Main Scenario/Express Train

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Chapter 9.png
9-1 Secret Trial Under the Hot Sun
9-2 Express Train
9-3 The Imprisoned Princess
9-4 Undersea Corridor
9-5 Echoes Below the Depths
9-6 Rescue
9-7 Whirlpool of Doubts
9-8 Pagan Ritual
9-9 Toe the Line
9-10 Catch of the Day
After destroying the gillman monster that had unexpectedly attacked the academy, everyone present boarded the train. The other members of the team, including Paddington the deputy, were on overseas duty, so arrangements were made for them to arrive later by fast boat or other means.
Anyway, we hurried on and made our way ―― towards the political centre of Flamarine, the Underwater Temple by train.
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Really, so sorry for the short notice."
The apologetic, auspiciously bowing head was the mysterious figure who was being chased by the gillman earlier ―― is Naypyidaw, a court mage who serves the much talked about Underwater Temple.
According to her, there is currently a major problem occurring in the Underwater Temple that cannot be ignored.
Story Naypyidaw.png
"I know the value of the Mist Train, the only train in the world, the symbol of hope. Nu-uh ―― the rumours are echoing all the way down Flamarine's depths."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"I'm so sorry that you had to transport myselves with something this important."
Story Yakutsk.png
"...... 'myselves'?"
Yakutsk had been listening to the conversation in silence, as if she raised a solid question mark when she heard Naypyidaw's distinctive pronoun. The person who responded to this question was the one most nostalgic for her hometown of Flamarine ―― Putra, as she stuck out to the car window and looked over the ocean.
Story Putra.png
"Ahaha. You'd be surprised~ They're famous in Flamarine, court mage Lord Naypyidaw has kinda a special setting――"
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Putra.png
"Two souls in one body. The souls of a brother and sister who are good friends... Was it the older bro who always speaks, like when he does government PR work?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"I'm surprised ya could use honorifics, Putra."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Mhm. Thanks for the explanation, um... Putra. As you said, The 'brother' is speaking now, on behalf of 'myselves'."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Heheh. I'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable, but do please carry on, and my apologies if you don't like boys."
Story Putra.png
"Ahaha, Lord Naypyidaw, you are an important person and you keep apologising♪"
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Nah, I'm a bit of a duty man ―― I usually go around apologising here and there. Not sure if it's a habit, but when the upper echelons go off reins, the bottom pile has a hard time."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Anyway, no need to use honorifics, Putra. Don't use 'Lord' either. I'm just a sidekick to elder sister and younger sister, so I'm not really that important."
"Elder sister? Younger sister...?"
Story Putra.png
"Nah-nah, he's just a great guy!"
Story Putra.png
"The Underwater Temple is Flamarine's center of government, where the delegates of all the states that make up the country hold regular summits... Lord Naypy... Naypyidaw is the strongest magician entrusted with protecting these delegates."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Heh. That's embarrassing, because magic isn't very developed in Flamarine, so there's no competition ―― I'm just a rare sorcerer, it's just relative recognition for me."
Story Queensway.png
"You are a humble man... Speaking as a court mage in the center of government, you must actually have quite a high status. I don't mean to be rude, but you seem much more friendly or casual."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Mhm. He's probably around the same age as us... I don't feel like he's an important person. I mean, I'm surprised that there is such a normal person in Flamarine."
Story Putra.png
"Eeeh~, what do people think of Flamarine?"
Story Putra.png
"From my point of view, all Flamarine girls are normal! Rather, the girls from other countries are too serious or too cooperative...?"
Story Naypyidaw.png
" Ahaha. Thanks ladies, I feel like you all have a hard time with the girls from my country...?"
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Flamarine has always been financially stable and peaceful because of the abundance of underwater resources where Phantom Mist doesn't occur ―― We have that much leeway, and they all grow up to be boisterous and unique girls."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"I think it's a good thing. They are always cheerful, energetic and positive... Myselves love Flamarine that way."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"That's why as a court mage and a government official, I try my best to contribute to my country."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"That said, I can't say that I'm a important person. I didn't fulfil my role as a court mage. I couldn't prevent the disaster that happened in the Underwater Temple, and all I could do was to run away like this――"
I would like to hear more about this. In the meantime, I have driven the train as requested and are on our way to the Underwater Temple... What the heck happened there?
The Flamarinian government is in a state of emergency to the point that it could be overthrown, so I've driven the train on my own initiative... If this whole thing had been a Flamarinian joke, it would have been a fiasco that would normally be court-martialed.
Story Putra.png
"N-nu-uh, Conductor is surely not prejudiced against Flamarine? As you can see, we don't say anything inappropriate either~, and a joke has to be a happier and funnier one!"
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Mhm. It's not a joke, unfortunately."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"I'll tell you the detailed history one by one in turn as we move along. To put it simply at the moment ―― Our Flamarinian center of government, the Underwater Temple, is occupied by a mysterious group called the Doggan Gang."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Doggan Gang!? Eh, how do you know their names?"
Story Queensway.png
"Hmm, strange story, isn't it? I had the impression that those guys were surprisingly good, or that they wouldn't do something so outrageous...?"
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Oh, so you all know the Doggan Gang?"
Story Putra.png
"Mhm, we've had a few fights ―― or more like, they've been one-sidedly fighting themselves?"
Story Putra.png
"Eeeh~, so they're the enemies this time? Whyy~ doesn't it feels kind of strange...? I don't know what's going on, I don't understand?"
Chapter 9.png
9-1 Secret Trial Under the Hot Sun
9-2 Express Train
9-3 The Imprisoned Princess
9-4 Undersea Corridor
9-5 Echoes Below the Depths
9-6 Rescue
9-7 Whirlpool of Doubts
9-8 Pagan Ritual
9-9 Toe the Line
9-10 Catch of the Day