Main Scenario/Detachment's Current Status

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Chapter 9.png
9-1 Secret Trial Under the Hot Sun
9-2 Express Train
9-3 The Imprisoned Princess
9-4 Undersea Corridor
9-5 Echoes Below the Depths
9-6 Rescue
9-7 Whirlpool of Doubts
9-8 Pagan Ritual
9-9 Toe the Line
9-10 Catch of the Day
In a corner of a vast desert area lies Flamarine's largest red light district. It is a city of desire where all the gold, silver, treasure, pleasure and vice that exists in the world gather.
Inside the legendary Night Butterfly night club, which is famous even in this nightless city ―― Was assistant vice-captain Paddington, in command of a detachment, who fell down with a loud thud.
Story Paddington.png
A number of shot glasses flew through the air, glinting psychedelically in the reflections of the shop's lights. The members of the SSS were startled by the noise and seemed a bit uneasy ―― Vivienne and Yoshino rolled their eyes.
Story Vivienne.png
"Hold it, are you okay Paddington? Are you hurt?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Ooooh~, Paddington's been a bit of a dojikko lately."
Story Paddington.png
"Owow... So-sorry about that. Since I am indebted to them, I thought it would be a good idea to help out with the work at the store ―― Even if just a little."
Currently, the three girls in the detachment are in the middle of a undercover mission in the city. They were blending in with the locals and gathering information.
In doing so, they have been able to rely on the help of Penang Hill, another member of the SSS, and the girls have taken up residence in her family home, the Night Butterfly. The city is notoriously unsafe, but this is a safe base of operations.
Story Vivienne.png
"While your feelings are admirable, aren't you becoming a 'hindrance' rather than a 'help'? We have our own mission and I think you should concentrate on that, non~?"
Story Yoshino.png
Mhm, you should leave it to the pros. Even if a shiroto tries their hand at it, it might be a nuisance. If Paddington wants to bury you bones here, won't stop you."
Story Vivienne.png
"Even so, I don't really recommend it, because Paddington, unlike me and Yoshino, you're not the type of person who can handle everything."
Story Yoshino.png
"Ooooh~, Vivienne's hyou for Yoshino is high."
Story Vivienne.png
"I'm just stating the truth, Yoshino's the inspiration type. On the other hand, Paddington you're the perspiration type, and if you try something you're not used to, you'll only get hurt."
Story Vivienne.png
"On top of that, you're a serious and uptight St. Irish Divine Child. I don't think you can get men drunk and entertained~ you're not cut out for this kind of nightclub work."
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa.... I was famous at home for being a clumsy girl, which tended to raise eyebrows among my relatives. I was called the 'Divine Child of Destruction' because I broke so much furniture and stuff."
Story Vivienne.png
"I can see why you got that nickname. Bon sang, the floor is a mess with broken glasses and splattered alcohol... Back up a bit so I can clean it up."
Story Paddington.png
"Ugh, it's not worth it. Sorry, Vivienne."
Story Yoshino.png
"Ooooh~, sasuga Vivienne. You can be relied on, you've got the wife power."
Story Vivienne.png
"What wife power......? Wo-wo woah?"
Story Paddington.png
"Awawa, Conductor! Wh-why are you here...?"
I quietly walked up and approached the three members of the detachment who were congenially sitting in a corner of the shop.
Perhaps because the shop was very noisy ―― Even the girls who are trained soldiers apparently didn't notice my approach until just now.
Story Vivienne.png
"I mean, I was surprised that you showed up like this. I heard that Conductor's team were in a 'difficult situation' and you all must be busy with the aftermath by now ―― I thought."
Story Paddington.png
"Yes. We were given an overview of the situation in a secret communication from the SSS, but is everything all right, Sir Conductor? We were so worried... We couldn't eat, we felt faint and broke a lot of plates and glasses."
Story Yoshino.png
"That was just you, Paddington. We were really worried, Shashou. Heard that the Underwater Temple where you were staying was in a state of collapse――"
Story Paddington.png
"Yes. But there was no train, so it was difficult to get to Conductor, so we could only be 'anxious'."
I'm sorry for worrying you all. But rest assured, everyone in the main team is safe. Only Putra had an 'accident' during the rescue operation and was injured ―― but she is alive.
Also. It seems that the facts have been exaggerated, the Underwater Temple was not destroyed. There was a light, unexplained riot of some kind, which damaged some of the buildings and injured some bureaucrats.
In fact, the terrorist attacks by fishmen that took place just before 'the incident' were more damaging.
It seems that the riot was also an evacuation drill―― The Underwater Temple had made preparations for that, so the damage was kept to a minimum. It's a blessing in disguise.
Story Vivienne.png
"Hmmm~? I don't understand, can you sort it out and explain it all from scratch? What on earth happened in the Underwater Temple, Conductor?"
To answer Vivienne's puzzled question, I was about to open my mouth when ―― just at that moment.
The door to the entrance of the shop suddenly opened, and the 'strange people' appeared from behind it with a bang.
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa!? Wha-wha-what are those people? Are they our guests?"
Story Paddington.png
"Righto ―― This time, to clear my name, I, Paddington, am here to serve you!"
Story Vivienne.png
"Non non non, Paddington, back off and be serious! They're 'rabble rousers' who're bad at being monsters and are robbers at best! Their sense of fashion is terrible too to wear bandages like that!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Understand. Besides, those people smell... rotten. Maybe it's something like zonbi-style."
Vivienne, Yoshino, fight them off! They are humanoid but can be regarded as monsters, just like the ones who stormed the Underwater Temple earlier ―― They're Walking Dead who are hostile to us!"
Story Vivienne.png
"Eeeh, Walking Dead? What are those? Really, you'll have to explain it to me later ―― Monsieur Conductor!"
Confused, Vivienne held her staff in a fluid motion. Yoshino also took out a sorcery-use ofuda and confronted the rampaging Walking Dead.
Chapter 10.png
10-1 Detachment's Current Status
10-2 Harbinger of Storm
10-3 In the Sea of Blood
10-4 Cursed Pharaoh
10-5 Enemies of the World
10-6 Red Light Nightmare
10-7 Demon Lord of Hot Sands
10-8 The Solitary Sun
10-9 Sandstorm of Love and Hate
10-10 Bonds To Be Severed