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The Academy is the train knight military base of the Special Steel Squad, established in St. Iris. It was built before the originally planned amusement park and casino, and has become the town's focal point.

Ancient Great Blood

A special bloodline that is inherited only by Eisengradian nobility. Those who have this bloodline have little difficulty in extreme cold, subzero temperatures. As described by Fussen, the sensation of ice is "no different to a cozy tea party". People with Ancient Great Blood also appears to have additional abilities on top of cold tolerance.

Known people who possess Ancient Great Blood:

  • Fussen - Able to forcefully control weaker Mist Monsters against their will via blood/lifeforce manipulation.
  • Volklingen - Extreme regeneration and can survive fatal wounds, practically unkillable even if her body is crushed (Undying Pride) or impaled (Snow and Ice Neverland).
  • Munich - Amplified sense of smell.


Banská Mines

The Banská Mines of the Banská Mountain is the largest mine north of Flamarine, far away from the Flamarine Sea, and thus is subject to the dangers of the Phantom Mist. The Banská Mines is the location where Stia lives since childhood.

Reports of casualties in the Banská Mines are not uncommon, due to the Phantom Mist spawning without warning and easily incapacitating unarmed miners, resulting in either death, disappearance, or insanity. However, the majority of poor Flamarinians work for their living as it is rich in minerals and precious stones, and thus the tradeoff is worth risking their lives for.

It is later in the Metro Iris Story Arc that it was found that Metro Flamarine also has the Banska Mines, connected upwards to the surface, making the mines significantly larger than the both the subterranean and surface dwellers believed, resulting in their shock in understanding the sheer size of the mine.

Putra's mother is fond of the Banská mines despite her status as a middle-class Flamarinian who has access to the sea, and she met the Fairy Spirit of the cave while she was pregnant with Putra, and thus the Fairy Spirit immediately recognized the daughter's shared blood, calling it a reunion.

Brocéliande Forest

Brocéliande forest is the name of the main region of the country of Verforet and Vivienne's hometomn. The forest is divided between the calmer West Brocéliande, where most residents of Verforet settle, and East Brocéliande, which is significantly more dangerous and restricted to authorized personnel only due to the frequent occurrence of Mist Monster attacks and Phantom Mist incidents. East Brocéliande is guarded by the scouts of the Verforet Gendarmerie, while the West is handled by forest rangers.



The casino is an entertainment facility that exists near the Academy. It is intended to revitalize the area and, at the casino's request, Las Vegas is the dealer. The casino is accessible in-game offering poker + high-low, roulette, and train knight racing.


Confrontation between Batu (left) and Canaria (right).

Canaria is a Resistance executive. She is described as a violent, remorseless woman who debuted in Part 1, Chapter 13. She often introduces herself as "Canaria, the very dangerous canary 'ere," whenever she makes her appearance to the displeasure of the protagonists. She's a radical among the Resistance executives, belonging to the extremist sect, and she uses any means necessary to achieve her goals, such as freely manipulating gates to summon weapons and the ability to control robotic machinery, using a mixture of magic and technology.

Her motives for her actions are due to her obsession and fetishism with machinery, as she believes that the ancient steel weapons and robotics are the answer to all the problems and Mist Monsters Iris Cloud is facing, as they can be automated to fight Mist Monsters (and undesirable individuals) upon contact with the Phantom Mist. However, as the weapons are all sourced from the poisonous Mist, her goals gradually turned into removing the beneficial Giant Tree Mist and keeping the harmful poisonous Mist, and finally branched off into her sub-faction Resistance upon dissolution after the Resistance leader went insane.

Canaria's age is unknown, but is younger than the senior Resistance executives Yuuzen and Queenrose. The latter two describes her as a "childlish brat who bullies weaker people and avoids fighting the strong". Despite this, Canaria is extremely skilled in combat. Batu is able to sense how powerful she is on their first contact, and warned Conductor's team that some of them will die if they decide to fight Canaria head on.


Dark Continent

The Dark Continent is located south of the Iris Cloud continent, where dark elves are known to live here. Most of the region is unexplored as the Phantom Mist problem is significantly harsher than Iris Cloud. It was first properly explored in event, The Travels to the Dark Continent. The continent has a mountainous terrain, mostly desert climate with very few jungles.

