Event Scenario/Fake Happiness

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Snow and Ice Neverland Banner.png
T-1 Inside the Pumpkin Carriage
T-2 A Scarecrow's Role
T-3 Uninvited Guests
T-4 Neverland
T-5 Snow and Ice Amusement Park
T-6 Adults' Conjecture
T-7 Fake Happiness
T-8 Descending White Dragon
T-9 The Other Side of Dreamland
T-10 Bloody Survival
Several hours have passed since we wandered into that strange 'amusement park'. During that time, we have not just sat idly by. We investigated our surroundings as much as possible and came to various guesses and conclusions.
First, there was no escape from this amusement park. Whenever we tried to leave, the Yeti would swarm in and carry us back to the park, no questions asked.
At the same time, the Yeti somehow guide us to every attractions of the amusement park. Roller coasters, Ferris wheels, merry-go-rounds... and much more.
Even if we refuse to go near them, all made of ice, we are still forcibly dragged and carried along.
The reasons for this were a mystery. At first we resisted - But with our numbers and equipment, we had no chance against the dozens of Yeti. If we just follow them silently, they won't do anything to us, so for the time being we simply enjoyed the attractions without any resistance.
But it's not fun at all. On the contrary, it's creepy and terribly tiring... Maybe it's the lack of any kind of heating or fire here, or maybe it's the Mist that fills the place - we can't stop shivering throughout.
Story Murmansk.png
"Sir [Conductoooor]! Miss [Volklingeeen]! Over here, over here [Next]! Look, look, there's another one that's [Interesting]~♪"
Except for Murmansk, as she was born and raised in an extremely cold, hellish environment, she's jumping around innocently and happily. She is so excited that her cheeks are as red as apples, as if the amusement park is an extremely interesting place for her to experience for the first time.
Story Volklingen.png
On the other hand, Volklingen was sitting on benches placed here and there, dejected with a look of sheer disgust.
Normally she tends to keep her distance in a pompous way, but does she dislike the idea of directly touching a bench made of ice? - She was leaned against my lap.
Story Murmansk.png
"? What's wrong, you two? You look a bit [Tired], huh?"
Story Volklingen.png
"...Seriously, why are you so energetic, you little brat? I mean, who do you think is making me so tired?"
Story Murmansk.png
"Eh? Is it me, after all? So I'm the one who's--"
Murmansk snuggled up to her, and as a matter of course, puts her mouth onto Volklingen's finger. She made slurping sounds and sucked on it like a breastfeeding baby.
Story Murmansk.png
"-- Is it because I'm [Smooching] on [Volklingen] to keep myself from [Vanishing] away?"
Murmansk was regularly fed Volklingen's blood because it is too dangerous to disappear in such a bizarre place. Volklingen lightly pricks her fingers, causing her to bleed, which Murmansk then drinks to keep herself from disappearing away.
Incidentally, Volklingen inherits the Ancient Great Bloodline and can regenerate almost instantly from any wounds. She seemed to have lost some of her strength, but that is no problem if I give her an Iron Injection.
Volklingen, energised by Iron Injections, continued to suppress Murmansk's invisibility in exchange for a small amount of strength. In a way, it's a perpetual motion device - This can slow down Murmansk's chronic illness from manifesting for a few months or more.
Story Murmansk.png
"Heheh. I'm glad, I've been able to stop being [Invisible] for so long... You're amazing, [Volklingen], I wish we could be [Together] forever."
Story Volklingen.png
"...To be honest, I feel uncomfortable being drained of blood, it's like I'm being subjected to a new kind of torture. Hey, have I done something so bad that I should be treated like cattle to be milked like this?"
I'm going to say that this completely absolves you of the crime of fleeing from the enemy earlier. If you learn from this, don't ever run away and abandon your mates again.
Story Volklingen.png
"That's why I already said I'm sorry, you're persistent, you fucking Condu... OW OW OW! Hey, you little shit, don't you sink your teeth in!"
Story Murmansk.png
"Smooch smooch, smooch smooch....♪"
This suddenly occured to me. When we cuddle up together like this, we're like a couple of parents with our child enjoying a normal amusement park - I suppose.
Story Murmansk.png
"Eheheh, right? [Conductor] is the [Father] and [Volklingen] is the [Mother]-"
Story Volklingen.png
"And you're the [Troublesome Shitty Brat]."
Story Murmansk.png
"Mwah, I'm not [Shitty Brat], okay? I'm [Murmansk], mother...♪"
That's right, mother, at least learn your adorable daughter's name properly.
Story Volklingen.png
"These, these bastards... Oh my God, you two are so annoying, why do I have to--"
Despite her grumbling, Volklingen is also somewhat conciliatory. She even gently wiped her own blood from Murmansk's lips.
Story Volklingen.png
"Look, behave yourself. I don't know if it's a good idea to teach a savage, but come on, you're even making my clothes dirty."
Story Murmansk.png
"Yeeees! Hehehe, you really are like a [Mother]! I've always read about it in [Books] and stuff, and I've always admired you having one...♪"
Story Volklingen.png
"...Hmmmmph. It's not as lovely as you think, a family that is."
Seeing Murmansk innocently showing affection, Volklingen's expressions looked complicated.
Story Volklingen.png
"I'm sure Conductor heard about it. My family is broken. When I was as small as this brat, we used to go to amusement parks together."
Story Volklingen.png
"I don't know what went wrong with my Papa, but he snorted wildly about 'serving our country', became a soldier and went on a suicide mission into the enemy -- he quickly died a dog's death."
Story Volklingen.png
"The relationship between my Papa and Mama was cold even before that. As soon as she heard the report of Papa killed in action, Mama ran away with a young, good-looking, shitty handsome man."
Story Volklingen.png
"And I've been alone ever since. I didn't want to be an actual scum like my Mama, so I tried to imitate my Papa like this and became a soldier--"
Story Volklingen.png
"But in the end, I'm Mama's girl after all. I'm mischevious and misbehave all the time, and just like my hypocritical Papa, I'm shunned by everyone around me... After all, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and the trash doesn't roll far from the bin."
Story Volklingen.png
"... Ain't I a fucking idiot. I don't know why I'm talking about this."
Snow and Ice Neverland Banner.png
T-1 Inside the Pumpkin Carriage
T-2 A Scarecrow's Role
T-3 Uninvited Guests
T-4 Neverland
T-5 Snow and Ice Amusement Park
T-6 Adults' Conjecture
T-7 Fake Happiness
T-8 Descending White Dragon
T-9 The Other Side of Dreamland
T-10 Bloody Survival