Main Scenario/Whirlpool of Doubts

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Chapter 9.png
9-1 Secret Trial Under the Hot Sun
9-2 Express Train
9-3 The Imprisoned Princess
9-4 Undersea Corridor
9-5 Echoes Below the Depths
9-6 Rescue
9-7 Whirlpool of Doubts
9-8 Pagan Ritual
9-9 Toe the Line
9-10 Catch of the Day
Then... In order to meet up with Queensway's group who we had not seen at all, we decided to turn back to our original location while questioning the Doctor.
Story Yakutsk.png
"If we go to the entrance of the Underwater Temple, we should be able to meet up with Queensway who'swaiting for us anyway. It's extremely troublesome to go back and forth, but well, we have no choice."
Story Putra.png
"It's not safe to split in hostile territory ―― Wait, that's not for me to say."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Eeeh......? The Doggan Gang is supposed to be occupying the Underwater Temple no!?"
When I told her about our situation while moving on, Dr. Gloria was so surprised that her eyes roll back into her head.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Doc-Doctor doesn't know anything about that no! I want you to believe me no, Big Brother!"
Looking at Dr. Gloria's upturned attitude, it doesn't seem like she's lying...
You and the Doggan Gang have been involved in a number of engagements, and are clear adversaries against us SSS ―― I have no intention of believing your statement so easily.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Unyuh~? When you say it like that, I can't even retort anything back! But it's true! It's true that the Doggan Gang is a criminal group and we're the bad people, but――"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"If I may say so myself, Doctor's grunts are weak no! If we go against the Flamarine government, we'll be crushed to pieces no, and there's no reason for us to cross such a dangerous bridge!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Hmhmm. It's cute how she sometimes has a lisp, eh? This girl, she reminds me of Bestyakh when she was little――"
Story Putra.png
"Yakky-tan is strangely kind to children with 'little brother' and 'little sister' attributes. I guess you're that big sister character, and I'm really attracted to that 'gap moe' contrast..."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Hmmm~ Actually, I don't think lil' Gloria is doing anything bad no."
Walking a little behind Putra and the rest of us who were having a casual conversation, was Puerto Rico who put her hand on her cheek, saying that.
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"I could tell from our little chat no, that she is a very 'good girl'... I believe in her, even if no one else does no♪"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"La-Lady Puerto Rico...♪"
Dr. Gloria, who for some reason was completely smitten with Puerto Rico, had an uncoherent story to sort out... Apparently, the Doggan Gang came to this Underwater Temple to deliver an 'invention'.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Erhem. Doctor's a genius and a mad scientist, so I'll will make anything depending on the reward no. Us Doggan Gang are bad guys, so our buyers are limited, but Doctor's 'inventions' are sold for quite a high price in the underworld."
Come to think of it, the Doctor showed off a number of curious 'inventions' during that Triumphal Return ceremony. Incomprehensible, products of super-scientific power――
She may actually be one of the world's leading genius inventors, although it doesn't seem that way because she's a goofball. The Doctor has even created a fake Mist Train, which is claimed to be impossible to remanufacture, ever again, using human technology.
That 'pseudo-train', controlled by the Doggan Gang, was even running side by side with the real Mist Train, albeit for a short period of time - Although it exploded immediately due to a mysterious incident, it was originally something that would have been impossible based on common sense.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Hmhmm. Doctor's grunts make a living by selling such 'inventions' to various organisations no. We need money to fund our evil activities, and we have to feed our families."
Story Putra.png
"Hey, hey Glorin, by the way, are you working alone this time? Usually there's this robot-like man or that woman with long bangs with you, right?"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Glorin... Erm~ The Doggan Gang is in hiding because recently security is a bit tight all over the world and it's hard to move around no, and the Resistance are getting into some rather unfashionable trouble, so I guess every country is on the lookout for them."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Resistance... They are the biggest enemy of the SSS at the moment. Do ya, interact with them as well?"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"I wouldn't, even call it an exchange, though. I don't know why, but those guys are really nice to us of the Doggan Gang no. They'll buy our 'inventions' at a good price, and they help us when we are in trouble――"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"In return, they sometimes ask us for small favors. Basically, they are good people, the Resistance."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Most of the other criminal gangs that deal with the Doggan Gang ―― They either undercharge us for my 'inventions' or try to rob us and sell us off to the slavers. "
Story Putra.png
"Hmm, it's not easy being a villain either... Grolin, why do you live such a hard life? Aren't your parents worried about you or something?"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"...... It's none of your business."