The jungles are where most of the natives forage for the few resources available, but do not venture too deep as it's considered the sacred lands of the Samantha. Samanthas are known to manifest in the Phantom Mists of the Dark Continent, and some tribes worship the Samanthas as gods, sending willing sacrifices deep into the jungle to feed them in return.

The Dark Continent is a reference to real life continent of Africa, south of Europe.

Dark Elf

Dark elves are a variant of elves not native to the Iris Cloud Continent, but to the Dark Continent south of the Flamarine Sea. As the Dark Continent lacks resources, dark elves in ancient times travel to Iris Cloud to raze and pillage villages and towns for resources and survival, living a barbarian lifestyle.

Because of the Phantom Mist and their lifestyle, dark elves over the ages have developed superhuman physical strength, demonstrated notably by Carthage even though she claims she's born weak due to premature birth. This strength is also showcased by Whisper and Addis Ababa.

Dark elves do not have a verbal language, instead their language is communicated using body gestures and hand signs, and are known to have multiple dialects depending on region and body movement context. Because of this, there are no written records by dark elves whatsoever, and only biased accounts from the Iris Cloud natives stating them as savage barbarians. Carthage is devoted to becoming the first dark elf historian to record her races' legacy, and Addis Ababa learnt (begrudgingly) to speak Iris Cloud language as an ambassador to spread the greatness of her dark elven culture.

The Dark elf thematic seems to be a mix between Africans and ancient Carthaginians.



Incomplete map of Eisengrad.

The country of snow and steel. The region has a vast region of snowfields with a subarctic climate, and of the five main countries, is the most dangerous with an extremely high incidence of Phantom Mist on the Iris Cloud Continent.

As a result of focusing on the defense of the country against this threat, Eisengrad has the world's most powerful military. However, the country is struggling financially due to its huge military spending as well as a lack of resource revenues other than minerals, and there are quite a number of skeptics against their continued investment as part of the Special Steel Squad (SSS) Alliance.

The military spending is justified, as the land of Eisengrad has to handle the consistent problem of the "White Winds" - a demonically enchanted blizzard that infects human victims into undead Mist Monsters with some resemblance of human intelligence left. There are no known ways to reverse this infection other than simply killing the infected. Yakutsk's former instructor, and also Khabarovsk's sister, Volochayevka, perished in this incident protecting the other cadets during an unfortunate field training, facing a nearly endless wave of Wandering Lives.

The government of Eisengrad is currently a republic, unlike other countries which are led by the royalty, though it was formerly monarchy until they are peacefully dethroned by Eisengradian citizens following a revolution not dissimilar to the Russian White Revolution as the country's politics was very corrupted to the point of near financial ruin. Former nobility like Fussen doubled down on her heritage in deviance to the change of government, while others like Volklingen filed bankruptcy.

Eisengrad's aesthetic is that of Russian Siberian snow and German industrial areas steel. The standard military uniforms of Eisengradian soldiers are Russian-style with a white cossack hat, with black as their primary color, in order to have a high contrast visibility to identify fellow allies when fighting the snowy plains and during very thick Mist, though some of the uniforms have German or Chinese designs mixed in.

Eisengradian language is equivalent to German.

Ezo Prison

Ezo Prison is the largest prison in the world, where the Abashiri family has long been the chief wardens. It is located between Eisengrad and the northern frontier of Nishiki. It is famous as an extremely cold prison from which escape is impossible, and there are so far no known escaped convicts.

Ezo Prison is a direct reference to Abashiri Prison, the coldest and northernmost prison in Japan, and was the former high security prison. The difference however, is that there is only one known convict who escaped Abashiri Prison - Yoshie Shiratori.



Fort Loren

Fort Loren is a stronghold on northern Eisengrad, known to have a very high casualty rate even for Eisengrad's veteran soldiers. Fort Loren had some of the bloodiest battles in history where it was swarmed by Wandering Lives and the White Wind. At one point, resources and reinforcements were cut off and the Eisengradian soldiers left to maintain the siege had to resort to eating rats and any grass they can find. It was at this point where Volgo got her honor as "The Death God of Fort Loren" with her high number of kills defending the remaining survivors.

