Adelaide (Stoked Punching)

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Adelaide (Stoked Punching)
Base Adelaide Adelaide (Stoked Punching) render.png
Japanese [元気印のパンチング] アデレード
Release Date 2022 April 1
Rarity S
Type Trickster
Weapon Weapon Gauntlet.png Gauntlet
Growth Preference RCV/LUK
Adelaide (Stoked Punching) sprite.gif

G'day! I'm Adelaide, the kangaroo girl from M. Flamarine! My ears 'n tail are not accessories, they're fair dinkum. I'm goin' ta hone my kickboxin' skills 'n one day I'll become a strong warrior. It's my mission 'n dream ta protect the forest 'n animals from ta Mist!

Obtained from:

Base Train Knight:

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