The moment she heard the word 'parents', Dr. Gloria looked horrified for a moment ―― and then for some reason, she looked at me meaningfully.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Anyway. All the other Doggan Gang members ―― Whisper and Bright, are away this time. Actually, Doctor was also forbidden to go out, but I really need some parts for my next invention."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Life was hard... I sneaked out of my hiding place without telling everyone. Then someone wanted a certain 'invention' for a long time, so I came to this Underwater Temple to deliver it."
What's the component you wanted? The SSS, where the wisdom of the Five Powers is gathered, has most of it, if you like.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Fweeh? What, are you sure no? Big Brother, you're just as kind as I always imagined you to――"
In return, I want you to stop your evil deeds once and for all. And I want you to pay for the crimes you've committed so far. A child like you should never do anything evil.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"...... We have a difference of opinion. Not everyone can walk the path they wanted to, Big Brother."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"I am sure that the Resistance people are the same as Doctor. They are such good people, but even though they are attacked by enemies from all over the world ―― they stubbornly continue to follow the path of evil."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
For my blessed Big Brother who doesn't think it's a waste to give something to someone... to what Doctor and the gang so desperately want to the point we have hands coming out of our throats ―― Big Brother, you wouldn't understand, you who probably had it from the moment you were born."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Also. I don't think the SSS has the 'parts' that Doctor wants, as expected. It's the only ancient heritage left in this world anymore."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Those 'parts' are going to be auctioned off at an upcoming event. I really want it and Doctor has to save up for it no."
Story Yakutsk.png
"...... What auction?"
Story Putra.png
"Aaah, it's held every year in Flamarine's red light district. It's an auction of treasures from all over the world ―― I thought it was quite famous, but I wonder if people from other countries know about it?"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Hmhmm. It's held in a place where there is a huge amount of crime every year... It's a shame for our country, so we can't really talk about it too loudly no."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Baby Aca said something like that no. It's supposed to take place in a week's time ―― But it's so crowded with visitors every year that there's no need to advertise it no."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Yes. That's why we have to make money in a big hurry no."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"So I came to the deal in a bit of a hurry... They paid me more than I wanted, and I was so relieved that I was about to leave, when I was attacked by a gillman no."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Doctor's is not good at fighting, or rather I don't like violence... They caught me easily and carried me off roughly no."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Hmhmm. I happened to see lil' Gloria by chance, and I said to them, 'What are you all doing to such an innocent one no!?' ―― I scolded the gillmen."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Then the gillmen got angry and caught me too no. And for a long time after that, we were trapped together in that coral cage."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"In addition, the gillmen suddenly became very unhappy ―― They pulled water in from somewhere and tried to drown us no. It's good that I can breathe underwater, but lil' Gloria's life was really in danger."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Well, didn't you say that all Flamarinians listen to Your Majesty, Puerto Rico? Why are you caught by the gillmen? I feel like you're being waterboarded and not respected at all?"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Hmm, the gillman are humanoid, but they're what we call subhuman ―― classified as a monsters no."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"They can hardly communicate with us and they don't listen to us no. They don't belong to the Flamarine state, but rather collude with other monsters and have caused much terrorism."
Story Putra.png
"Hmmm. I wonder why such 'rogues' are hanging around Flamarine's centre of government ―― the Underwater Temple. The more I hear about it, the more mysterious it becomes."
No, I feel like I'm somehow getting a fuller picture of this incident. There are some puzzling or strange points here and there, however...
Story Putra.png
"Eh, for real? That's amazing, Sir Conductor, you're so clever!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Hmhmm, of course he is. My Big Brother is descended from my greatest Mommy♪"
Story Putra.png
"No, why is Glorin looking so smug?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"――Hold it. Everyone, stop now."
