Event Scenario/Bloody Survival

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Snow and Ice Neverland Banner.png
T-1 Inside the Pumpkin Carriage
T-2 A Scarecrow's Role
T-3 Uninvited Guests
T-4 Neverland
T-5 Snow and Ice Amusement Park
T-6 Adults' Conjecture
T-7 Fake Happiness
T-8 Descending White Dragon
T-9 The Other Side of Dreamland
T-10 Bloody Survival
Story Monster.png
Ice Goddess Sculpture
As soon as Volklingen took a brave step forward, the Ice Goddess Statue moved instantly in front of her. Like the Yetis, it was also moving at high speed despite its slow and heavy appearance, but much faster - It was probably sliding across the ice surface, which has a friction coefficient of nearly zero.
Story Volklingen.png
Story Monster.png
Ice Goddess Sculpture
There's not even enough time for warnings. The ice goddess sculpture emitted a deafening roar of rage and extended sharp icicles from its back, impaling Volklingen's entire body. A lot of blood sprayed out from her, and even our faces were hot and wet from it.
Story Volklingen.png
"Aaaagh... I, what the actual Hell am I doing...?"
While she was completely pierced by icicles, Volklingen tearfully blurted out like a lost child.
Story Volklingen.png
"I don't get paid, I don't get special allowances. Fighting only makes me tired, it's painful, tedious and fucking ridiculous... I have nothing to gain, so why didn't I just run away like I always do?"
Her whole body stained red with blood, Volklingen held out her jerking and trembling arms. No matter how I look at her, she should be mortally wounded, and yet -- Her voice is not even a little weak.
Story Volklingen.png
"Gotchaaa Biiiitch. Fun time's over, you fucking toy."
At that moment, Volklingen placed her hands around the ice goddess sculpture as if embracing it. Her wounds were instantly regenerated because of her 'Ancient Great Blood' - The ice pillar that pierced her entire body stayed stuck, pinning the enemy to the spot.
Story Volklingen.png
"Gyahahahaha...♪ You idiot, you think you'd won? That you could kill me? That you got rid of intruders in your way and all you have to do now is produce children of your liking?"
Story Volklingen.png
"Sorry~ Too bad you won't get what you want. Because I'm not going to die - I'm not going to let small fry like you kill me."
Story Volklingen.png
"I'm still not as happy as I dreamed of being when I was a child. But I'm not ready to die - I'm not going to end up like my Papa, who accidentally married a royal bitch and then died like a dog while everyone laughed at him."
Story Volklingen.png
"And. Also, I'll never, ever, ever..."
Story Volklingen.png
Volklingen howled proudly and unleashed all her arm strength. The jittery, rampaging ice goddess sculpture cracked instantly - and shattered.
Story Volklingen.png
"Come... Looks like it's closing hours, let's go home."
The bloodied Volklingen gently picked up Murmansk, who tumbled out of the shattered ice.
Thus, the incident of the strange amusement park is resolved. Immediately after overthrowing the master of the amusement park, its 'nest' - everything melted away and collapsed, as if it had all been a dream. At the same time, the Phantom Mist that had filled the place was wiped away.
Likely the ice goddess sculpture was the source of the Mist.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"What a great pity. If only the monsters had been eliminated, that amusement park would have been one of the best tourist attractions in our country. The only amusement facility in the world made entirely of ice - wouldn't that make for a very good business expenditure, ja?"
Story Fussen.png
"Does a knave like you only care about money?"
Story Leipzig.png
"Offizier... Just as she says, my humble self also do not think it is appropriate for you to make that tasteless statement, as there have been victims."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"No. With the latest medical treatment from Eisengrad, children who have been turned into Yetis could be restored to their original state. If I must say, we could conclude that there were no 'human casualties' in this case - am I right, ja?"
Story Fussen.png
"Hmph. You're the slimy wordsmith as always."
It was evening on the day after the strange amusement park collapsed. We were rescued by Fussen's team, who arrived late, and we're taken to her castle for treatment.
Although it is impossible to predict the outcome without a proper medical examination, none of us were unharmed, and nobody lost our lives.
Murmansk had been tossed about inside the womb of the ice goddess statue, yet fortunately did not turn into a monster. She was still smiling healthily in her luxurious bed.
Story Murmansk.png
"Ehehe. I'm glad I'm not a [Monster]... I'm neither a [Monster] nor a [Ghost]."
