Event Scenario/The Other Side of Dreamland

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Snow and Ice Neverland Banner.png
T-1 Inside the Pumpkin Carriage
T-2 A Scarecrow's Role
T-3 Uninvited Guests
T-4 Neverland
T-5 Snow and Ice Amusement Park
T-6 Adults' Conjecture
T-7 Fake Happiness
T-8 Descending White Dragon
T-9 The Other Side of Dreamland
T-10 Bloody Survival
Volklingen and I hopped on the back of the pure white dragon - Cinderella.
Volklingen sat in front of me. I had her on my lap earlier, so I was kind of accustomed to this close contact by now.
Story Volklingen.png
"Hold on tight, Conductor. Leave the steering to me - this is indeed the first time I've ridden a dragon, but I've ridden horses since I was a kid."
'Now, just be careful not to be swept off, I'll control my balance and so on... I'll ascend, just be careful not to bite your tongue."
After giving us the proper warnings, Cinderella flapped her large wings. In an instant -- we were ascending vertically at a speed unmatched by any amusement park attractions.
Story Monster.png
"Mooooooooo, mooooooooooo!"
Immediately afterwards, countless Yeti spring out of the shadows of the surrounding buildings. They still rushed forward to grab us at a speed alarming for their slow and heavy appearance, but --
Story Volklingen.png
Volklingen flipped them the bird alongside more servings of profanities and spits.
The Yetis snarled menacingly, but they can only glare at her as they are unable to grab her. It wasn't long until we have reached such a high altitude that we can almost see the clouds directly below us.
Story Volklingen.png
Volklingen yelled and repeatedly tapped on Cinderella's neck. We are in a hurry, too, but this is so fast that we can't even keep our eyes open - we can't see anything around us, and we can't locate where Murmansk is, she had been entangled and kidnapped by icicles.
Story Cinderella.png
'The air here is very thin, please don't shout too much. You'll faint from lack of oxygen - even I'm not used to flying like this.'
Story Cinderella.png
'The violent turbulence is also harmful to the human body. Flying such long distances unprotected can lead to hypothermia, which is why I came here alone without anyone else on board.'
Story Cinderella.png
'Originally, I would have liked to have brought reinforcements, namely Frau Fussen and the PR department. But it was impossible, and even the greatest dragons in history can't do this.'
"Uhh.... So you're saying Schwester Fussen sent you to come to our rescue?"
Story Cinderella.png
"Yes. The PR people are excellent at intel management, they conducted a site inspection and first roughly determined the location of this 'amusement park'. Then - and only after then - I rushed here to search the surroundings, using my other senses including smell to pinpoint your exact location."
Story Cinderella.png
'You were further away than I expected, so I think it would take some time for the others to get there. My apologies that I'm the only one who can help you for now.'
No problem. You've been very helpful. It's thanks to you, Cinderella, that we were able to track down Murmansk, who's kidnapped, and we were able to slip away from the Yetis on the ground. I would like to award Karlsruhe's group with medals later.
Story Volklingen.png
"That's only after we survive this - no, after we save Murmansk and solve everything! We can't say 'Happily ever after' if that innocent child dies here!"
"...Hmmm. Then it's too late for that, I'm afraid."
Story Volklingen.png
"Eg? What do you mean? Is Murmansk already...?"
'No, she still appears to be safe. I was somewhat worried when I lost sight of her--'
Story Cinderella.png
'I seem to sense a heat signature inside the castle in the middle of the amusement park that seems to belong to her. I'm heading there as fast as I can, so please hold on tight like before.'
Cinderella accelerated, her choice of words subtle. A few seconds later - we stopped suddenly. Almost instantaneously as far as our senses are concerned, we were approaching in front of a castle made of ice.
The Mist Train we usually ride on is a marvelous vehicle, though... Flying dragons are also very useful and amazing, and if this could be utilized for military purposes it would change the whole concept of a battlefield.
Story Cinderella.png
'Well, nobody else can ride us except Frau Fussen, as she can communicate and make contracts with monsters. This is a special one-time exception that I have granted you all on board this time.'
Once Cinderella stopped, the surrounding scenery finally came into view. The amusement park, all formed by ice, is silent and terribly eerie. It looks beautiful, like jewellery painstakingly created by giants.
The warmth of life is all but absent. Consciousless Yetis roam like insects in the crevices of the huge, cold, dry ice structures.
Story Volklingen.png
"...We're going in."
Volklingen tore her gaze away from the amusement park and placed her left palm on the castle in front of him. At the same time, she drew her right hand backwards and--
Story Volklingen.png
Her fist fired like a cannonball and gouged through the thick ice castle wall!
As the shattered ice glistens, she rushed into the castle, still mounted on Cinderella. The interior is dark and made entirely of ice, so it's as cold as if we were inside a freezer.
Story Volklingen.png
"Is Murmansk really inside here? If this is 'All just a prank sis~☆', I'm going to roast you on a spit later - Cinderella."
"Hmmhmm, Frau Fussen would say something similar too, clearly you are descended from the same noble family - you sound very much alike."