Fort Loren is still under minor sieges to this day, though soldiers assigned to this fort are able to do rotations maintaining their foothold, preventing monsters from going past Eisengradian border walls.

Fort Loren takes some inspiration from the Great Wall of China, walling off Mist Monsters akin to barbarians in Ancient China, but the main aesthetic takes heavy references to Stalingrad in World War 2. The Battle of Stalingrad was the deadliest battle to take place during the Second World War, with an estimated 2 million total casualties.


Gate Magic

A highly advanced magical method of transportation, creating a portal to the user's desired location of choice that connects two locations together. Only the top executives and the leader of the Resistance are able to cast this magic.

According to the executive testimonials, anyone can obtain the gate's powers by wandering around in the Phantom Mist long enough, however most people perished before they are able to learn it.

It is also possible to create a huge gate that leads to another world by combining the Elrond family's Divine Child magic with a foreign object that is from another world.

Giant Tree

General term for giant trees growing on the borders of the five countries. Each tree is surrounded by a sea of Mist, making it dangerous just to approach. Breathing gets increasingly difficult the deeper one approaches to the tree, and people who does not have enough magic to resist the Mist's pressure can succumb mentally.

The trees are what we might call the guardian deities of the Iris Cloud, releasing their beneficial Mist that neutralizes the poisonous Mist that spreads from other universes that break into Iris Cloud. However, all the trees have been poisoned and weakened over the years and are weakening, especially the St. Iris tree, which is so badly contaminated that it is in danger of collapsing.

Towards the end of Story Arc 1, the SSS realizes that the moderate sects of the Resistance are right all along, and they are not supposed to clear all Mist, as the beneficial versions of the Mist are the tree's self defense mechanism and do not actively harm humans.


Harz Academy of Magic

Harz Academy of Magic.jpg

The academy where Wernigerode and Quedlinburg studied and graduated together from, as well as the academy where Goslar teaches her students on subject regarding Dream Magic.


Iris Cloud

Iris Cloud is the continent that exists in this world, and is the main setting of the storyline. So far the Mist Train can only come and go within this continent at present.

The five main countries in Iris Cloud are St. Iris, Nishiki, Eisengrad, Verforet and Flamarine. Each of the five countries have their own World Tree, each protected by a Divine Child.


Credits to the Japanese Fan Discord for deciphering the alphabet.

Irish is one of the alternate alphabets for the English dialect that's used in the universe of Mist Train Girls. While the English alphabet does exist in Mist Train Girls, Irish is more common. Examples of Irish can be seen in Waterloo (The Loneliness Found Within a Pillow), Alexandra (Late for the Masquerade), and Karamachi (Delivering Memories) Special Skill.

Iron Injection

Iron Injection is the process of magic supply transfer from the Conductor, who is a Divine Child, to a train knight. The more parts of the conductor's body that are in contact with the Train Knight's body, the more efficient the supply will be.

Simply staying near the Conductor is enough to have some form of regeneration, as explained by Roswell in the Abashiri Prison story, though having contact physically yields better results.

The Conductor usually injects a train knight by holding hands, crossing his arms or having the train knight sit on his lap.



The famous lawless, red-light district of Metro Nishiki in the Metro Iris universe. Susukino was spirited to this place and separated from her blood sister Abashiri.


The shopkeeper who can be found on the Store page in this game. She is characterised by her recognizable Nishiki dialect, slow speech, and her outfit. Her ears and tail are fake due to a problem with her losing her blessings from the Divine Beast God of Nishiki.


Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal is a highly dangerous and large region of Eisengrad. The lake is mostly frozen and is covered by the Phantom Mist.

Lake Baikal is split into several sectors by numbers as per the Eisengrad Republic, with the zones getting progressively more dangerous as personnel go deeper into the Mist. Sector Ten is the safest, few people went as far as Sector Four, while nobody has ever reached Sector One.

Tayshet is the only person to go as deep as Sector Two.

Lake Baikal is a direct mirror to the real life Lake Baikal, known as the deepest lake in the world.

Lake Bijoux

Known as the most beautiful lake in Metro Iris, where Annecy lives and guards closely.

Lake Bijoux is a direct mirror to the real life Lake Annecy, known as "Europe's cleanest lake".