Story Murmansk.png
"But. I'm afraid I wasn't much [Help] this time. I'm sorry, Sir [Conductor]... I was so [Excited], but I'm [Ashamed] I didn't perform the [Results] you wanted."
Story Fussen.png
"No, there is nothing to be ashamed of, my klein Murmansk! Murmansk, all you have to do is live a healthy life, and the sun will rise today and the world will be filled with brilliance...☆"
Fussen started raving demented things, and the two members of the PR department, who have done their best providing logistical support this time, are also taking a break around the bed.
It's just about dinner time. With plates of food that Fussen has apparently prepared for us, we all take a rest and enjoy a celebratory drink.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Munch munch. You are a surprisingly good cook, Fräukleine Fussen. My sincerest apologies -- I genuinely thought you couldn't do anything else other than to flaunt."
Story Leipzig.png
"Yes. This tastes wonderful, and my humble self is honoured to partake as your guest."
Story Fussen.png
"Hmph. It would be a shame to have dishes that has been prepared with such effort and care be thrown away or left to rot. You should be more grateful and praise it -- its supreme deliciousness is a waste for snobs like you, got it?"
Story Leipzig.png
"Yes. I like to cook a lot myself, but I am not nearly as good as Your Highness. I would like to learn recipes and so on, so that the children back home can also taste it...♪"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Yes. I wonder if Fräukleine would be interested in marriage matchmaking session? You'd be very popular with your skills, you know? It's a pity that your personality is quite demanding, but if you have a good pedigree and can do housework, you'd be a very good candidate♪"
Story Fussen.png
"Normally I don't do housework, I leave that to Cinderella, who is rather handy for a reptile. But that creature has done its fair share of work this time, so it'd be a terrible idea to wake her up and make her do the cooking and so on."
Fussen glanced over - Next to Murmansk's pillow on bed, Cinderella has reverted to her miniature size and is curled up asleep. Her wounds had not yet healed and she was bandaged here and there.
Story Fussen.png
"Hmph, I guess I should be kind to my servants once in a while. You did well, Cinderella. Once you're awake, I'll shine your scales for the first time since long ago."
Fussen smiled unexpectedly kindly and gently patted Cinderella's head. However her expression instantly turned grim, and she gritted her teeth irritably.
Story Fussen.png
"...Volklingen too, did her best this time. In her own shameless, fallen aristocratic way."
Story Volklingen.png
"Zzz, zzz...♪"
Volklingen, called out, must indeed be exhausted - she was sound asleep and did not reply. Murmansk is hugging her all the time and is very fond of her, and that doesn't sit well with Fussen.
Story Fussen.png
"Volklingen you cheeky little, I wonder how you fished up my klein Murmansk. Bah damn it, I'm soooo furious -- I'm going to scribble on your sleeping face."
Story Murmansk.png
"Heheh. Miss [Volklingen] said the same thing. I guess [Aristocrats] do have some similarities."
Story Murmansk.png
"So I guess Miss [Fussen] is not just a [Scary] person...?"
Story Fussen.png
"Y-You think I'm scary!? Why, little Murmansk? I always treat you with hot strong love like a burning flame!"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"No, that's exactly why I think you're too excessive, gross and creepy. It's your personal choice on what you fancy, but please don't kidnap children repeatedly inside amusement parks, ja?"
Story Leipzig.png
"Yes. Now that we are part of the same SSS, it would be somewhat distasteful to denounce Your Highness as a criminal."
Story Fussen.png
"Who are you knaves to call me a criminal!? How dare you talk like that to the nobility--"
Murmansk looked on somewhat smilingly at everyone who is continuously make a fuss. There is plenty of fun to be had in this world without going all the way to an amusement park.
Story Volklingen.png
"Mmm, hmmgh..."
Volklingen turned over, scowling audibly, closely followed by a happy Murmansk.
Story Volklingen.png
"Papa, Mama--"
She must be dreaming of her former memories of her parents. She let out a chirpy sleepy voice with tears in the corners of her eyes.
Story Volklingen.png
"Thank you, I love you so much... I've always wanted to go to an amusement park."
Snow and Ice Neverland Banner.png
T-1 Inside the Pumpkin Carriage
T-2 A Scarecrow's Role
T-3 Uninvited Guests
T-4 Neverland
T-5 Snow and Ice Amusement Park
T-6 Adults' Conjecture
T-7 Fake Happiness
T-8 Descending White Dragon
T-9 The Other Side of Dreamland
T-10 Bloody Survival