Event Scenario/Snow and Ice Amusement Park

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Snow and Ice Neverland Banner.png
T-1 Inside the Pumpkin Carriage
T-2 A Scarecrow's Role
T-3 Uninvited Guests
T-4 Neverland
T-5 Snow and Ice Amusement Park
T-6 Adults' Conjecture
T-7 Fake Happiness
T-8 Descending White Dragon
T-9 The Other Side of Dreamland
T-10 Bloody Survival
After confirming each other's physical condition and armaments again, we decided to explore the surroundings. Everyone was mostly unharmed and no weapons had been confiscated, and thanks to our good sleep, we were in good physical condition.
Story Murmansk.png
"My [Ammunition] was packed in the [Carriage] that got smashed up... I'm a bit [Worried] about my [Reserves]."
Story Volklingen.png
"Tch, if monsters attack us, I'll be the main one to fight them then, even though it's a pain in the ass. If I desert and flee from y'all again and run away again, even Conductor will give up on me for real."
Bless you. But -- what is this place though?
Story Volklingen.png
"It's sure a strange place.... Isn't this an amusement park? Still weird because all the buildings and stuff are made of ice, but it looks like it has everything you'd expect to find in most amusement parks."
Story Murmansk.png
"? What's an [Amusement Park], Miss [Volklingen]?"
Story Volklingen.png
"Oh right, you brat's a savage, so you don't know huh? It's a playground, you know. It's full of fun rides and stuff, where families with free time on their hands go to play on their day off."
Story Volklingen.png
"I went there once when I was not even old enough to remember.... I was sickly and confined to home at the time, but my Papa said that's unhealthy~ for me."
Story Volklingen.png
"I miss it... Back then, my Papa was still alive and I was still on good terms with my Mama, so when they held my hand - I'm happy too, and I'm playing crazy all day long like an idiot."
Story Murmansk.png
Story Volklingen.png
"? What are you looking at, huh? Am I not allowed to have such innocent times?"
Story Murmansk.png
"Nuh-uh. I'm envious and [Curious] because all I had was my [Babushka]. I wonder what my life would be like to have [Papa] and [Mama]."
Story Volklingen.png
"Hm, hmmm... So, you're alone all this time?"
Story Murmansk.png
"Nuh-uh. Now everyone in the [SSS] is my [Family]. I have a lot of warm and loving [Family] members - I'm a member of the [SSS]♪"
Story Monster.png
'Welcome to Neverland♪ Where there are lots of fun attractions! You can choose any one you like and have fun.'
Story Volklingen.png
"GYAAAH! They've returned, the Yetis!"
Story Murmansk.png
Suddenly, a Yeti appeared in close proximity. The somewhat friendly conversation was interrupted as Volklingen and us braced ourselves. However, the enemy's reaction was sluggish this time, and for some reason it just stood there and repeated the same words.
Story Monster.png
'Welcome to Neverland♪ Where there are lots of fun attr--'
Story Volklingen.png
Volklingen pounded the Yeti without question. She is very reliable in that sense, as she doesn't hesitate to resort to violence at times like this--
Story Monster.png
'--Ruh, ruh, there's more! Any of them, pick any you like...'
The beaten Yeti shrugged its huge body, its voice somewhat shaken, and it reached out to Volklingen nonchalantly. It grabbed her arm and carried her like nothing over its shoulder.
Story Volklingen.png
"Whoa! Hey, hey! What the hell are you doing, don't you dare touch me!?"
Story Murmansk.png
"Miss [Volklingen]! Stay [Calm], I'll [Save] you!"
Story Volklingen.png
"Damn it, don't shoot, you little brat! I'm going to die if you hit me, because that sniper rifle of yours is way too powerful for nothing!"
Story Murmansk.png
"No! I won't miss at this [Range]!"
Story Volklingen.png
"It still could happen though, how are you taking responsibility if something happens to me!?"
The Yeti carried Volklingen away while she's squealing. Its behavior was too mysterious, but we couldn't leave her alone, so Murmansk and I chased after her.
Story Monster.png
'We are departing shortly! There's still plenty of room for everyone, and we'd love you to join us, guests! Let's all take a ride, to the Never End Coaster☆.'
A few more Yetis sprung up one after another from the surroundings, saying strange things. Just before I fainted earlier on, they only made cow-like noises when I saw them in the field, but now they are speaking fluently - nothing makes sense anymore.
Story Murmansk.png
"...[Conductor], it's [Mist]."
Just as Murmansk nervously said this, we only realised now that it's too late for us too. This icy amusement park was filled with a thick Phantom Mist.
Despite the strangely joyful facade, this may be a bizarre Hell for us.
Snow and Ice Neverland Banner.png
T-1 Inside the Pumpkin Carriage
T-2 A Scarecrow's Role
T-3 Uninvited Guests
T-4 Neverland
T-5 Snow and Ice Amusement Park
T-6 Adults' Conjecture
T-7 Fake Happiness
T-8 Descending White Dragon
T-9 The Other Side of Dreamland
T-10 Bloody Survival