Lippia City


Maginot Line

Mermaid Blood

A special bloodline that is inherited only by Flamarinian nobility. Those who have this bloodline can breathe underwater and talk with marine creatures. The drawback of Mermaid Blood however, is that lack of water availability will weaken the individual greatly, and a person with Mermaid Blood dehydrates significantly quicker than any other normal person.

Known people who possess Mermaid Blood:

Mistism Cult

Karamachi held hostage.

The Mistism Cult is an organization that was formerly mentioned and recognized from the beginning, but makes their first appearance in the second Eisengrad Saga of the first series. The gospel of the Mistism cult is to coexist with the Phantom Mist and to find a new frontier within it, where the unbelievers of the cult will perish instead. The Mistism Cult is the third force that are enemies against both the Special Steel Squad (SSS) and the Resistance, as the SSS wants to rid all Mist while the Resistance wants to keep some Mist and not all.

The only notable person who made an appearance in the story, other than the cultists, was a Mistism leader. Karamachi was a former Mistism spy, but left it out of spite after repeated fake promises that she'll have her beast traits back (source of Nishikese sorcery).


Night Butterfly

Nishikese Dolls

Dolls made in Nishiki are very different from other countries. Made by doll masters, Nishikese dolls have souls and can communicate. When a doll is given to their master, often little girls, the dolls bond with their master as their companion, and will follow them to their deaths.

Nishikese dolls are known to grow hair, as confirmed by Yoshino, and it's so their owners can care for their dolls lovingly.

Nishikese Dolls have to be buried along with their masters in a ritual if they were to be able to pass on to the afterlife, which unfortunately the Yumiharizuki Dolls, Nene and Nana, are not able to do, and thus dolls like these are stuck in Ningyou Jigoku (Doll Hell) forever.



Ooe Big Four

Ooe Big Four. From left to right: Karakawa, Shimoamazu, Ooenomiya, Amanohashidate, Futamata

This is the collective name for the four great families - Shimoamazu, Futamata, Karakawa, and Amanohashidate, who, together with their master Ooenomiya, contained the great evil oni that once appeared on Mount. Ooe. With the exception of Ooenomiya, who is immortal due to a curse inflicted for her that's intended for an oni but she is a kijin. The current Ooe Big Four belonging to the Special Steel Squad are the Second Generation to assume the title.

Of the first generation of the Ooe Big Four, the only member who is still alive is Shimoamazu's mother, Shimoamazu the First. The other members sacrificed their lives to defeat Daiyaki, the great demon who nearly destroyed Nishiki. At the time, there was a ceromony to celebrate Amanohashidate's birth, but her parents were killed by Daiyaki and the baby was abducted, causing Ooenomiya to gather her first generation of followers to save her.

Daiyaki was eventually beheaded, but he had casted a lingering possession curse so that his soul can latch on to another kijin or oni to become the second Daiyaki again, which is Ooenomiya. Should he succeed, Nishiki will be gone.

Shimoamazu I in her split second decision was forced to seal Daiyaki into the infant Amanohashidate, the very person they sacrificed their lives to save. Seeing the grave sin she has committed to ruin a child's future, Shimoamazu I behaved very differently from that day onwards and resolved to forever shut herself inside a rock cave for the rest of her life while mastering her art. This cave is called Shimoamazu no Iwato. Ooenomiya has noted that her mental state is "not quite right".

Amanohashidate is still the current vessel containing Daiyaki's soul at present, with Shimoamazu II being her guardian and gatekeeper in case of emergency, and precautions to not stress out Amanohashidate.

The Ooe Big Four serve as the face of the Nishiki Army, and each one of them are extremely skilled in combat, rivalled only possibly by the Nishiki elite special task force, the Tsukiyo Banshuu. Notably, the Big Four has an event based after them - World Order ~Challenge by the Ooe Big Four~.

The Ooe Big Four is a direct reference to Demon King Shutendoji's Heavenly Four. This theme is also used extensively in the Pokémon games as the Elite Four and the Champion.

Oshioki Prison

Oshioki Prison (おしおき部屋, lit. Punishment Prison) is a facility for incarcerating military discipline violators of the Special Steel Squad. It is located right next to the Train Knight Academy. Like Ezo Prison, it is managed and operated by Abashiri. The Resistance members and political prisoners are also imprisoned here.

