Event Scenario/A Scarecrow's Role

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Snow and Ice Neverland Banner.png
T-1 Inside the Pumpkin Carriage
T-2 A Scarecrow's Role
T-3 Uninvited Guests
T-4 Neverland
T-5 Snow and Ice Amusement Park
T-6 Adults' Conjecture
T-7 Fake Happiness
T-8 Descending White Dragon
T-9 The Other Side of Dreamland
T-10 Bloody Survival
Story Monster.png
"Mooooo! Mooooo!"
Although their cries are slow, the Yeti's movements are surprisingly agile. Waving their huge arms around and lashing out, they look more like disasters than demons - a ground blizzard of flesh and ego.
Story Murmansk.png
"EI, EEI!"
Still unfazed, Murmansk fought back. She held up her sniper rifle, which is disproportionately sized for her tiny frame, and fired consecutively--
Story Murmansk.png
"No good! They're too [Hairy], it's hard to find their [Weak Points]! Their meat is also [Bulky], my [Bullets] can't penetrate...!"
Apparently, Murmansk is not suited to fight them. She is an expert sniper in the Special Steel Squad, comparable to Volgo, but she is a physically frail child - a massive disadvantage in close combat.
Story Monster.png
Story Murmansk.png
"Hyah, ghyah? Don't rampage, it's scary!"
Murmansk! It's dangerous to fight muscular Yetis directly at point-blank range! Get behind the carriage as a barricade and snipe them while ensuring your own saf--.
Story Murmansk.png
Just as I was yelling out the best tactic I could think of, the Yeti recognised my voice and approached me.
And then - not surprisingly, some of the Yeti cooperated to lift the carriage I was in. A floaty sensation. The carriage lifted off the ground, and immediately afterwards - I was thrown full force. My vision spun wildly, and immediately afterwards I felt impact all over my body.
Story Murmansk.png
ALL GOOD! The carriage was wrecked, but I took cover, so I was only slightly injured!
Story Murmansk.png
"Eeeh, thank goodness... But what do we do now? They're [Stronger] than I thought, those [Yetis]!"
It's okay, calm down Murmansk. If you deal with them calmly, they are not an opponent you can't beat. First of all, let Volklingen, who is excellent at melee combat, keep them occupied, and you Murmansk, so long as you keep your distance and accurately shoots the enemy in the head, this shoul--
Story Murmansk.png
"Huh? But... where is Miss [Volklingen] going?"
Story Volklingen.png
"GAHAHAHAH! Thank you buffoons, you're desperately trying to stall the Yetis at best! I can't risk my life when I'm not being paid for this! You idiots take care of the rest, farewell!"
Volklingen laughed loudly while she bolted out of combat like a hare. Murmansk is perplexed seeing her overly selfish behaviour, like a little child who has discovered the truth about Santa.
Story Murmansk.png
"What, that's... no way, you're kidding? Where are you going, [Volklingen]? Why, um, what's going on--"
Story Monster.png
Murmansk's momentary lapse was interrupted by a Yeti, who pummeled her with the palm of its huge hand. Stunned, she was unable to defend or evade, and her light body was sent flying, then violently rolling on the ground.
Story Murmansk.png
Murmansk seems to have blacked out and stayed motionless. I managed to crawl out of the wrecked carriage and called out her name repeatedly.
Story Volklingen.png
"Yikes, that looks painful... Poor thing. Well, this is all none of my business--"
Volklingen looks back at us, her face pale, as if her conscience has indeed been somewhat shaken. All the Yeti rushed forward, as if they are trying to karmically punish her.
Story Volklingen.png
"WHEEEH!? Hey, don't come over here! Why are you targeting me, why don't you all just eat Conductor or something if you're hungry!?"
While she made a rather questionable remark, Volklingen readied combat stance to defend herself from all the hostility. But I couldn't even watch the outcome of her battle.
Story Monster.png
A Yeti walked up to me with an eerie cry, and its huge palm grabbed my face. My vision was enveloped in darkness, and with a sensation of constriction to my head, I fell unconscious.
Snow and Ice Neverland Banner.png
T-1 Inside the Pumpkin Carriage
T-2 A Scarecrow's Role
T-3 Uninvited Guests
T-4 Neverland
T-5 Snow and Ice Amusement Park
T-6 Adults' Conjecture
T-7 Fake Happiness
T-8 Descending White Dragon
T-9 The Other Side of Dreamland
T-10 Bloody Survival