Yakutsk's expression instantly became sturn as she readied her weapon, the whip.
Story Putra.png
"Wha-what's wrong Yakky-tan?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Look... Queensway's not there."
Yakutsk was right. While we were talking, we were approaching the entrance to the underwater temple that was our destination before we knew it... As far as I could see, Queensway, which was supposed to be waiting there, was nowhere to be found.
Story Putra.png
"Huh, huh? Where has she gone, Queensway?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"She met up with Naypyidaw, and they both went after chase us and got lost... No shot, Queensway wouldn't screw up like that, she has an excellent sense of direction."
Story Putra.png
"Mhm. Queensway's the one who looks at the map on expeditions and stuff. Even if no one asks her to, she'll look up the maps and routes herself and goes ufufu laughing along the way."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Dah~ I don't really understand that hobby of hers... No wait, what does this mean then, where did Queensway go?"
Story Putra.png
"Oooi~, Queenswaaaay~! If you're hiding somewhere, come out!"
But there was no response to Putra's calls. I'm getting more and more worried ―― Everyone hurriedly searched the surrounding area, but still Queensway could not be found.
Story Putra.png
"Look! Ther-there are marks like something was dragged!"
Putra looked pale uttering this, who had been examining the area by rubbing her cheeks against the ground. She indicated with her finger that there was indeed a thin trail of marks.
Story Yakutsk.png
"No way, Queensway ―― Did the enemy attack you and knocked her out? And then she was dragged somewhere and carried away...? No, that girl can't be that easily beaten!"
Story Putra.png
"Mhm, Queensway is strong. If something happened to her, there's no way she'd be knocked down before she even screamed... She would have had a voice that we could hear and would have alerted us to the danger. Absolutely."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Hmmm~, if that's the case, shall we check it out?"
Suddenly, Dr. Gloria uttered, looking at us with a puzzled face, as she stuck her hand under the lab coat she always wears.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Jya-jya-jya-jyan~! Doctor's invention, Genius Child Actor Boy~♪"
Dr. Gloria took out a palm-sized doll-like object and threw it carelessly to the ground. The doll then stood on the ground, leaving traces of having been dragged―― It assumes a strange posture.
It is a familiar posture. It's like a hand on the hilt of a sword, wary of its surroundings―― Isn't this the same posture as the Queensway last seen?
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Nyuhuhu. The Genius Child Actor Boy analyses the traces of magic power and other things that are recorded in the world and――"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Umm, I don't understand what you mean with those difficult words?"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Unyuu, explaining is my greatest pleasure... But, apparently, this is an emergency situation. I'm going to abbreviate things and keep it short and simple no."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Genius Child Actor Boy recreates the movements of the person called ―― Let's see, Queensway? Wherever that person has gone, we should be able to track her."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"No matter how much it's disrupted interfere, no matter how much the tracks are covered, it's pointless! We will follow them to the ends of the earth! We'll reenact actual events from the past in visual form ―― that's what Genius Child Actor Boy is all about!"
As ever, at is an insane substitute. It is more magical than magic and easily performs miracles. Dr Gloria's inventions are peculiar, too high-performance, too good to be true ―― If misused, it could lead to extraordinary situations.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Hmhmm, Lookie lookie, Big Brother ―― Genius Child Actor Boy even replicates the appearance of the person he's imitating no! Look, his hair grows and his breasts swell up... Eh? Huh, aren't your breasts a bit too big?"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Uuugh. Does Big Brother like the big ones too...?"
For some reason, Dr. Gloria's eyes are teary-eyed, even though she claims to be the leader of a criminal group or a villain―― Really, I still don't think she's capable of that much evil.
Chapter 9.png
9-1 Secret Trial Under the Hot Sun
9-2 Express Train
9-3 The Imprisoned Princess
9-4 Undersea Corridor
9-5 Echoes Below the Depths
9-6 Rescue
9-7 Whirlpool of Doubts
9-8 Pagan Ritual
9-9 Toe the Line
9-10 Catch of the Day