heheh. They even looked awesome during the battle, but when I see them like that, how surprising ―― They're just your average girls."
We send girls in the prime of their youth into harsh battlefields ―― Do you think we're unethical?
Story Acapulco.png
"The world is a battlefield everywhere no, be it at home or at the academy. At least in these times, the world is filled with Phantom Mist which spreads tragedy all over."
Story Acapulco.png
"And so, the SSS is there to prevent future children from spending their lives in such a battlefield. If that's the case, I respect it and I want to support it no."
Story Acapulco.png
"Nu-uh. We in the Flamarine government are willing to go down the same path as the SSS no. And always will be ―― Well, if we have the will to do so."
Story Acapulco.png
"Or are you angry because we took advantage of you this time no? If you say that you don't want to deal with us again ―― then we have no choice but to withdraw from the SSS no."
...... If Flamarine, one of the five great nations and the economic powerhouse with the largest and most stable financial resources in the world, leaves, the SSS will sooner or later be unable to support its own weight and will go under.
Story Acapulco.png
"Mhm. I don't mean to threaten you, but always remember that no. Every country has joined forces to fight the world crisis ―― It's beautiful the way it is, but in this world, the more beautiful things are, the more fragile they are no."
Story Acapulco.png
"Even in Flamarine, which seems like a paradise, rich and peaceful because of its abundant marine resources, there is filth and brokenness no. Darkness and poisons enter through the cracks and over time slowly erode and corrode the whole no."
Story Acapulco.png
"Hence I took steps before that happens no. That's what happened in this case no."
Story Acapulco.png
"First we had an evacuation drill in our centre of government, the Underwater Temple no. Our country is a peaceful one, so, well, it's necessary in the world situation no. However―― this is not enough."
Story Acapulco.png
"So I hired the Doggan Gang, small-time villains who would do rather anything if you paid them no. To be honest, I feel like that was a poor choice."
Story Acapulco.png
"Such a weak criminal organisation can be easily taken down if push comes to shove no. So it would be okay no matter what, and it wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen ―― That's what I had determined."
Story Acapulco.png
"I miscalculated no. First of all, I ordered an 'invention' that would make humanoid monsters that has always been historically hostile to us ―― The gillmen to go berserk, and had it delivered by Dr. Gloria of the Doggan Gang."
Story Acapulco.png
"What arrived was a substitute that was hundreds of times more powerful than I expected, not only for the several gillmen we had prepared as villains... but also every single gillmen to rise up all at once, those from several settlements in the surrounding sea no."
...... So your people couldn't handle on yourselves and asked us, the SSS, to come to your rescue?
Story Acapulco.png
"No, no. We were going to ask you guys to solve the problem from the very beginning no. Otherwise―― There is no way that Naypyidaw would have been able to reach SSS's base to ask for your help that day, which is quite far from the Underwater Temple no."
Indeed. In retrospect, there were many things that were unnatural. I'm curious as to why we were involved in this case ―― Is it perhaps something that is difficult to explain here?
Story Acapulco.png
"Yeah. It's a long story. We'll have a formal notification from the Flamarine government to SSS HQ later on about the reasons for it no. It's a highly political issue, so I'm sorry, but I can't say anything more about it here no."
Story Acapulco.png
"I'm going to spare the details and just say that the SSS was much better than I thought no... This time, it's completely out of my expectations, and it's appalling to hear that coming from a child prodigy no."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Hmhmm. It was really quite a rush with all the gillmen attacking non-stop, to be honest."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Myselves had also developed a magic to select and exterminate only gillmen, just in case――"
Are you referring to the magic that you used in the undersea corridor, Naypyidaw? Certainly that was too well prepared too, it was strange that you were able to instantly activate such powerful magic that appears to need time to prepare.
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Mhm. I'm sorry, I'm not very good at improvising. I mean, I'm not suited to be a conspirator or a villain―― We're Flamarinians. We're awful at lying."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"I got emotional with you all while we were working together, and I almost spoiled the plot."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"That's the reason why I disappeared halfway through ―― Or rather, I deliberately didn't join at all. Well, Queensway had good instincts, she sensed my intent, caught me easily and questioned me."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"She didn't think we were enemies, so I took advantage of her and put her to sleep with a sleeping spell. I feel bad ―― she was sincere in her belief in me, and I'll have to apologise later."
I don't think Queensway would have minded. She's refreshing and lenient, and she's such a good girl, which is rare nowadays.
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Mhm. That's why I'm sorry I tricked her. I was so focused on her that I didn't notice the surprise attack and the gillman caught me easily, which was also dumb of me."
Story Acapulco.png
"Hmhmm. I made you play a nasty role no, sorry Naypyidaw... But there's no one else I can truly trust, and my sister is useless because she's a dummy who doesn't know what she's doing."
Story Acapulco.png
"Thus I left my sister alone and didn't let her know anything. I don't know why she was working with Dr. Gloria, who I thought I'd dispose of her once her role was done."