Story Volklingen.png
"Hmph. Well, I do admire her. Aristocracy has been abolished in my country, but she's always arrogant without a care in the world, you know?"
Story Volklingen.png
"She's kept her head high and laughed haughtily, doing whatever she pleases. I wished I could have been like her, but--?
"Vaaaah, vaaaah."
Suddenly, a strange sound echoed from the depths of the darkness. It sounded much like the cry of a Yeti, but dozens of times heavier, cold and eerie than that... It is like a vicious blizzard that freezes all creatures to death.
Story Volklingen.png
"What? Is something out there?"
Volklingen paled and braced herself, but it's too late - The surrounding walls and the floor protruded, becoming icicles and closing in on us.
Story Volklingen.png
Volklingen quickly leapt off Cinderella and took evasive action by rolling on the floor. But no one but her could react -- Cinderella and I were struck by an icicle and collapsed.
Story Volklingen.png
"Conductor, Cinderella...!?"
Something advanced towards us with a mocking voice as we groaned in pain. Volklingen frowned while glaring in our direction.
Story Volklingen.png
"What the fuck is this thing...?"
Slowly, a giant woman - an ice sculpture with said outlines appeared. It somehow resembled the Ice Knights I previously encountered in Lake Baikal, perhaps the same type of monster?
It is so huge that I had to look up at it. Its feminine limbs are glamorous, but for some reason its head is missing, as if it had been cut off from the middle of the neck. From its back grow countless icicles, large and small, like wings.
Furthermore, there is a beautiful yet terrible 'ice flower' blooming in the position where the head would be if it were a human body. It was writhing strangely and emitted a strange pungent odour.
An icy, freak... The being with its painfully missing head, is gradually approaching us with its voice like a blizzard. Not to mention--
Story Volklingen.png
It's too dark to see clearly, but I can see that Murmansk is trapped inside the ice flower that bloomed where the head of the being should be.
Ice Goddess Sculpture
Story Murmansk.png
Murmansk was unconscious and there's no response to our repeated calls to her. She is lying inside there, trapped between translucent ice petals, slowly freezing to death.
Story Cinderella.png
'Ggh... Please take caution, Frau Volklingen'.
Cinderella moaned as she collapsed to the floor and struggled to get up.
Story Cinderella.png
'According to deductions from the PR Department. This 'amusement park' seems to be a nest of horrid monsters. The monsters build a fun amusement park and lock up people who wander into it...'
Story Cinderella.png
'If it doesn't have enough food, it will order its inhabitants to kidnap its children. They then weaken their 'guests' with low temperatures and fatigue before preying on them. They seem to be quite picky about their preferences and sometimes let their food escape half-intentionally.'
Story Cinderella.png
The 'guests' who escape then spread rumours about a strange amusement park in the middle of the land of ice and snow. Those who learn of the rumours and are curious may come looking for the amusement park and wander into it.'
Story Volklingen.png
"Hmmm, so a spider's web that catches humans eh? Or perhaps a insectivorous plant. What a weird life form... Are you saying this creepy ice sculpture there is our monster?"
Story Cinderella.png
'Likley. Furthermore, as I am a monster myself, I can make some rather unfavourable assumptions. Some monsters 'produce' their own offspring by taking other creatures into their womb, or manipulating their genes, and so on."
Story Cinderella.png
'Perhaps the many Yeti that roam the amusement parks then, are...'
Story Volklingen.png
"Oh, forget it. I'm not stupid, I know what you mean."
Story Volklingen.png
"Hmph. Good for you Murmansk, you got your Mama you wanted."
Story Murmansk.png
Murmansk convulsed inside the ice flower on the ice sculpture just as Volklingen was being sarcastic. Ice tubes (stamens?) are protruding from all over her body, and it seems her body is beginning to mutate around them.
If she remains there, Murmansk would be genetically tampered with and altered -- Will she be transformed into a hairy Yeti? Naturally, I'd rather die to prevent such a worst-case scenario.
Story Volklingen.png
"Conductor, Cinderella, step back for a second. You two've been wounded by the blow - I'm still unharmed and only I can fight, and I can heal instantly if I'm wounded. This is all a pain in the ass, but I'll do it."
Volklingen showed her most serious expression I have ever seen, and readied to engage in combat. Perhaps reacting to her deadly intent, the ice goddess sculpture snarled and raised the icicles on its back.
Ice Goddess Sculpture
Story Volklingen.png
"I wonder if this parent thinks this is all very cute, even if it's a child they've forced as their own. It's so very cheeky and threatening with its 'you can't take my child away from me' attitude."
Story Volklingen.png
"But. Unfortunately, you won't get what you want. I'll take her home with us. I'll take her back to a place where she'll have a warm family, even if her Papa and Mama are gone."
Story Volklingen.png
"-You have a problem with that?"
Snow and Ice Neverland Banner.png
T-1 Inside the Pumpkin Carriage
T-2 A Scarecrow's Role
T-3 Uninvited Guests
T-4 Neverland
T-5 Snow and Ice Amusement Park
T-6 Adults' Conjecture
T-7 Fake Happiness
T-8 Descending White Dragon
T-9 The Other Side of Dreamland
T-10 Bloody Survival