Through the arrangement and authority of the Conductor, the punishment is lighter than that of ordinary prisons, and some freedoms such as freedom of attire are allowed. However, contrary to the cuteness of its name, the prison has a state-of-the-art security system that keeps a close eye on its prisoners, and they are kept in confinement until their sentences expire.


The Special Task Force of the Order of St. Iris. The Out-Siders is only a common name, and its official name is unknown (according to Fayette, "its existence is not officially recognized," so it may not even have an official name to begin with).

The Out-Siders is a unit that fights on the frontlines in secret, and they are only deployed to missions predicted to have very high threat levels. Fayette, Finchley and Blackfriar have been confirmed as members, and Detroit is a potential new member. The failure rate to be a recruit of the Out-Siders is extremely high due to its strict and gruesome doctrine, which is necessary when dealing with extremely dangerous threats such as the Wandering Lives, and the Yellow and White Winds.


Phantom Mist

A magical mist-like chaos or abyss that occurs in this universe. Wherever the Mist manifests, there are also Mist monsters. The Mist appears to have the ability to distort time and space to create illusions with substance. It is even possible to eat and drink from the food in the illusion.

It is said that those who are recognized as the Divine Children of the House of Elrond are told that if they clear the Mist, they are able to summon objects from other universes, but the truth is unknown.

There are two types of Mist: The first version is a poisonous Mist brought from other universes via magical gates, and the other version is a mist generated by Giant Trees that must not be cleared in order to suppress the poison. One of the Resistance's objectives is to suppress the spread of this poisonous fog, and their motives initially are incompatible with the Special Steel Squad, which works to clear all Mist, the latter not understanding the grave consequences until the end of Book 1.



The first Resistance executive to appear in front of the Special Iron Squad in the main storyline. On the first time she debuted, she demonstrates her overwhelming strength by instantly killing the Steel Seekers, where the Special Steel Squad managed to defeat one barely with their all-out attacks. She also effortlessly shielded and deflecting out Vivienne's magic that she casted in out of control, hysterical strength subconsciously, which would have killed Vivienne's friends were it not deflected, as the magic completely eradicated everything in its area like a thermal bomb.

Her true name is Mary Rosegarden, who was one of St. Iris finest and most skilled knights, and was formerly reported disappeared for years and never returned. Queenrose is the only one of the few knights who is bestowed a decorative sword by the St. Irish royalty, which can be seen as the equivalent of the Victoria Cross in the United Kingdom or Medal of Honor in North America.

Mary also has another alias called 'Rosa', who was Queensway's former handmaiden during her childhood. She has influenced both Queensway and King's Cross to stop having the outdated, traditional mindset of how a woman should behave in society and have their act together, and this was part of the reason why she was eventually fired by Queensway's parents for her "toxic" teachings to their only child.



Ricardo Trevithick

The name of Conductor's mother. According to Paddington, "She is a hero of the Allied Forces whose military exploits were innumerable. The greatest Divine Child ever, who designed the Mist Train, able to control it, and laid the foundations for the formation of the Special Steel Squad."

Ricardo Trevithick disappeared after building the Mist Train, and was later found out to only by Conductor's squadron to be the leader of the Resistance, the organization who figured out the trust of the Mist, but their findings were dismissed by the five countries as mere nonsense due to the dangers of the Mist.


Saint Iris

Incomplete map of St. Iris.

Commonly shortened to St. Iris, the country of peace and iris clouds. The state is located in a relatively safe region of the Iris Cloud continent, where the influence of the Phantom Mist is less pronounced. The St. Iris government is a monarchy headed by a queen, and is characterized by a culture that places great importance on chivalry and courtesy. In fact, the name of their military organization is called the Order of St. Iris.

St. Iris is also a country with a high religious authority, to the extent that the country is named after the savior 'Iris the Saint', though religious freedom is enjoyed by the people's nation, and thus Paddington, a Divine Child of St. Iris, is not particularly despised when she paid her first visits to other countries.

The Forest of St. Iris is home to a family of witches who are a branch descended from the family of the Divine Children. Salem is from this forest. Witchcraft however, is a taboo in St. Iris due to the nature of black magic, and witches are until recently prosecuted harshly if discovered.

