Main Scenario/Secret Trial Under the Hot Sun

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Chapter 8.png
8-1 The Fairy Forest
8-2 Bourse Missing
8-3 View From the Trees
8-4 The Fairy King
8-5 Is Everything the Mist?
8-6 The Dark Bloods
8-7 The Fairy Spring
8-8 It Came From the West
8-9 La Sorcière Sans Retour
8-10 The Guardian of Brocéliande
Story Yakutsk.png
"Ummm, erhem. Let's start the first edition of the 'Stop It With the Flamarinian Shenanigans Conference'."
Story Queensway.png
"Pleasure to meet you."
Story Putra.png
"Oho? If you said Flamarine, it means it's finally my turn!? Alrighty, little Putra here's gonna to get goiiing~☆"
"The defendant must remain silent."
Story Putra.png
Story Putra.png
"Uhh... What defendant? Is this a meeting in name only, or is this a place to try me for some crime I've committed? Nu-uuuh, I don't want a secret trial!"
Story Putra.png
"I didn't do anything wrong! Yeah, maybe! I remember nothing!"
Story Queensway.png
"Well, actually, Miss Putra, you're relatively ―― one of the smartest people in Flamarine."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Mhm. True~... Inside our 'usual circle', you seem like the silly, energetic, annoying character that we just want to get rid of. But among the Flamarinians ―― Well... I guess you're one of the sensible ones?"
Story Putra.png
"Erhem, I'm a representative of Flamarine, after all! I'm an honours student right!? For real for real! Believe me, everyone of the jury~, I'm really falsely accuseeeed~!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Uweeh, that's depressing! And what's with your tone? It's those strange, hard-to-express aspects of Flamarine that annoys me!"
Story Putra.png
"Eeeh~? But that's the kind of country we're from...? We're free, energetic and happy, we're Flamarinians!"
Story Queensway.png
"Hmhmm. Well, I certainly think that's a desirable trait. Whenever anyone of us is feeling down, for example, Putra's innocent jokes and laughter help cheer us up."
Story Putra.png
"See see, even the defense attorney said so! Please acquit me, Your Honooour~!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Who the heck is Your Honour? But you know - aside from you, Putra, the outlandish behaviour of other Flamarinians has been quite a problem lately."
Story Putra.png
"Aah~, like Phnom Penh dragging passers-by into the water at random?"
Story Queensway.png
"Yes. There's the one who recruits everyone without question into her dubious swimming club, Miss Awilda, and the wild child who seems to have no respect for human common sense, Miss Jeran――"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Also, there's Penang Hill, while she seems to have no bad intentions ―― she collects insects, and the suspicious Kuala Lum, who hides herself in boxes... Is Flamarine full of weirdos? "
They're all rather normal girls when I talk to them. Quoting a complaint directly from the higher ups in the Special Steel Squad: 'I'm a bit concerned about the Flamarinians' problematic behaviours.' ―― Various minor complaints like that.
It seems that there may be some serious consideration being given to the possibility of severe punishment for those who behave in a manner that is offensive to the public morals.
Story Putra.png
"Ah, there you are, Sir Conductor? You sneak up without warning sometimes, do you? You're like a ninja, ninnin☆"
Is it your recent fad, Putra, to change your tone of voice from time to time? Anyway ―― I personally don't want to ruin the lenient and cheerful atmosphere of the SSS by strictly enforcing military regulations.
That's why we've set up a meeting like this to discuss countermeasures. It would be best if we could deal with the problem internally, and we want to find a way to do that, and the best way to find out about Flamarine is to ask our representative, Putra.
Story Putra.png
"Ah~, umm... I see what you mean. So what about Yakutsk and Queensway? Are you two like Conductor's assistants of sorts?"
Story Queensway.png
"Yes. I was told that it might be easier for you to talk with us, who are your good friends, about things that you can't talk about with Sir Conductor, who is your boss and the opposite sex ―― or something like that."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I usually find the Flamarinians an eyesore. You're all military women, you're supposed to follow military rules, you troublemakers."
Story Yakutsk.png
"However. That's the thing, I don't think it's right to force them to be shoved by military discipline. We from Eisengrad have a serious and rule-abiding temperament, and we are all experts ―― So I thought I could give you some advice."
Story Putra.png
"Hmmm~, no one really cares in Flamarine, it's true that people do act weird though. I just thought it was nice and lively and fun."
Story Yakutsk.png
The SSS is actually an army. I would like them to make some effort to keep pace. Putra, you're one of the representatives, can't you make the other girls do what you say?"
Story Putra.png
"Yeeah no~, the fact that I am the representative was also decided based on their mood. The only person who could make every Flamarinian listen is probably Her Majesty Puerto Rico of the Underwater Temple, you know?"
Story Queensway.png
"Underwater Temple? Her Majesty, Puerto Rico...?"
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Oooi~! You cute ladies there, did you just say Puerto Rico!"
Story Queensway.png
"C-cute ladies...?"
Story Putra.png
"Huh? I think she's the one from the Underwater Temple――"
Story Monster.png
"Gulp gulp! Gulp gulp gulp!"
Story Monster.png
Story Yakutsk.png
"Wha-whatt is that foul-smelling creature!? That's a monster, isn't it? Why are they in the grounds of the academy? This place has a much stronger ward than most towns!"
Story Putra.png
"Wow, it's a gillman! I haven't seen one in ages, what's it doing here? That's a monster that only lives in the shallow waters of Flamarine or something like that...?"
Story Queensway.png
"Enough talk, let's do something about that monster! The rule is to get rid of monsters that invade human habitats for whatever reason!"
Story Putra.png
"Rules, rules, rules... Uugh~, they're too troublesome for Flamarine."
Story Putra.png
"But. As one of the five nations in the Allied Forces - It's a topic that cannot be avoided in order to survive as the SSS, right? Maybe?"
Chapter 9.png
9-1 Secret Trial Under the Hot Sun
9-2 Express Train
9-3 The Imprisoned Princess
9-4 Undersea Corridor
9-5 Echoes Below the Depths
9-6 Rescue
9-7 Whirlpool of Doubts
9-8 Pagan Ritual
9-9 Toe the Line
9-10 Catch of the Day