No way. So you're saying that the Coral Cage and its surroundings were submerged and Dr. Gloria almost drowned was――
Story Acapulco.png
"No, no. Don't think of me as a cruel devil no. I was thinking more of having her be taken care of, just restraining her and sending her to jail no. She's a criminal, too, so it's a reasonable step, isn't it?"
Story Acapulco.png
"Well, I was going to put all the blame for this mess on the Doggan Gang... I was at least prepared for her to hate me to death."
Story Acapulco.png
"And with that. The gillmen that went berserk because of her high-performance 'invention', found Dr. Gloria walking around aimlessly and they took her with them."
Story Acapulco.png
"Maybe they were going to put her under house arrest somewhere like the other bureaucrats. There was no reason to help her, and I was tied up and couldn't move either, so I left her alone――"
Story Acapulco.png
"I see, she almost drowned to death. I felt sorry for her no ―― Apart from the gillmen and also using her, she was probably the biggest victim this time."
It seems that Puerto Rico was protecting her while being by her side, and our rescue got her out in time, so she survived... How's Dr. Gloria doing now?
Story Acapulco.png
"We've tied her up and locked her up as planned no. My dear sister would be worried that she's missing ―― If my sister saw Dr. Gloria tied up, she would probably save her no."
Story Acapulco.png
"She's a dummy, my dear sister... Well, I wouldn't mind letting one of the Doggan Gang of small-time thugs go."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Hmhmm. You've already thought that much through, younger sister. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't become a ruthless and heartless villain, which is why myselves can swear my allegiance to younger sister and elder sister."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Enough casual talk. The original plan ―― We were going to inspect all the detained officials."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"We can manipulate a few of the Gillmen with magic, and we can make them play the role of terrorists or something, and move them around arbitrarily. It was a natural progression, I wanted to inspect all the bureaucrats."
Why inspect the bureaucracy? A commotion was caused in the Underwater Temple and turned lawless―― Isn't this an attempt to bring out the traitors who harbor evil feelings?
Story Acapulco.png
"Mhm. That was the normal intention no. If they were bad guys, they wouldn't be silent and martyred for the government, they would abandon their country and flirt with terrorists to save their own skin ―― and so on... they would behave suspiciously."
Story Acapulco.png
"But. Luckily, there were no sneaky traitors like that no. In the country of Flamarine no, everyone is friendly, there's no backstabbing―― there's no wisdom in being devious, anyone can live a normal life and be rich and happy without doing anything bad. "
Story Naypyidaw.png
"However. We found some people who exhibited a strange reaction after our tests. They are probably the ones who have been causing disquiet in the Underwater Temple recently."
Who are these people? Terrorists? Or monsters disguised as humans? And what exactly is the 'strange reaction'...?
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Sorry, I can't tell you that here because it's a state secret. It's the biggest stain on Flamarine's history ―― but I can warn you, as far as I can tell, that you too should beware of 'the dead people who is alive'."
The dead people who is alive?
Story Acapulco.png
"Mhm. There is an evil entity involved in that kind of thing no. She is the single greatest natural enemy of Flamarine, which has always been historically peaceful and happy, except for Phantom Mist no."
Story Acapulco.png
"That woman, that 'Demon Lord of Hot Sands' ―― She's the lowest, the worst, the most abominable disaster that once drove Flamarine to the brink of extinction."
At the same time―― In the Underwater Temple Ritual Room where the fierce battle once took place, the contractors commissioned by Acapulco to clean up the area were working silently.
Because there were many grotesque things lying around, such as splattered blood and pieces of flesh from the evil god had to be cleaned up ―― Even the contractors who are used to this kind of clean-up look creeped out indeed.
'--hey, t...'
Suddenly, a strange voice echoes in the silence-filled Ritual Room. Sweet as honey, it was a whispering voice of a dainty girl ―― The cleaners cowered in fright, perhaps thinking it was a bizarre phenomenon.
'--ate, hate, hate hate hate...'
Looking around for the source of the voice, the cleaners looked at the strange object on the altar. It is a beautifully shaped coffin adorned with gold and jewels.
Voices are heard leaking from behind the coffin.
'Aaaah hate, hate, much grudges... but.'
Deep inside the coffin, it begun to exude a horrifying magic, probably due to having absorbed a lot of the gillmen's blood that was splattered all around it―― There, an evil spirit was about to awaken.
'I'm tired of hating and complaining.'
Immediately ―― countless golden-coloured bandages fly out from inside the coffin. One after another, they tangled around the cleaners who were standing on sticks in the surrounding area. In the blink of an eye, their mouths were sealed shut, so they could not scream.
In the unchanged silence, someone's voice is heard.
'We want to do more, more and more and moooooooore ―― Let's have fun♪'
We, who are relaxing on the beach, do not yet know that such a disturbing event has taken place.
Chapter 10.png
10-1 Detachment's Current Status
10-2 Harbinger of Storm
10-3 In the Sea of Blood
10-4 Cursed Pharaoh
10-5 Enemies of the World
10-6 Red Light Nightmare
10-7 Demon Lord of Hot Sands
10-8 The Solitary Sun
10-9 Sandstorm of Love and Hate
10-10 Bonds To Be Severed