The western region of St. Iris was devastated by the disaster caused by the meteorite fall, and has become a crucible of lawlessness and vice, and security is appallingly poor. Human trafficking is a problem St. Iris still faces to this day, where women captured by the mafia are resold as slaves. Former victims include Roswell, Las Vegas and Tombstone.

The northern region of St. Iris was formerly a very well developed town with a good industry, but it too was devastated by a different incident termed "The Yellow Wind" (the Eisengrad version is termed "The White Wind"). Detroit is one of the few survivors of that tragedy, having to forced to kill her own father and countless others who became one of the Wandering Lives, a very dangerous version of Mist where it infects humans into undead Mist Monsters, with some resemblance of human intelligence left.

St. Iris' aesthetic is that of Britain and the United States of America. The standard issue military uniform is a white, naval style outfit.


Samanthas on the left and right.

Also known as the "Ghost of the Mist". but is actually an unidentified being that is neither a person, demon, nor spirit. At least in appearance, Samantha takes the appearance of a masked girl wearing a cloak. Samantha appears in places where Phantom Mist is formed and has been seen in many parts of the world, always alerting their presence with an ominous ringing of a bell.

According to Shimoamazu, they are very sensitive and easily influenced by people's minds, and will look into the minds of those who confront them, so it is important to remain calm, not to panic, not to make a fuss, and not to get involved, for if the Samanthas detect wavering emotions, they will consider directly attacking their victims. Samanthas eventually will decide to leave and torment other individuals instead once they've lost interest.

Samantha quizzes Victoria with a riddle she cannot refuse.

Blackfriar has also probed the intelligence of a Samantha when she encountered one, and found that they are able to read and figure out what humans think without them saying a single word. The Samantha she probed even noted that Samantha intelligence also varies depending on region, some of them are more monstrous than others. The team also encountered another Samantha, with magic so overwhelming that the Samantha only allowed the half-elf Victoria to move freely and answer a life-or-death riddle she posed.

Samantha is unpredictable - Every individual Samantha responds to people differently, some more hostile than others (though will still won't attack directly unless triggered, unlike Steel Seekers). Sometimes the Samantha does absolutely nothing and leaves humans be, however there have been cases where an entire military division (contingent of 10,000 soldiers) is killed by a single Samantha, and because of this, combat against Samanthas are almost always avoided. Many of the individuals that appear in Eisengrad are said to attack people and cause them harm, such as by illusions.


A scene in the Starry Forest Ornament event with Freiburg, Bourse and Rennes.

Schwarzwald in Eisengradian language, more commonly known as the Black Forest in St. Irish language, is a famous forest in the Eisengrad region known formerly for its extremely high quality wood, which is military grade for both physical and magical weapons. The forest is featured in the Starry Forest Ornament story. Freiburg and her former parents are currently the known guardians of Schwarzwald.

Due to a freak Phantom Mist incident where a demonically enchanted rain melted an entire squadron of Eisengradian soldiers into nothing while they are investigating a weapons factory incident in Schwarzwald, it is now mostly off-limits to unauthorized personnel, and Eisengrad no longer manufactures and exports their wood products. The incident was then determined to be divine retribution by the locals as humans did not respect the black forest with uncontrolled industrialism.

Schwarzwald is a direct reference to the real life Schwarzwald forest in Germany.

Shahara Desert

The Shahara Desert is a vast desert region north of Flamarine, and is where most of the poorer Flamarinians live. It is said that this place was formerly ruled by the Children of the Sand, a race with an affinity for sand, a very long time ago, and there were many royal and beautifully crafted buildings and monuments. However, the kingdom was long since destroyed and the race was wiped out. The modern humans all present in Iris Cloud are Children of the Sea, with an affinity to water.

The desert is mostly unexplored due to the Phantom Mist, though it is known that there are underground dungeons and tombs beneath the sands, some filled with treasure (Zouérat and Las Vegas stories).

Skanda Mercenaries

An elite group of mercenaries where they are based in the Skanda Cave of Flamarine. Batu is one of the known members. The Skanda Mercs are a fighting group with expertise in interpersonal combat and their activities are not confined to the Flamarine area. It is known that their services are sometimes requested and paid for by the country of Eisengrad and Nishiki for particular missions that they require extra reinforcements with.

