Main Scenario/The Imprisoned Princess

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Chapter 9.png
9-1 Secret Trial Under the Hot Sun
9-2 Express Train
9-3 The Imprisoned Princess
9-4 Undersea Corridor
9-5 Echoes Below the Depths
9-6 Rescue
9-7 Whirlpool of Doubts
9-8 Pagan Ritual
9-9 Toe the Line
9-10 Catch of the Day
At the same time. Inside the Underwater Temple, in a facility for the temporary incarceration of political prisoners ―― Known as the 'Coral Cage', the two girls were chatting over desserts in a corner.
A Cramped Tea Party.jpg
Puerto Rico
"Here, little Gloria, aah~n♪"
Dr. Gloria
Dr. Gloria
"Munch munch! It's so delicious no!"
Dr. Gloria
"What is this? It's so sweet and smells so good, and it's so interesting because it pops in my mouth♪"
Puerto Rico
"Let's see. What was it―― Ah yes, euglena cookies no♪"
Dr. Gloria
Puerto Rico
"Ah, don't make that face, okay? Girls are cuter when they smile no! Don't worry, they are safe and nutritious micro-organisms that we grow on our farm!"
Dr. Gloria
"Umm, uh... I don't think euglena are meant to be eaten no. I'm sorry ―― I'm not used to Flamarinian culture and my immediate thought was 'it's disgusting'."
Dr. Gloria
"But. This is something that Puerto Rico has grown with great care, isn't it? Then it's not at all disgusting no♪"
Puerto Rico
"Wooooow, you are a very good girl no♪"
Puerto Rico
"Then have some more, Gloria dearie! I was so frustrated, because for some reason they were really sick and wouldn't even put it in their mouths no! Why is that, when they taste so good~?"
Dr. Gloria
"E-even the Flamarinians are sensibly sickened by it too...? Eeeew, I feel like my patience's crumbling by eating it!"
Puerto Rico
"Hmm. But we are in a cage... There's no other food, so we're in trouble no. Anyone heeere no~? Gloria dearie seems to be hungry, so can someone give her something to eat, like a snack or――"
"Gulp gulp! Gulpgulp gulpgulp!"
Puerto Rico
"Hyang! Heheh, 'Don't make a fuss or I'll kill you!' it angrily said no. The gillmen are so barbaric that it troubles me no~, I want them to learn from my example and be more friendly no."
Dr. Gloria
"Lady Puerto Rico, how do you know what the creature is saying? All Doctor can hear only sounds like 'gulp gulp', doesn't it?"
Puerto Rico
"Nope, but I am the ruler of the sea who has Mermaid Blood no! Not only do I understand what the gillmen are saying, but I also understand what other sea creatures are saying too♪"
Dr. Gloria
"Amazing! I wonder what the logic is, I want to analyse it and build a translator that will allow anyone to talk to fish♪"
Puerto Rico
"Oh no, he's angry again no! 'I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR REAL!' it said, so let us be silent... Sssh~, no♪"
Dr. Gloria
"Yes! Well then, sssh~... no! Ehehe, to think I've got a big sis♪"
Story Queensway.png
"――Hmm. So it all started with an evacuation drill."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Yes. It was elder sister's usual idea, because the whole world is in a state of unrest these days... We decided to have an evacuation drill in the Underwater Temple to learn what to do in case something happens."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Um. I was wondering earlier, who is this 'elder sister' you're talking about?"
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Ah, sorry. I never realized, I just called her that out of habit... The elder sister is my beloved Lady I serve and to whom I owe a great deal――"
Story Naypyidaw.png
"I mean one of the highest political leaders of Flamarine, Lady Puerto Rico."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Eh, isn't Puerto Rico... Is she the one that Putra was talking about, the important individual who can do whatever she wants to the citizens of Flamarine?"
Story Putra.png
"Mhm♪ She's very popular! She's a famous politician, and everyone in Flamarine loves her! Though she's less of a politician, and more of a princess or an idol?"
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Ahaha. I'm glad you admire my mistress, Putra. Yes ―― She is the most belevolent, pure, respectful and wonderful person I have ever met. Honest, I love her too♪"
Story Naypyidaw.png
"By the way. I call Lady Puerto Rico 'elder sister' and her little sister Lady Acapulco 'younger sister'."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Hmm, why such a strange way of address...?"
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Hmm. I grew up in the same house as the two for various reasons. I called them both 'Lady' for a long time and they weren't happy, they told me to 'treat us more like we're your family'――"
Story Naypyidaw.png
"We had a lot of ideas, but in the end we drew straws and I decided to call them 'elder sister' and 'younger sister'."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Why drawing straws? Meeeh, there's too many things to start poking at Flamarinians!"
Story Queensway.png
"I honestly think it's great for you, Miss Yakutsk to be disciplined and poke them every single time. But I think it's better for your mental health if you go through it in moderation ―― It's too exhausting for your personality."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Nnngh~... Whatever, we have more important things to do now. Why did an evacuation drill turn into a major incident like the occupation of the Underwater Temple?"
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Bout that. It was supposed to be a drill, but it wasn't a drill anymore... As soon as the evacuation drill started, the Doggan Gang and a school of fishmen attacked."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Most of the guards, including myself, and the bureaucrats who were gathered in the Underwater Temple at that time, were easily captured. They thought it was a training drill and they willing get tied up with ropes and stuff without resisting――"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Well, that's too stupid.... Woah, that's very Flamarine."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"I don't have any words to reply to that. Flamarine has always been a rich country with little threat of Phantom Mist and everyone is so peaceful... That's why we had to do evacuation drills."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"And that. In such a situation, younger sister ―― Lady Acapulco let me escape in the nick of time. She was smart enough to notice something was wrong before anyone else, or rather, she insisted desperately that something was wrong from the very beginning."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"And it's always the case that younger sister complains about what elder sister does... People didn't take younger sister seriously, and she resisted, but was outnumbered and caught."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"It's frustrating. It was my role to protect my beloved elder sister and younger sister. Instead, they protected me and let me go ―― I feel sorry for myself."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"However, I shouldn't be so gloomy, that's not like Flamarine. So, best of the worst, ourselves were able to escape from the Underwater Temple――"
Story Naypyidaw.png
"But we couldn't do it alone, so I went to the SSS's base to call for help."
Why Special Steel Squad though? There is a national military presence in Flamarine, stationed at bases and so on, isn't there? Distance-wise, it would have been quicker to call for help there...?
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Hmmm. That was also under the direction of my sister who helped me escape."
Story Naypyidaw.png
"Hmm~. That's also younger sister's orders too, the one who let me escape."
Story Naypyidaw.png
I honestly don't know what the intention was myself. If we call in the national army, perhaps the scale of the commotion will be too big and there would be bloodshed ―― Maybe little sister didn't want that?"
Story Naypyidaw.png
"I don't understand what younger sister thinks ―― the one who's hailed as the rare child prodigy in Flamarinian history."
Chapter 9.png
9-1 Secret Trial Under the Hot Sun
9-2 Express Train
9-3 The Imprisoned Princess
9-4 Undersea Corridor
9-5 Echoes Below the Depths
9-6 Rescue
9-7 Whirlpool of Doubts
9-8 Pagan Ritual
9-9 Toe the Line
9-10 Catch of the Day