Skanda, also known as Karthikeya, Subrahmanya, Shanmukha, and Murugan, is the Hindu god of war, and the Skanda Mercenaries is a reference to the Batu Caves temple in Malaysia, visited annually by devout followers during the Thaipusam Festival.

Special Steel Squad

Often abbreviated as the "SSS". It is a large alliance jointly funded by the five countries of the Iris Cloud Continent, and is composed of competent train knights from each country. The SSS's main objective is to investigate reported Phantom Mist outbreaks and to deal with any Mist Monsters throughout the Continent of Iris Cloud. The academy located inside St. Iris, which serves as their base of operations, is a military school where they can receive not only military training, but also a general education curriculum.

Steel Seeker

The team faces off the lone Steel Seeker.

A monster with a female-form that appears in deep inside the Phantom Mist and usually staying near railway tracks. While not as powerful as a Samantha, a Steel Seeker is still extremely threatening, and has the ability to generate more Phantom Mist. Steel Seekers are very aggressive, actively hunting down Train Knights within line of sight.

Swim Club

One of the club activities that exist in the Train Knight Academy. Awilda is the head of the club and Conductor is the vice-president (forced). Swimming is counted as a very special skill because the only country bordering the sea is the country of Flamarine. Awilda is considered an eccentric character, who invites everyone she meets to join the swimming club.


Train Knight

A warrior with the ability and magic to oppose and combat Mist Monsters. Train knights can handle monsters that regular infantry is unable to do so thanks to their innate magical abilities, and sufficient mental fortitude to withstand the Phantom Mist's intense pressure to a human mind.

Tsukiyo Banshuu

The elite covert military division of the country of Nishiki. To put it bluntly, the division consists of ninjas. It is said that the agents are highly skilled (stronger than veterans like Finchley), and seem to be highly respected by military officials of other countries. The current leader of the Tsukiyo Banshuu is Ohana, despite her officially retired status in the army. Known members so far are Kinugawa and Nikkou.



Incomplete map of Verforet.

The country of fresh greenery and magic. A large area of the country is surrounded by forests, and many ancient ruins are scattered among them.

Verforet's aesthetic is that of a forested area of France or Italy. Verforench natives are all elves, which are commonly associated with forests. The Verforench uniform is red based British Army style (King's Guard). Of the five uniforms, Verforench uniforms fully cover bare skin, likely for protection against the foliage of Verforet from cuts or poisons while traversing through the forests and trees.

Politics within Verforet revolve around these notable figureheads like Termini, who has discovered immortality thanks to her findings on alchemy, and while it's beautiful on the surface, is deep down very corrupted. Bribery and political assassinations aren't uncommon and are worse than Eisengrad's (such as in the stories of Blanche, An Angel in the Isolation Ward, Lippia Giant Monster, and Magical School Trip in the City of Ashes).

The main military of Verforet is called the Verforet Gendarmerie, which also doubly functions as peacekeepers within the nation from petty crimes aside from their main task to fend of Phantom Mist Monsters. There are also more elite groups, such as the Forestiers and the Unité Magique.

Verforench language is equivalent to French.



Whisper is a dark elf woman of the Doc Squad, serving as Dr. Gloria's cloak and dagger, and has a trusting relationship with her akin to family. Whisper had some major traumas in her past involving her deceased sister and is a fugitive wanted by all five countries for the crimes she has committed, namely causing havoc by murdering Samanthas within sight which unleashes a terrible curse in said region of incident, causing unwanted casualties. Her real name is Arusha before joining the Doc Squad.

White Wind


Yellow Wind


Zeroth Generation

"Generation Zero" Team is used to refer to formerly a group of soldiers who are the predecessors to the Special Steel Squad (SSS). Finchley, Ohana and Blackfriar are the currently known members of this unit. The elite members were recruited from various countries on a trial basis and trained in preparation for the completion of the Mist Train.

There was an incident that occurred during their field training, in which they encountered the Phantom Mist, and almost all members of that unit were killed in the ordeal. Finchley sees it as her biggest sin and has never forgiven herself for getting her friends killed.